Ron Paul Wants All Troops Home

Some supposed newsletter written by a staffer that no longer works for him suggested some racism. Now it seems to be the accusation of the day.

Oh yeah, I think I remember that, that's pretty low, I'm surprised that went anywhere given that Ron Paul has made speeches denunciating racism.

"Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals." - Ron Paul

Does that sound like a racist, come on lefties?
No, it is pretty much not, and it's been shown on too many threads.

Someone else wrote it.
Someone else signed off on it being published in Ron Paul's newspaper.
Someone else told Paul not to denounce it when he was running for congress in Texas.

YOu have to be pretty stupid to buy that. Or an acolyte.

I find it amusing how quickly Libertarians drop their "personal responsibility" mantra, and start screaming "He did it"
I think those threads showed quite the opposite.
Do you own this message board...........?

Every f'ing week you say you are going to move on, but you always move right back!

I think not....damo does...ya have a problemo?
Ask Damo...I am just a concerned user of this board..and babe you are all standards put forward...get a clue!:pke:
Oh yeah, I think I remember that, that's pretty low, I'm surprised that went anywhere given that Ron Paul has made speeches denunciating racism.

"Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals." - Ron Paul

Does that sound like a racist, come on lefties?

Oh you mean he hasn't given a speech in front of a mainstream audience stating that he's a racist, but instead appears on white supremacist shows?

That's so surprising because usually a politician will come right out and say "I don't like black people".
They never speak in code.

You have really debunked the whole thing Dano as usual.
I think not....damo does...ya have a problemo?
Ask Damo...I am just a concerned user of this board..and babe you are all standards put forward...get a clue!:pke:

That's right, you said you were a friend of Damo's and he invited you over here to balance out the liberals.

You've made great contributions to the board! Congratulations! I seriously can't really even think of one thread you started, that was substantive in any way, and half the time I can't understand your drunken rants.

But, enjoy the beers! :clink:
LOL. yeah. Thanks BB. you really have balanced out things around here. I'm sure conservatives are proud to have you on their side.
Don't ya have a kitty(Pussy) to neuter.............?

That's right, you said you were a friend of Damo's and he invited you over here to balance out the liberals.

You've made great contributions to the board! Congratulations! I seriously can't really even think of one thread you started, that was substantive in any way, and half the time I can't understand your drunken rants.

But, enjoy the beers! :clink:

Ya are a masturbater from the get go..Mr.Vet!
I've already told BAC that he spends too much energy blasting at a very unlikely candidate... But I like to let him pretend that I think he'll actually win because I actually read all of the statement in context and point out his "errors" in what he supposedly stated.

Anyway... GO! President Ron Paul '09! Woot! He's gonna win it ALL!

Psuedo-celebrations aside ..

I've told you that I like trashing this kook and that pleasure has nothing to do with the FACT that he doesn't stand a chance in hell.

I would trash his ass if he was dead.

"Go Ron Paul" will take on a whole new meaning after the primaries.

No, it is pretty much the truth.

You hold onto to that bullshit real tight, close your eyes, and pretend that anyone cares about Ron Paul other than you Paul Bearers.


Welcome to "Other"

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Psuedo-celebrations aside ..

I've told you that I like trashing this kook and that pleasure has nothing to do with the FACT that he doesn't stand a chance in hell.

And in the very next post he links us to poll numbers. lol

I would not call what you do trashing. You attempt to throw mud, but so far you have not been able to make anything stick. And you run away when your idiotic assertions are challenged. Still waiting to hear your history lesson on gold.

I would trash his ass if he was dead.

"Go Ron Paul" will take on a whole new meaning after the primaries.


Haha, his position in congress is only going to be more secure.
You hold onto to that bullshit real tight, close your eyes, and pretend that anyone cares about Ron Paul other than you Paul Bearers.


Welcome to "Other"

I've been "other" for a long time, along with Kucinich supporters and Greens. The difference is instead of running around trashing kooks like Kucinich, I give positive support to those whom I agree with more often. I believe that at some point the American populace will wake up and realize that they, more often than not, vote against their own personal belief because of affiliation.

I do notice that if they added Kucinich and "other" together on the D side you would have the exact same percentage of "other", how does it feel to be in with "other"? You would know. You live there too.
I've been "other" for a long time, along with Kucinich supporters and Greens. The difference is instead of running around trashing kooks like Kucinich, I give positive support to those whom I agree with more often. I believe that at some point the American populace will wake up and realize that they, more often than not, vote against their own personal belief because of affiliation.

I respect your difference in approach. Normally I simply ignore republican politicians I don't care for as I've done with every other republican politician in the race. Normally, I don't even comment in threads about republican politicians. I'm far more likely to criticize liberals and democrats, than I am republicans, because I expect more from them.

But all the norms are shut off when it comes to Ron Paul. I reserve a special contempt him that has nothing to do with political affiliation.

Hopefully one day Americans will get smarter not only about affiliation, but about character and multi-culturalism.

I do notice that if they added Kucinich and "other" together on the D side you would have the exact same percentage of "other", how does it feel to be in with "other"? You would know. You live there too.

No truer words ever spoken.

Being Black, Green and a Kucinich supporter certainly puts me in the "other" category .. but I've lived here all my life. I find it a spiritual place to be.