Ron Paul downsizes campaign, returns to fight for seat.

Caucus's favor extreme people, as Damo has said before. That's why Paul always did so well in caucus. He couldn't even begin to match it in a real primary though.

However, saying that his showing wasn't amazing is in denial. When RP was getting sometimes in the 15%, even if it is at a caucus, it is a better showing than ever for people with libertarian ideals. They aren't going away, they like it.
The revolution is not over. I am seeing that many of these groups are starting to morph into groups that will work within the GOP for change. They are now starting to recruit and run candidates around Paul's platform.

That's admirable .. but the GOP already recognizes that it has to change to survive.

Some of what Paul had to say was valid .. but he was the absolute wrong person for the job.
Ron Paul was a huge success for the Libertarian movement to deny that is assinine, more than any "green" movement or far left movements have done in decades and there is no doubt about it. I can't believe how message boards have changed in the last year and how many more people are using those ideas.
I doubt it. He has expanded his base of support, which was already pretty strong. I never gave money to him before but I am prepared to donate to his congressional race if necessary. If not I will put money into campaigns that are modeling his.

He will attract some more concentrated opposition but they are not going to be very motivated.

You can shower and bath him in money, but it doesn't change the truth that HIS MESSAGE is not accepted, nor should it be. You may be excited by him, but the VAST majority of Americans are decidely not.

He's in trouble back in Buttfuck, Texas.