Rorshach Test

FACT: Saddam was not "contained" if he was supplying terrorists with money, if he was circumventing the sanctions etc... and you fail again to tell me just how this situation would have been resolved otherwise????

I said the timing was wrong. We should not have gone in when we did. But the sanctions were not working.... so what was the other option Tiana? "Contain" him until he died? Keep troops on his border for the next 40 years?

and AGAIN... quit trying to imply that I am saying Saddam had anything to do with Al Queda. I have not said that.

When did it become the duty of the USA to depose petty dictators in other countries ?
? So are you saying that we should attack every known terrorist group out there because we never know if they are going to turn their eyes toward us after the effects of 9/11? Ask yourself a serious question: does that even make sense to you?

Yes that is pretty much what the fraidy cat paranoid Neos think.

Anyway for LadyT:
"USC - I've never seen someone so happy to get a divorce in my entire life"

You would understand if you had met her ;)

On the plus side at least you seem to have picked up the pieces and moved on rather well. :clink: