Ron Paul, in his own words:

And all while usc and other Dems who claim to support civil liberties hurl invective at him.

That's not hard to figure out. From a liberal perspective, Ron Paul actually has a very mixed record on civil right. He is indeed correct on patriot act and habeous corpus.

But, his postion on the rights of women, minorities, and gays leaves a lot to be desired.

He voted to ban gay adoption in DC. He's opposes a woman's right to choose. He opposes affirmative action. He doesn't support gays being able to openly serve in the military, etc.

RON PAUL: Rated 67% by the ACLU, indicating a mixed civil rights voting record. (Dec 2002)

So, it shouldn't be rocket science to figure out why liberals don't kneel at the feet of the great Ron Paul, to declare him the greatest civil liberties advocate since martin luther king.

Edit: oh, and he is supportive of the death penalty, at the State level.
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I do not claim to support corporate civil liberties nearly as much as RP does.
Lets just say Your definition of civil liberties and mine differ greatly.

You are so full of shit. If Ron Paul was such a big supporter of "corporate civil liberties" then tell us why the frontrunners of your party get far more of there money from corporations? Where is his corporate media support?

I am sure you will likely back whatever corporate whore your party does, meanwhile throwing meaningless insults at the one guy who will not be bought.
You are so full of shit. If Ron Paul was such a big supporter of "corporate civil liberties" then tell us why the frontrunners of your party get far more of there money from corporations? Where is his corporate media support?

I am sure you will likely back whatever corporate whore your party does, meanwhile throwing meaningless insults at the one guy who will not be bought.

Just because the dems are rented by corporate interests like the Repubs, does not mean anything as far as RP is concerned.

One does not need to buy one already inside the circle.

Diversion aborted.
But, his postion on the rights of women, minorities, and gays leaves a lot to be desired.


He voted to ban gay adoption in DC.

No, he did not. This is an absurd lie.

Congressman Paul's position on gay marriage is that defining and recognizing marriages is not a Federal or constitutional matter, but should be left as the States' right.[30] In 1999 he voted for H.R. 2587 which contained an amendment that sought to prevent the use of Federal funding for the promotion of adoptions of foster children being used to promote joint adoptions by unrelated, unmarried people. There was no mention of gay adoptions in the bill, but the amendment could have been construed to act negatively upon gay couples adopting children in the District of Columbia, and in any event was not present in the final bill.[31]

He voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment in 2004.

He's opposes a woman's right to choose.

Believes it is a state matter.

He opposes affirmative action.

Yeah? Clearly a position of one who supports civil rights.

He doesn't support gays being able to openly serve in the military, etc.

Yeah he does. Here is what he said at his Google interview.

"Don't ask, don't tell doesn't sound all that bad to me because as an employer, I've never asked them [employees] anything and I don't want them to tell me anything."

"So I would say that everyone should be treated equally, and they [gays] shouldn't be discrimated against because of that alone. Which means that even though those words aren't offensive to me, that 'Don't ask, don't tell' don't sound so bad to me, I think the way it's enforced is bad. Because, literally, if somebody is a very, very good individual working for our military--and I met one just the other day in my office, who was a translator--and he was kicked out for really no good reason at all. I would want to change that, I don't support that interpretation."

So, it shouldn't be rocket science to figure out why liberals don't kneel at the feet of the great Ron Paul, to declare him the greatest civil liberties advocate since martin luther king..

I implied it is odd that you spend your time hurling vicious insults at him and, as you do here, lying about him. I did not say you needed to praise him.

Edit: oh, and he is supportive of the death penalty, at the State level.

He is not. Is it a states rights issue? Yes, of course, there is no doubt from any serious person that it is.

This betrays your duplicity. Because he argues that abortion is a state matter while feeling the states should ban it, you argue he is against a woman's choice or opposed to abortion. Because he argues that the death penalty is a state matter while feeling the states should ban it, you argue he supports the death penalty.

Why not argue he supports the war on drugs, liar!
Just because the dems are rented by corporate interests like the Repubs, does not mean anything as far as RP is concerned.

One does not need to buy one already inside the circle.

Diversion aborted.

Lol, that's pathetic.

No it means nothing about RP. It means something about you and whether this is your actual concern.

Be honest, you guys hate Paul because he advocates smaller government.
I do not hate RP. I do not even fear him since he is a political blip.
I agree with him on homeland security and the war. However i think most of the rest of his positions would scare me if he was a serious contender.
I do not hate RP. I do not even fear him since he is a political blip.
I agree with him on homeland security and the war. However i think most of the rest of his positions would scare me if he was a serious contender.

That's fine. Yet you pretend he is no different than Bush and you have repeated that over and over again. To do so demonstrates that you don't believe civil liberties or issues of war are important.
As a member of that left, you are indeed correct. I'm not the slightest bit intrested in his perception of liberty or freedom

Oh, I see. Your version of liberty is inclusive of such legislation as the Patriot Act, 2007 Defense Authorization Act, (lack of) legislation against eminent domain abuse, Dept. Of Homeland Security, Real I.D. Act, McCain-Feingold, etc. Christ, the leadership in the Democratic Party (especially in the debates) has barely spoken out against Bush's gutting of habeas corpus.

You know, the stuff most of the Democratic candidates support, which you'll be happy to vote for to ensure civil liberties. Give me a fucking break.
That's fine. Yet you pretend he is no different than Bush and you have repeated that over and over again. To do so demonstrates that you don't believe civil liberties or issues of war are important.

He is no different from bush where Businesses are concerned.
RP's definition of civil liberties and my definition differ quite a bit.
He is no different from bush where Businesses are concerned.
RP's definition of civil liberties and my definition differ quite a bit.
This is also untrue. If he supported NAFTA, CAFTA, etc. I'd agree, but this just shows an ignorance of his positions.
He is no different from bush where Businesses are concerned.
RP's definition of civil liberties and my definition differ quite a bit.

Sure he is. Damo already mentioned the trade agreements. There are many other issues of protectionism and subsidy where they differ. I have never heard Bush (or any of the Dems either) talk about how banks rip us off.

So what do we have left? Lower taxes and regulations and there is plenty of differences in details there. Like I said, your real concern is that Paul supports limited government.
Dr. Paul opposes corporate welfare and wants to return to the gold standard. He also wants to slash the defense budget and begin a truly defensive foreign policy; that's something the big military contractors will not like. Those are three massive reasons why most of the corporate lobby is not interested in his candidacy.
Yeah and Bush was against nation building too.
My point is that talk is cheap and political ads/speeches are specifically exempt from the truth in advertising laws.
Yeah and Bush was against nation building too.
My point is that talk is cheap and political ads/speeches are specifically exempt from the truth in advertising laws.

Give me a fucking break. Ron Paul votes on what he stands for. He voted against the war, the Patriot Act, all of the destructive shit which Bush has done. What else do you want? He has vociferously been anti-war during the debates. There's nothing else to do but elect the man and let him get on with dismantling our world-cop, daddy-government, Pax Romana leviathan empire morass.
umm not sure on this, but did RP vote against dereglulating the banking industry to allow the current debacle to happen ?

This was pre Bush I believe.
umm not sure on this, but did RP vote against dereglulating the banking industry to allow the current debacle to happen ?

This was pre Bush I believe.

Dude, you support politicians that permit banks to commit FRAUD as a standard part of their business practice. What sort of regulation do you think will prevent disruptions when this is allowed? Forcing taxpayers to bail them out every time they fuck things up?

You are such an idiot. You have no clue about how you are TYRULY being fucked by the rich and how your glorious regulators are providing the vaseline.