Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
What is so crazy about that? Who does America owe the debt to? The Federal Reserve. Managed by Corporations.
I miss-spoke. He isn't a chairman, or maybe he is, he is a board member.
I am ME on these forums.
Do the research yourself. when did we start rebuilding Countries we are at war with first. Then find out what Corporation is rebuilding it. Heck, I would guess they are the Construction Corporation rebuilding the twin towers. Maybe even the ones building Prism. I'd like to see if google tells me who is building prism, googling now.
Whenever you're wrong you say do the research yourself. That is awesome. Ben Bernanke has no connections with Halliburton.
What is so crazy about that? Who does America owe the debt to? The Federal Reserve. Managed by Corporations.
Whenever you're wrong you say do the research yourself. That is awesome. Ben Bernanke has no connections with Halliburton.
I wondered who you were talking about, but didn't dive in.
I assumed he was a long string tie to Halliburton and politics had corrupted the attachment. Guess he has nothing to do with them .
So tell me why you brought up that name.
Haha, what?
You don't realize that the Federal Reserve is managed by Corporations? Do you not know that politicians are slaves to corporations? Do you not know that we live in a Corporatocracy?!?
Big corp runs the Federal Reserve, what is the "haha, what" about? Just ignorance of the system?
Alex Jones?
You are getting annoying now. Let me know your perspective and your thought and quit posting names and "haha's"
If I am wrong I will admit it, but you are not anywhere near proving me wrong with vague statements.
Ok then, how about you explain how corporations run the federal reserve. I'm open to hearing your opinion.
Do your own homework on the board that runs the Federal Reserve. Big banks and big corp in short. You can surely do that google yourself. I'm not here to teach you, I'm here to correct you. I did the work myself.
I wonder if Alan Greenspan has connections to Haliburton.
That's why I love you. Can't express a thought of your own. You are the best sir.
I wonder if Alan Greenspan has connections to Haliburton.
"Anti-Party" would surely know.
I've never seen his schtick fall completely apart under scrutiny before this. He must have been posting drunk. The irony is that you were the one to come along and bust him!