That said, I actually LIKE almost all of the major candidates running for the Democratic ticket, and a few running as Republicans.
Only Biden IMPRESSES me.
That said, I actually LIKE almost all of the major candidates running for the Democratic ticket, and a few running as Republicans.
Only Biden IMPRESSES me.
And you have the sincerity of a donut .. but you post some really fun and laughable shit though.
And no, you don't have answers to a goddamn thing .. perhaps you missed these so I'll repeat ...
Somewhere between 85-90% of black voters are going to vote for the democratic ticket in '08, and if Obama is on it, that may be as high as 95% .. so where does your "30%" come from?
What evidence have you seen that would make you believe that 30% of black voters are going to vote for any republican, including the one who has given the finger to civil rights legislation, Rosa Parks, and the issues in Africa?
Self-explanatory, where is your evidence, ANY evidence outside of one flawed poll?
Name the black politician or communtiy leader who backs Ron Paul.
Do you need clarification on this question?
Post the favorable black press on Ron Paul .. and I'll post you some seriously unfavorable black press about him.
No answers, no intelligence, so you waste time attacking me when you could be countering with facts, that is if you had any.
I'm cool with that.
I've had much fun spanking that ass on this .. got anymore Ron Paul wisdom? .. 'cause you can count on me to rip that bullshit apart.
Glad you're here.
Seriously, though, will you please stop making it sound like Ron Paul went out of his way to give a hard time to Rosa Parks?
That's entirely dishonest. He actually offered to pay for part of her Congressional Medal of Freedom out of his own pocket!
And if you don't have sense enough to realize the $30,000 spent for a gold medal--considered a mere pittance by members of Congress, of course--can find many better uses, then you've got a problem.
Are you illiterate? He was clearly talking about him picking up 30% of the black REPUBLICAN vote. Dumbass.
Also, do you favor a war in Sudan for Darfur?
$30,000 IS a pittance and almost immeasurable per taxpayer, and it IS a pittance compared to the 8 MILLION DOLLARS in earmarks Paul requested to market shrimp, and it IS a pittance compared to the 2.3 MILLION DOLLARS Paul requested to pay for research into shrimp fishing, and it IS a miniscule pittance to the over 400 MILLION DOLLARS Paul has requested for earmarks overall.
His disdain and rejection of the struggles and gains of civil rights does not stop with Rosa Parks .. and you and everyone else knows that, including black voters. If you need me to articulate them to you I'd be more than happy to do so.
If you don't have the sense to recognize the historical importance Rosa Parks was to this country, an importance that even hard-line right-wing conservative politicians acknowledged, then you've got a problem .. more importantly, your candidate has a problem that lends itself to why he's so rejected, why he's never held a leadership position in Congress, and why he has no chance of ever entering the White House except as a guest.
I'd have more respect for you Ronbots if you'd simply just said you don't give a damn about Paul's racist leanings and don't give a damn if he gave Rosa Parks and the struggles of civil rights the finger and don't give a damn if he called blacks "terrorists and barbarians that can be identified by the color of their skin", you're going to vote for him anyway. At least then you'd be honest.
Agreed, and bravo!
Agreed, and bravo!
I feel the same way about the free market absolutism that these Milton trained zombies mouth. You can tell that all RS has ever read is "freedom and capitalism" and his sneering at the "statists" and the "collectivists" would be tolerable if he and others like him would stop pretending to give a shit about the poor.
Just say it like it is. "Fuck the poor, I don't care. Social Darwinism is my religion."
At least be honest.
I'm sorry, but you're the one being dishonest, BAC. You're selectively using information to tell a story that is entirely untrue.
Did or did not Congressman Paul in his objection to the measure commend Rosa Parks, and--as he always does--offer money out of his own pocket for the minting of the medal?
And if that is so, why do you continue to suggest that he has gone out of his way to deprive her of a particular honor or even the included gold medal?
Why, in light of the fact that he made the same decision for every substantial individual ever offered a Congressional Medal of Freedom in his tenure, do you attempt to make this suggestion that Ron Paul meant to offend her or discredit her place in history?
Here dumbass, let me help you out, it's something called a "title", here is the "title" of this thread:You are amazingly stupid.
"So that got me interested in checking out Ron Paul's poll numbers among African-Americans in hypothetical presidential matchups against the leading Democratic candidates (Clinton & Obama).
Show me where "black republicans" is even implied.
Show me anywhere in the article that "black republicans" is even stated.
Paul Scores High With African-American Voters
That's the lie coming stated in his press release which also goes on to say .. 1200 individuals were polled and asked if they preferred Ron Paul to Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. 33 percent of Black voters chose Congressman Paul over Senator Clinton and 31 percent over Senator Obama
Where does that state, imply, or even slightly intimate that they polled only black republicans?
They are suggesting this is true in a general election.
DAMN, you are dumb
Here dumbass, let me help you out, it's something called a "title", here is the "title" of this thread:
"Ron Paul Polls Better Among African Americans than Other Republicans "
Also there is this inside the thread, which RStringfield clarified for you:
"The data is based on several polls and they tend to indicate that Paul does better among blacks than the other repubs."
YOU are the moron who tried to twist what he clearly said as pretending this was about him taking 30% of the TOTAL black vote.
Stupid motherfucker.
Did I dispute the numbers were low? No, that has fuck all to do with the fact that he is polling best among Republicans and NOT among all candidates from both parties as you turned the argument into.DAMN, you are exceptionally dumb .. but I'm glad your dumb ass is here.
The title to which you allude to is as intentionally disingenuous as, "Paul wins the biggest chunk of the black vote, 22.2 percent, topping Mitt Romney's 18.5 percent."
Only 27 were even sampled and only 6 .. SIX you dumb motherfucker, voted for Paul, which means what? Not a goddamn thing you fucking moron. It's a mindfuck meant for dummies like you.
Additionally, where in the fucking article is it that says ONLY black republicans were sampled .. and who believes that Paul would get more than 30% of the black vote when running aganist Clinton or Obama? If 70% of black republicans are voting for Clinton against Paul, that doesn't seem like something that should be touted by Paul, especially to the point of putting out a press release about it.
Nor do I believe that Paul is the republican blacks would favor even amongst the host of sorry ass republicans that are running, who by any measure won't get more than 9-11% of the black vote anyway.
This bullshit is simply a contrived way for Paul to run away from his well-known and documented racist behavior, but it doesn't mean shit of ANY significance about the outcomes of the election.
DAMN, you are dumb.
Haven't you noticed .. I simply LOVE discrediting the Paul bullshit, and the Paul campaign released a press release touting this bullshit that was not tongue-in-cheek but rather a foolish attempt to distance this clown from his racist and unintelligent leanings.
Frankly, you didn't post it as tongue-in-cheek either, but given that you have no answers to my demonstration of how mindlessly silly this is, now you run for cover.
Maybe next time you should post shit like this in the satire/comic book section and we can all have a good laugh together instead of me just laughing at yet you and another dumb ass attempt to make your failure of a candidate credible.
And you have the sincerity of a donut .. but you post some really fun and laughable shit though.
And no, you don't have answers to a goddamn thing .. perhaps you missed these so I'll repeat ...
Somewhere between 85-90% of black voters are going to vote for the democratic ticket in '08, and if Obama is on it, that may be as high as 95% .. so where does your "30%" come from?
What evidence have you seen that would make you believe that 30% of black voters are going to vote for any republican, including the one who has given the finger to civil rights legislation, Rosa Parks, and the issues in Africa?
Self-explanatory, where is your evidence, ANY evidence outside of one flawed poll?
Name the black politician or communtiy leader who backs Ron Paul.
Do you need clarification on this question?
I've had much fun spanking that ass on this .. got anymore Ron Paul wisdom? .. 'cause you can count on me to rip that bullshit apart.
Glad you're here.
Did I dispute the numbers were low? No, that has fuck all to do with the fact that he is polling best among Republicans and NOT among all candidates from both parties as you turned the argument into.
Fucking stupid stubborn motherfucker, can you ever admit you are wrong?
Did I write the article or do the poll? Read it.
Again, did I write the article or do the poll? Regardless of your claims for supernatural abilities, I posted the link because I found it amusing.
He gave no finger to Rosa Parks, Africa or civil rights legislation. You are obviously another one of the Sadam-loving, terrorist, knuckle draggers.
Biased question. You will simply argue that any supporters I mention are not "community leaders" or not members of the establishment black press.
lol, you're soooo fucking dense.
And you have the sincerity of a donut .. but you post some really fun and laughable shit though.
And no, you don't have answers to a goddamn thing .. perhaps you missed these so I'll repeat ...
Somewhere between 85-90% of black voters are going to vote for the democratic ticket in '08, and if Obama is on it, that may be as high as 95% .. so where does your "30%" come from?
What evidence have you seen that would make you believe that 30% of black voters are going to vote for any republican, including the one who has given the finger to civil rights legislation, Rosa Parks, and the issues in Africa?
Self-explanatory, where is your evidence, ANY evidence outside of one flawed poll?
Name the black politician or communtiy leader who backs Ron Paul.
Do you need clarification on this question?
Post the favorable black press on Ron Paul .. and I'll post you some seriously unfavorable black press about him.
No answers, no intelligence, so you waste time attacking me when you could be countering with facts, that is if you had any.
I'm cool with that.
I've had much fun spanking that ass on this .. got anymore Ron Paul wisdom? .. 'cause you can count on me to rip that bullshit apart.
Glad you're here.