Ron Paul, Only Candidate NOT Following Orders of al Qaeda

Also, I DID keep my mouth shut when the Iraq War started. I truly believe that, when something like that becomes a foregone conclusion, there isn't anything anyone can do but hope for the best....
Al Queda most defintly does NOT want US Troops sent home, at least not it's leaders. It's helping them recruit. They want to kill the US troops wherever they may be.

I don't believe that's true, nor do I believe there is a global jihadist movement to kill Americans.

What they want is for us to stop mass-murdering innocent people and to get the hell out of their country. We aren't fighting Al Queda in Iraq, we're fighting the iraqi people, no different than any invading force would be fighting Americans if we were invaded.

The only ones who want us in Iraq are the same people who took us there. Al Queda didn't ask us to come.
I'm not running for elected office.

Again, I don't give Dems a pass. My condemnation of their enabling of Bush is well documented, on this & the other board.

However, that does not mean that they would have started this war. You have an extraordinarily weak case.

And does anyone else find it odd that Dano seems to agree that at least a part of what started Iraq was the PNAC agenda, which 9/11 allowed the admin to sell, and then somehow make the leap that a Dem President would have also pursued the PNAC agenda?


I noticed that he didn't even attempt to answer your question; why would a Democrat try and "sell" the PNAC agenda?
I don't believe that's true, nor do I believe there is a global jihadist movement to kill Americans.

What they want is for us to stop mass-murdering innocent people and to get the hell out of their country. We aren't fighting Al Queda in Iraq, we're fighting the iraqi people, no different than any invading force would be fighting Americans if we were invaded.

The only ones who want us in Iraq are the same people who took us there. Al Queda didn't ask us to come.

I don't believe there is a movement to just 'kill Americans' either. I believe we've just become the target of Al Queda over the past two decades because of our involvement in the middle east. We've become a tool for the leaders of this terrorist organization because we are pissing a lot of Middle Easterners off. The guys on the ground fighting us hate us and want us gone and probably would be happy to have us leave, those are Iraqi people. The guys in command want us to stay so they can continue to recruit, and the commanders of Al Queda aren't from Iraq. I think Al Queda is more about 'killing infidels' who don't support their religion, and we're just basically helping them. The Iraqi people are pissed that we even invaded, and they find common interests with Al Queda to get rid of us. Makes it easier for Al Queda to recruit.
I hate to mention this .. but GODZILLA is sitting in the room.

Everybody .. liberals, democrats, conservatives, and republicans .. keep leaning over to speak/bark at each other to avoid looking at Godzilla.

Now that earth knows that Iraq was about oil and power exactly as the left said it was from the very beginning, and now that we know "WMD" was a fraud, a known fraud as the left said it was from the very beginning .. isn't it time to take a peek at Godzilla.

Here are some of his gigantic footprints.

In January 1998, PNAC sends a letter to then President Bill Clinton urging the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. to supposedly protect "the safety of American troops in the region, of our friends and allies like Israel and the moderate Arab states, and a significant portion of the world's oil supply" .. none of which were endangered by Saddam.
Letter to President Clinton on Iraq

Clinton refused to attempt to overthrow Saddam.

In February 1998, Unocal Exec John J. Maresca speaks to Congress to argue for the control of the government in Afghanistan so they could build the Central Asia Pipeline across the country.


On the construction of the pipeline and business investment, he states ...

"The only [other] possible route is across Afghanistan."

"From the outset, we have made it clear that construction of the pipeline we have proposed across Afghanistan could not begin until a recognized government is in place that has the confidence of governments, lenders, and our company."

"As with the proposed Central Asia oil pipeline, CentGas can not begin construction until an internationally recognized Afghanistan Government is in place."

PNAC determined that what was needed to build the pipeline and invade Iraq was “some catastrophic and catalysing event – like a new Pearl Harbor"
Why Another Defense Review

In 1997, the Taliban was being showered with millions in Enron money by Ken Lay and Zalmay Khalilzad, who was a former Unocal exec, who brought the Taliban to Houston to convince them of agreeing to the pipeline deal.

The Taliban would only agree to the deal if the US recognized their rule. Clinton refused, and the Taliban refused to go along with the deal.

George Bush is elected as President.

Pakistani news agencies reported the Bush Administration threatened war against the Taliban if they did not agree to the pipeline deal. “Accept our carpet of gold,” the Bush administration is reported to have said, “or be buried under a carpet of bombs.”

Plans to attack Afghanistan announced before 9/11

"Over several months beginning in April last year [2001] a series of military and governmental policy documents was released that sought to legitimise the use of US military force in the pursuit of oil and gas.

Simultaneously, the energy task force of the Vice-President, Dick Cheney, was working to tackle a looming US oil crisis. Reflecting a shifting strategic policy, the influential Council on Foreign Relations urged that the Defence Department be included in Cheney's energy group.

During that spring of 2001, as the US military examined the all-out battle scenario that would soon become the operational plan for the war in Afghanistan, events fatefully spun towards September 11's trigger. But these events did not occur in a vacuum.

And so the months preceding September 11 saw a shifting of the US military's focus. Publications of the US Army War College and the army General and Command Staff College argued that, when it came to oil and gas, "where US business goes, US national interests follow". They highlighted the energy wealth of Central Asia and its importance to America's "security". Oil and gas were on the military's agenda."

Two days before 9/11, Bush gets plan to attack Afghanistan on his desk.

9/11 happens

October 7, 2001, Bush announces opening of attacks against Afghanistan

Sandy Berger, Clinton's National Security Advisor, has stated, "You show me one reporter, one commentator, one member of Congress who thought we should invade Afghanistan before September 11 and I'll buy you dinner in the best restaurant in New York City." [The Cell, John Miller, Michael Stone and Chris Mitchell, 8/02, p. 219] In July 2002, British Prime Minister Tony Blair will state: "To be truthful about it, there was no way we could have got the public consent to have suddenly launched a campaign on Afghanistan but for what happened on September 11." [London Times, 7/17/02] How did Bush expect to get public support for his plan to invade and conquer Afghanistan if 9/11 didn't happen

Former Unocal Consultant Karzai elected new Afghan leader
BBC NEWS * World * South Asia * Karzai elected Afghan leader

John J. Maresca, the Vice President of the Unocal Corporation who had implored Congress to have the Taliban overthrown is installed as the first US Envoy to Afghanistan

September 20, 2001: PNAC Think Tank Pushes for Iraq War
The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), publishes a letter addressed to President Bush, insisting that the war on terrorism include as one of its objectives the removal of Saddam Hussein from power— “even if evidence does not link Iraq directly to the attack.”
Letter to President Bush on the War on Terrorism

December 27, 2002, Afghanistan pipeline deal signed
BBC NEWS * South Asia * Central Asia pipeline deal signed

BIG GIANT ASS OILY footprints that leads directly to Godzilla and the contrived fraud of 9/11.
I agree it has always looked suspicious. But I don't think you can conclude that the US government planned or carried out the attacks. I do believe and have for a long time now, that certain people in this adminstration understood an attack was coming, and made sure nothing was done to stop it.
I don't believe there is a movement to just 'kill Americans' either. I believe we've just become the target of Al Queda over the past two decades because of our involvement in the middle east. We've become a tool for the leaders of this terrorist organization because we are pissing a lot of Middle Easterners off. The guys on the ground fighting us hate us and want us gone and probably would be happy to have us leave, those are Iraqi people. The guys in command want us to stay so they can continue to recruit, and the commanders of Al Queda aren't from Iraq. I think Al Queda is more about 'killing infidels' who don't support their religion, and we're just basically helping them. The Iraqi people are pissed that we even invaded, and they find common interests with Al Queda to get rid of us. Makes it easier for Al Queda to recruit.

Al Queda, the mujahideen and Bin Laden were all US assets my brother.
I agree it has always looked suspicious. But I don't think you can conclude that the US government planned or carried out the attacks. I do believe and have for a long time now, that certain people in this adminstration understood an attack was coming, and made sure nothing was done to stop it.

Who knows what level of complicity or direction may have occured, but it's not credibly possible to deny that one or both existed.

Did you know that surprisingly, a new terrorist watch (no fly) list was created before 9/11, and instead of having the 61,000 names it should have had on it, the new list by which airlines were operating, only had 12?

Some of the hijackers were on the list of 61,000, but none were on the new lists.

TIPOFF is a US no-fly list of individuals who should be detained if they attempt to leave or enter the US. There are about 60,000 names on this list by 9/11 (see December 11, 1999). Apparently there had been no prohibition of travel inside the US, but on this day a FAA security directive puts six names on a newly created domestic no-fly list. All six are said to be associates of bomber Ramzi Yousef, including his uncle, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (KSM). On August 28, 2001, six more names will be added to this list. Apparently all 12 names are associated with al-Qaeda or other Islamic extremist groups. 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey will later note the discrepancy of the 60,000-name list with the 12-name list and comment, “seems to me, particularly with what was going on at the time, that some effort would have been made to make—to produce a larger list than [only 12 names].” [9/11 Commission, 1/27/2004] On the day of 9/11, two of the 9/11 hijackers will be on the 60,000-name TIPOFF list but not the 12-name domestic list, so airport security does not know to stop them from boarding the planes they hijack that day (see August 23, 2001).


Did you know there were 4 wargames, Vigilant Guardian, Vigilant Warrior, Northern Guardian, and Northern Vigilance simulating hijacked planes going on in virtually the same US airspace on 9/11 .. which provided cover for the hijacked planes?

"Is this real world or an excersise?"
Col. Robert Marr Jr., Northeast Air Defense Sector

"We have reports of 11 aricraft off course."
FAA Administrator Jane Garvey

"We didn't know how mant there are."
Lt. Col William Glover Jr., NORAD Air Defense


Did you know a stand-down order had been issued in June, 2001 that transfrerred control of US response to hijackings from NORAD and commanders in the field to the Secretary of Defense?

Al Queda, the mujahideen and Bin Laden were all US assets my brother.

Yep, at one point they used us for weapons to fight off Russia. We were dumb and got involved in their wars, but our 'friendship' with them sure took a turn because they never really cared for us in the first place. Our involvement with Isreal-Palestine, and our involvement with Iraq made us easy targets.
Who knows what level of complicity or direction may have occured, but it's not credibly possible to deny that one or both existed.

Did you know that surprisingly, a new terrorist watch (no fly) list was created before 9/11, and instead of having the 61,000 names it should have had on it, the new list by which airlines were operating, only had 12?

Some of the hijackers were on the list of 61,000, but none were on the new lists.


Did you know there were 4 wargames, Vigilant Guardian, Vigilant Warrior, Northern Guardian, and Northern Vigilance simulating hijacked planes going on in virtually the same US airspace on 9/11 .. which provided cover for the hijacked planes?

"Is this real world or an excersise?"
Col. Robert Marr Jr., Northeast Air Defense Sector

"We have reports of 11 aricraft off course."
FAA Administrator Jane Garvey

"We didn't know how mant there are."
Lt. Col William Glover Jr., NORAD Air Defense


Did you know a stand-down order had been issued in June, 2001 that transfrerred control of US response to hijackings from NORAD and commanders in the field to the Secretary of Defense?


I knew about all of that except for the terrorist watch lists. That I did not know.
Yep, at one point they used us for weapons to fight off Russia. We were dumb and got involved in their wars, but our 'friendship' with them sure took a turn because they never really cared for us in the first place. Our involvement with Isreal-Palestine, and our involvement with Iraq made us easy targets.

Actually, we used them.
Well, yeah, we used them, they used us.... went both ways on that. They knew we had an interest other than protecting them, so they really didn't feel all warm and fuzzy about it.
Umm I am one of those idiots then Darla. I opposed the invasion before during and to this day.

I am consistent. Unilke danodemento I did not used to be a bush and war cheerleader