Ron Paul: The Real "Rock Star" of the Right

At least three according to recent polls.

However, unless you believe that RS himself wrote the article, then it is not likely that he is "sounding" anything of the sort.

As I said, weakest argument ever.

It's dumb and unfounded no matter who wrote it.

Please show me throngs (thousands) of screaming young people showing up at his campaign stops AT ANY TIME.

Has he EVER had 5, 10, 20,000 people showing up at ANY campaign stop to greet him?

Where, oh where are all these supposed "rock star" supporters to be found .. other than in the unsubstantiated cyber-world?

This article and your defense of it is the weakest argument ever.

It's real simple .. demonstrate the truth of it.

waiting ...
No amount of spin, can wash away the fact, that what Obama said in 2002 - in the face of a massive propaganda machine pushing for the war - was 100% correct:

I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power.... The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him.

But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States, or to his neighbors...and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history.

I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a U.S. occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences.

I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of al-Qaeda.

I am not opposed to all wars. I'm opposed to dumb wars.

--Barak Obama 2002
President and founding member of Dorks Anonymous.

I'll toast him to having the most excitable following ever, even if it's only .000018 of the total population of US. They are phenomenal at hitting every poll on the net.
Reality Check . . . .

It's dumb and unfounded no matter who wrote it.

Please show me throngs (thousands) of screaming young people showing up at his campaign stops AT ANY TIME.

Has he EVER had 5, 10, 20,000 people showing up at ANY campaign stop to greet him?

Where, oh where are all these supposed "rock star" supporters to be found .. other than in the unsubstantiated cyber-world?

This article and your defense of it is the weakest argument ever.

It's real simple .. demonstrate the truth of it.

waiting ...
Okay, a disclaimer before I get started committing liberal suicide online. I like Obama and, if the Dems nominate him, I will almost certainly vote for him. If the Dems nominate Hillary I'll probably vote for her, too, but I'd rather vote for Barack: he hasn't contaminated himself quite so egregiously with cowardice and cynicism.

Now, however, we have to come to grips with numbers. This is something few people are good at: I don't hold it against anyone.

20,000 people is approximately .0067% of the U.S. population. Make it 0.01% of the adult population, just as a rough estimate. Even if he could bring out that many supporters in all twenty of the largest cities in the U.S., that's still only 0.2% of possible voters.

Not a very large percentage, by any stretch.

Yes, the fact that he can get that many people energized enough to come out and show their support is impressive. Absolutely impressive. Normally, you figure that each supporter in a group like that probably represents at least 10 votes because, for each person who shows up, there are probably nine more who don't, for whatever reason.

Still, I always have to think back to George McGovern. Those of us who supported him got all wrapped up in the truly enormous rallies we could produce. We were sure we were carrying the country. We were sure that the polls were wrong.

Uhm, no: they weren't wrong. We were. :(
It's dumb and unfounded no matter who wrote it.

Please show me throngs (thousands) of screaming young people showing up at his campaign stops AT ANY TIME.

Has he EVER had 5, 10, 20,000 people showing up at ANY campaign stop to greet him?

Where, oh where are all these supposed "rock star" supporters to be found .. other than in the unsubstantiated cyber-world?

This article and your defense of it is the weakest argument ever.

It's real simple .. demonstrate the truth of it.

waiting ...

Look at all the threads on Ron Paul. That settles it. Yay, President Ron Paul.

Apparently you don't get it yet, maybe because the joke is on you.