Ron Paul Wants All Troops Home


New member
Here is Wednesday's Ron Paul thread for bac, usc and ib1. And to preempt the ridicoulous strawman...

Yay, this means Ron Paul will obvisouly win now!

Amid a lineup of what ought to be called "big government conservatives," Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul stands out like the Lonesome End on Army's 1950s football teams.

Asked his policy on U.S. troops fighting in Iraq, the Texas congressman, now serving his 10th term, replies: "I would get them home as soon as possible."

And U.S. troops in Europe?

"I would get them home," Paul said in an interview Tuesday. "Having them stationed abroad doesn't serve our national interest, and that goes for forces in Japan and Korea.

"We should only send U.S. forces abroad when our security is directly threatened. Right now, nobody threatens our national security."
I've always liked this dude, on foreign policy and the iraq war. He's actually the only reason I watch the republican debates. Its more fun than a barrel of monkeys to see him tell a partisan republican audience, what the consequences of their war are.
LOL. Yeah right. He'd almost have a better shot running as a dem.
I've already told BAC that he spends too much energy blasting at a very unlikely candidate... But I like to let him pretend that I think he'll actually win because I actually read all of the statement in context and point out his "errors" in what he supposedly stated.

Anyway... GO! President Ron Paul '09! Woot! He's gonna win it ALL!
Obviously, he will win. What other candidate has so many threads! Yay, Ron Paul!

usc, you better hurry up and reserve an iceberg. I can't wait to get my serfs.

Ron Paul is a much better magician than George Bush!

and this from a self proclaimed 'Tight End'...I think I will.go with Ronnie types..after all Ronnie did play ball too...he had it together..or not...just a matter of symantics..or receiver

Go Hunter/Tancredo...or hell... where the hell is David Grange?..he be the man!...imho!
Anyone who is not looking for an excuse to hate Ron Paul can see that he did not write the article. It is clearly not written in his voice and makes the sort of personal attacks you would be hard pressed to find in any of his other writing or speeches.
Me thinks darla.............

Wow, that is pretty much BS Damo.

Needs to go out and have a little fun on a Saturday night...she really needs to let off a little steam..providing she is cute and wanted..not a fat and undesirable...oh heaven forbid Code Pink...fatty!:cof1:
No, it is pretty much the truth.

No, it is pretty much not, and it's been shown on too many threads.

Someone else wrote it.
Someone else signed off on it being published in Ron Paul's newspaper.
Someone else told Paul not to denounce it when he was running for congress in Texas.

YOu have to be pretty stupid to buy that. Or an acolyte.

I find it amusing how quickly Libertarians drop their "personal responsibility" mantra, and start screaming "He did it"
Needs to go out and have a little fun on a Saturday night...she really needs to let off a little steam..providing she is cute and wanted..not a fat and undesirable...oh heaven forbid Code Pink...fatty!:cof1:

Can you please find something else to masturbate to?