Ron Paul: The Real "Rock Star" of the Right


New member
Yay! President Ron Paul is a Rock Star!

Who would believe that the candidate generating buzz and excitement on the 2008 Republican presidential campaign trail is a seventy-two year old medical doctor from a small town in Texas?

Who would believe that a libertarian who is calling for the immediate withdrawal of American troops from not only Iraq but from all of the Middle East has a large following among younger voters?

Who would believe that a man calling for a return to the gold standard and who favors no entangling alliances would be raising a good deal of money on the Internet?

Is Congressman Ron Paul surprised by his new popularity?
Yay! President Ron Paul is a Rock Star!

Who would believe that the candidate generating buzz and excitement on the 2008 Republican presidential campaign trail is a seventy-two year old medical doctor from a small town in Texas?

Who would believe that a libertarian who is calling for the immediate withdrawal of American troops from not only Iraq but from all of the Middle East has a large following among younger voters?

Who would believe that a man calling for a return to the gold standard and who favors no entangling alliances would be raising a good deal of money on the Internet?

Is Congressman Ron Paul surprised by his new popularity?

It's not something any of us would believe.
Yay! President Ron Paul is a Rock Star!

Who would believe that the candidate generating buzz and excitement on the 2008 Republican presidential campaign trail is a seventy-two year old medical doctor from a small town in Texas?

Who would believe that a libertarian who is calling for the immediate withdrawal of American troops from not only Iraq but from all of the Middle East has a large following among younger voters?

Who would believe that a man calling for a return to the gold standard and who favors no entangling alliances would be raising a good deal of money on the Internet?

Is Congressman Ron Paul surprised by his new popularity?

Dude, you're seriously sounding like a lovestruck teenage girl. Calm down.

Apparently at least one of us think he is hot ;)
At least three according to recent polls.

However, unless you believe that RS himself wrote the article, then it is not likely that he is "sounding" anything of the sort.

As I said, weakest argument ever.
I can't think of any of the candidates as "hot"
Obama is cute and boyish looking.
Thompson looks like a bulldog that is about to expel gas, but wants to wait for the right moment.
Ghouliani, enough said, or looks better in a dress as an ugly woman.
Edwards is handsome in a real nice straight kid way.
Rommey looks like a terrible lay, sorry, but that's was my first impression.
He probably can't dance, either.
Damo it was not an argument at all, you missed the entire point.
You missed the point.

The article was not written by RS, therefore he couldn't "sound" like anything in the post.

Fallacious ad hominems are arguments. Specifically an argument of a fallacious origin. This was the weakest one ever, until you had to chime in and embarrass yourself.
Dude, you're seriously sounding like a lovestruck teenage girl. Calm down.

so that is an argument ?
sounds more like a dig or insult to me.

An observation and put down looks like to me.
Dude, you're seriously sounding like a lovestruck teenage girl. Calm down.

so that is an argument ?
sounds more like a dig or insult to me.

An observation and put down looks like to me.
It is an ad hominem attack, which is a fallacious argument.

Ad Hominem (Argument To The Man):
attacking the person instead of attacking his argument. For example, "Von Daniken's books about ancient astronauts are worthless because he is a convicted forger and embezzler." (Which is true, but that's not why they're worthless.)

An ad hominem attack is not always fallacious, but they always are if they attack the person and not the argument.

In this case, the argument actually does go to the credibility of the poster on the argument.

Like stating, "You are not realistic because you have a crush on R. Paul and therefore all that you say can be dismissed", however the argument missed in the fact that the poster did not write the article at all, and if you read the article you will find that the writer was not 'lovestruck' at all.

So, in short. Yes, this was a fallacious argument.

And was, until you chimed in to defend them, the worst argument I had seen...

Ok Damo you are right I was wrong. I should know better than to argue with the Duke of Disingenuity.

Heck of a spinning job there Damo.