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"Nobody would understand if I faded out before Feb. 5," he said.
Is Sherlock Holmes required to decipher that?
Does one have to have a secret decoder ring to figure out what he's saying.
This clown is going to drop out of the race and take that money with him. He'll spend it in his congressional race and pump the rest in the the Republican Party coffers .. and all the Ronbots and Paultards who've been supporting him and giving him money because he's "antiwar" will have ended up supporting the prowar GOP agenda.
Anyone else notice that he's spending very little of the money?
And Ron Paul will laugh his racist ass off all the way to the bank thinking, "What dummies."
Ho-ho-holy shit are you an idiot! I have some coal for you and yes it is black!
Ron Paul, a racist, that is a very naughty thing to say, why don't you try actually visiting his website and I might just bring you that black viper dildo you wrote me for?