You know, I knew you'd know! Even though you changed your image here to that of a career woman who has to do extensive work-related travel (LOL) I am way too familar with your previous incarnation as the stay at home mom married to a man of little means who used to love bragging about all the "Free stuff" she got on the taxpayer's dime. Like a free computer and computer access paid for by taxpayers.
Healthy NY is an excellent program, and people like me pay higher taxes here for it. I'm happy to do so. But it only covers New Yorkers, and we are a liberal, high-tax state, which you cons always deride us for, and we have a larger safety net than many other states.
Working women do not have to go to a Medicaid program however, and ask the taxpayers to foot the bill for their birth control. You are egregiously wrong when you claim this is "free". Just like your computer was "free". Taxpayer money is not "Free". It's paid for by people like me. Working women are entitled to the dignity their work earns them, and this includes not being forced into asking for a taxpayer handout. Further, the same taxpayers who object to the mandate, would naturally object to their tax dollars being used to provide "free" (on the taxpayer teat) birth control. This position is deeply incoherent.
Your second egregious error is in claiming that this mandate "forces" anyone to pay for birth control. It does not. Health care benefits are paid for by the employee, through a combination of money deducted from their gross pay, and their labor. The women pay for this. It is a truly radical redefinition of the employee/employer relationship to attempt to claim that the employer owns an employee's wages and other compensation. That's one of the reasons the radical Blunt amendment failed.
Finally, you assume religious "liberty" is absolute. As pointed out and backed up above, it is not and it never has been. You want it to be absolute only in the case of Christian teachings that YOu agree with, and only over a woman's rights.
And I do have a right to "force" insurance companies to fully cover birth control. It's now the law of the land.