Ron Paul Interview on Hacks Hit Piece

I hope you run for president some day. You are the truth man.

Thanks AWC. I fear I'll never get that far. I'll be arrested for my thought crimes one day. I don't care though. it's worth it if just a few more people are informed of the dark vision our elites have in store for us all. It truly will not be a world worth being in.
Well, most of them are written in the first person and called The Ron Paul something or other. I'd say based on that alone that the burden of proof swings back to Ron to prove that he didn't write them.

And aren't you the knucklehead that kept insisting that Clinton had to prove that she didn't plant protesters.

No, I never claimed anything of the kind.
During some periods, the newsletters were published by the Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, a nonprofit Paul founded in 1976; at other times, they were published by Ron Paul & Associates, a now-defunct entity in which Paul owned a minority stake, according to his campaign spokesman. The Freedom Report claimed to have over 100,000 readers in 1984. At one point, Ron Paul & Associates also put out a monthly publication called The Ron Paul Investment Letter.

Okay, this is stretching credulity.

Ron Paul had no clue what was being written and published in his own business journals and newsletters?

And even worse, what is he doing allowing these racist whackos to even associate with him, let alone write in his journals?

These are the claims of the article. All the mentions come from the early nineties. Funny they are not spread out.
Thanks AWC. I fear I'll never get that far. I'll be arrested for my thought crimes one day. I don't care though. it's worth it if just a few more people are informed of the dark vision our elites have in store for us all. It truly will not be a world worth being in.

I totally agree. Don't give up. The Ron Paul revolution is here. He's the best chance we have to get rid of a lot of the silly 'progressive' acts and legislation that is keeping our youth down.

If you don't mind me being so foward, are y ou dating anyone?
I totally agree. Don't give up. The Ron Paul revolution is here. He's the best chance we have to get rid of a lot of the silly 'progressive' acts and legislation that is keeping our youth down.

If you don't mind me being so foward, are y ou dating anyone?
Wow a child concieved of this union could REALLY challenge the notion of life at conception.
Wow a child concieved of this union could REALLY challenge the notion of life at conception.

LOL! I know that trolls are welcomed here, but sheesh, the angry white chick is a liberal having some fun at others expense. No?
LOL! I know that trolls are welcomed here, but sheesh, the angry white chick is a liberal having some fun at others expense. No?

Since my first day I've arrived at this board I've been labeled a "troll". I just think that this is a sad day in America when you speak up and provide The Truth people label such childish things. Are you prepared for the browning of America? Think about how our streets and children have detiorated since our grandparents were coming of age. Its time to take America back. The white man has been kept down long enough.

Ron Paul '08