Ron Paul Interview on Hacks Hit Piece


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reason: Do you have any response to The New Republic's article about your newsletters?

Ron Paul: All it is--it's old stuff. It's all been rehashed. It's all political stuff.

reason: Why don't you release all the old letters?

Paul: I don't even have copies of them, because it's ancient history.

reason: Do you stand by what appears in the letters? Did you write these...?

Paul: No. I've discussed all of that in the past. It's just old news.

reason: Did the New Republic talk to you before they ran it?

Paul: No, I never talked to them.

reason: What do you think of Martin Luther King?

Paul: Martin Luther King is one of my heroes because he believed in nonviolence and that's a libertarian principle. Rosa Parks is the same way. Gandhi, I admire. Because they're willing to take on the government, they were willing to take on bad laws. So I believe in civil disobedience if you understand the consequences. Martin Luther King was a great person because he did that and he changed America for the better because of that.

reason: You didn't write the derogatory things about him in the letter?

Paul: No.
Charges of racism and bitching Democrats--- engage!

The following people will bitch in this thread while showing hypocrisy:

And from Paul's website...

January 8, 2008 5:28 am EST

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – In response to an article published by The New Republic, Ron Paul issued the following statement:

“The quotations in The New Republic article are not mine and do not represent what I believe or have ever believed. I have never uttered such words and denounce such small-minded thoughts.

“In fact, I have always agreed with Martin Luther King, Jr. that we should only be concerned with the content of a person's character, not the color of their skin. As I stated on the floor of the U.S. House on April 20, 1999: ‘I rise in great respect for the courage and high ideals of Rosa Parks who stood steadfastly for the rights of individuals against unjust laws and oppressive governmental policies.’

“This story is old news and has been rehashed for over a decade. It's once again being resurrected for obvious political reasons on the day of the New Hampshire primary.

“When I was out of Congress and practicing medicine full-time, a newsletter was published under my name that I did not edit. Several writers contributed to the product. For over a decade, I have publically taken moral responsibility for not paying closer attention to what went out under my name.”
‘I rise in great respect for the courage and high ideals of Rosa Parks who stood steadfastly for the rights of individuals against unjust laws and oppressive governmental policies.’

He said that as he was voting against giving her the medal of honor, BTW.
reason: Do you have any response to The New Republic's article about your newsletters?

Ron Paul: All it is--it's old stuff. It's all been rehashed. It's all political stuff.

reason: Why don't you release all the old letters?

Paul: I don't even have copies of them, because it's ancient history.

reason: Do you stand by what appears in the letters? Did you write these...?

Paul: No. I've discussed all of that in the past. It's just old news.

reason: Did the New Republic talk to you before they ran it?

Paul: No, I never talked to them.

reason: What do you think of Martin Luther King?

Paul: Martin Luther King is one of my heroes because he believed in nonviolence and that's a libertarian principle. Rosa Parks is the same way. Gandhi, I admire. Because they're willing to take on the government, they were willing to take on bad laws. So I believe in civil disobedience if you understand the consequences. Martin Luther King was a great person because he did that and he changed America for the better because of that.

reason: You didn't write the derogatory things about him in the letter?

Paul: No.

So Paul's position is that the didn't write any of the rather voluminous pieces that appeared in his newsletters that he is being criticized for?

For those interested, the newsletters have been made available by The New Republic and can be found here:

Keep in mind, though, that even though they are written under Ron Paul's name he didn't write them and hence should be free from all responsibility for them. Anyone who ascribes them to Ron Paul is a lying pimply faced youth. Or something.

Oh, my favorite, given the Ron Paul quote above, is titled "The X-Rated Martin Luther King."
‘I rise in great respect for the courage and high ideals of Rosa Parks who stood steadfastly for the rights of individuals against unjust laws and oppressive governmental policies.’

He said that as he was voting against giving her the medal of honor, BTW.

Water proves himself a hack. Show us the white person that he voted this too.
For those interested, the newsletters have been made available by The New Republic and can be found here:

Keep in mind, though, that even though they are written under Ron Paul's name he didn't write them and hence should be free from all responsibility for them. Anyone who ascribes them to Ron Paul is a lying pimply faced youth. Or something.

Oh, my favorite, given the Ron Paul quote above, is titled "The X-Rated Martin Luther King."

Nope, he is responsible for allowing them to go out. Show us some proof he wrote them? Where has he said or wrote something similar?
Nope, he is responsible for allowing them to go out. Show us some proof he wrote them? Where has he said or wrote something similar?

Well, most of them are written in the first person and called The Ron Paul something or other. I'd say based on that alone that the burden of proof swings back to Ron to prove that he didn't write them.

And aren't you the knucklehead that kept insisting that Clinton had to prove that she didn't plant protesters.
For those interested, the newsletters have been made available by The New Republic and can be found here:

Keep in mind, though, that even though they are written under Ron Paul's name he didn't write them and hence should be free from all responsibility for them. Anyone who ascribes them to Ron Paul is a lying pimply faced youth. Or something.

Oh, my favorite, given the Ron Paul quote above, is titled "The X-Rated Martin Luther King."

During some periods, the newsletters were published by the Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, a nonprofit Paul founded in 1976; at other times, they were published by Ron Paul & Associates, a now-defunct entity in which Paul owned a minority stake, according to his campaign spokesman. The Freedom Report claimed to have over 100,000 readers in 1984. At one point, Ron Paul & Associates also put out a monthly publication called The Ron Paul Investment Letter.

Okay, this is stretching credulity.

Ron Paul had no clue what was being written and published in his own business journals and newsletters?

And even worse, what is he doing allowing these racist whackos to even associate with him, let alone write in his journals?
What is wrong with any of the things he is purported as saying anyway? Blacks run fast? All the best sprinters and running backs are black. The world is controlled by a group of elitist bankers, who have sold the establishment on their fiat currency scheme of world control. That's true too. The jewish religion is based on racism, there is no other interpretation for the concept of "God's Chosen People". But perhaps, he doesn't need by "help" in these matters.
During some periods, the newsletters were published by the Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, a nonprofit Paul founded in 1976; at other times, they were published by Ron Paul & Associates, a now-defunct entity in which Paul owned a minority stake, according to his campaign spokesman. The Freedom Report claimed to have over 100,000 readers in 1984. At one point, Ron Paul & Associates also put out a monthly publication called The Ron Paul Investment Letter.

Okay, this is stretching credulity.

Ron Paul had no clue what was being written and published in his own business journals and newsletters?

And even worse, what is he doing allowing these racist whackos to even associate with him, let alone write in his journals?
So he was an investor in the group, was on the letterhead, had his name on both publications and had NO IDEA WHAT WAS BEING WRITTEN IN HIS NAME? Shit now I see why you want to vote for him. Who doesn't want the CEO of your company or the president of your country to not know what is going on in his name? He's an organizational fricken Genius.
What is wrong with any of the things he is purported as saying anyway? Blacks run fast? All the best sprinters and running backs are black. The world is controlled by a group of elitist bankers, who have sold the establishment on their fiat currency scheme of world control. That's true too. The jewish religion is based on racism, there is no other interpretation for the concept of "God's Chosen People". But perhaps, he doesn't need by "help" in these matters.

I hope you run for president some day. You are the truth man.