Ron Paul's coffers nearing 20 million



Well, OK, his total fundraising. But whatever.

Ron Paul Tops $6 Million in One Day

By JAMES BELTRAN – 2 days ago

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul so far has raised more than $18 million in the final three months of the year, an aide to the Texas congressman said Monday.

The campaign's fourth-quarter fundraising total of $18.2 million includes a one-day haul of $6.2 million raised Sunday through the Internet, said campaign spokesman Jesse Benton.

Paul, a 10-term congressman with libertarian views, said his fundraising success ensures he'll continue to campaign regardless of how he fares in the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 3, the first contest on the presidential nominating calendar.

"We have the support, the momentum and the money," Paul told The Associated Press after an event in downtown Des Moines.

Paul said he'd stay in the race at least until Feb. 5, when two dozen states hold contests.

"Nobody would understand if I faded out before Feb. 5," he said.

Paul registers mostly in upper single digits and is way behind his major rivals in most polls in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, states that vote early next year, but he was optimistic his standing would improve as more people learn about him.

He has benefited from an enthusiastic core of supporters who, among other things, have launched a Ron Paul blimp. On Sunday, they held a one-day online fundraiser that included a re-enactment of the Boston Tea Party — an event meant to promote Paul's call for freedom. It was similar to a fundraiser Nov. 5 in which Paul set a one-day, online GOP presidential fundraising record by raking in $4.2 million.

Paul beams with pride when discussing his "uncharacteristic" group of supporters, many of whom are drawn by his opposition to the war in Iraq.

"The crowds are so interesting," he said. "Some of the people sitting together, you'll have people there with hairdos that are different and purple hair, sitting next to a banker or a doctor. I think that's delightful."

Paul is the only GOP presidential candidate calling for a quick withdrawal of troops from Iraq. He also supports limiting federal spending, opposes the federal income tax and urges Americans to push for a fiscally responsible government.

He said he encourages supporters to dream up other creative ideas such as blimps and tea parties to get his message across.

"If you're working that hard and investing your time and your money, you better have some fun," Paul said. "This gets too boring if it gets too serious."
Proof that all the money in the world can't buy a campaign.

Money can't buy everything. However, Ron Paul's campaign has been highly successful, considering the radical nature of his message in comparison to the majority of Republican voters and the treatment he receives from the mainstream press.

I don't expect him to win the GOP nomination, but I do expect him to do better than what he is currently polling. The polls are conducted with people who voted (R) in the last election and have landline phones. Many, many RP supporters are not previous GOP voters (myself included), in fact many of them have never voted at all.
I'm still registered Democrat. That's where most of the big primary battles happen in my state at the local level.

The primary will be LONG decided before they get to MIssissippi anyway.
Money can't buy everything. However, Ron Paul's campaign has been highly successful, considering the radical nature of his message in comparison to the majority of Republican voters and the treatment he receives from the mainstream press.

I don't expect him to win the GOP nomination, but I do expect him to do better than what he is currently polling. The polls are conducted with people who voted (R) in the last election and have landline phones. Many, many RP supporters are not previous GOP voters (myself included), in fact many of them have never voted at all.

Ohhh, the old landline phones new voters theory.

Yeah, I fell for that in 04. I woke up the day after the election to discover what? Republicans have cell phones too.
I'm still registered Democrat. That's where most of the big primary battles happen in my state at the local level.

The primary will be LONG decided before they get to MIssissippi anyway.

Same with Hawaii. We have ours well past super tuesday.
Really? Where is he in the polls again....? Personally I don't expect him to go higher than fifth or fourth place.

Money can't buy everything. However, Ron Paul's campaign has been highly successful, considering the radical nature of his message in comparison to the majority of Republican voters and the treatment he receives from the mainstream press.

I don't expect him to win the GOP nomination, but I do expect him to do better than what he is currently polling. The polls are conducted with people who voted (R) in the last election and have landline phones. Many, many RP supporters are not previous GOP voters (myself included), in fact many of them have never voted at all.
Ohhh, the old landline phones new voters theory.

Yeah, I fell for that in 04. I woke up the day after the election to discover what? Republicans have cell phones too.

Old... The landline issue is a rising problem for pollsters one they themselves acknowledge.

Kerry was a boring candidate who did not inspire the young as Paul has. And if I recall, from Desh's whining that it somehow proved fraud, Kerry was ahead in the polls.
Old... The landline issue is a rising problem for pollsters one they themselves acknowledge.

Kerry was a boring candidate who did not inspire the young as Paul has. And if I recall, from Desh's whining that it somehow proved fraud, Kerry was ahead in the polls.

The pollsters were saying it then too RS.

You might consider it "old' but the only thing new is history you haven't read.

If you need to believe that there is some huge support level for Paul out there that is not being measured because his supporters alone among all don't have landlines and aren't being polled on their cell phones, believe it.

But it's not true, and you're in for a big fall.
Its true. I think the landline theory is a myth. I was hoping it was true in 2004, but it wasn't.

Those polling companies have some smart PhDs, and evidently they have methodologies, while not perfect, must somehow factor in or account for the landline-cell phone disparity. I'm sure they don't just blow it off, or ignore it as a sampling problem.
Yes, the landline thing is a myth, even I don't use that theory in explaining why I think the polls are off.

Basically Paul supporters are people who are sick and tired of government and are not on the list of 'likely voters'. His support comes from people who refused to vote for the lesser of two evils last election, people who voted libertarian, college students, and Star Wars geeks (White Males). If that's his base, they are not really represented in polling. Even if they had landlines they wouldn't be considered for the polling because polls select 'likely voters'. The 'Paultards' are passionate, they will vote and will more likely have a greater ratio of his supporters actually take the time to do so. We had more people vote for American Idol than for president last time around, if that gives you any idea of the amount of possibilites still open.
From chatting with people around my area for the past few months I have concluded that less than 10% in my area even know who Ron Paul is.

He might need to send a blimp this way.
From chatting with people around my area for the past few months I have concluded that less than 10% in my area even know who Ron Paul is.

He might need to send a blimp this way.

That is true. There still hasn't been much media hype for him, though if people pay attention to the process they know who he is. Most regular joes have to hear it from word of mouth, and usually they beleive anything you tell them about the candidate.. lol. 1/5 of Americans can't even locate the U.S. on a map.
I take care of that for RP here, when anyone asks I just tell them he is one of those libertarian nutcases, but this one is not running from prison.
"Nobody would understand if I faded out before Feb. 5," he said.

Is Sherlock Holmes required to decipher that?

Does one have to have a secret decoder ring to figure out what he's saying.

This clown is going to drop out of the race and take that money with him. He'll spend it in his congressional race and pump the rest in the the Republican Party coffers .. and all the Ronbots and Paultards who've been supporting him and giving him money because he's "antiwar" will have ended up supporting the prowar GOP agenda.

Anyone else notice that he's spending very little of the money?

And Ron Paul will laugh his racist ass off all the way to the bank thinking, "What dummies."