Rstring and slave labor


You're kind of right. But blockading China, I don't think, is the answer.

Normal trade agreements against slave labor, tariffs, rules they cannot break arbitrarily without repercussion (currency devaluation) are all common sense measures which have been rendered as thought crimes by the internationalisti fascistis. Blockading china would be a great start.
If we went by your rules we could trade with noone. China trades with nearly everybody else. Shoot even Canada would be off limits. There would be zero capability to trade with any nation if we made rules based on who they trade with as well as with whom we trade. Isolationalism is not populist, it isn't pragmatic, and it would be cutting off our nose to spite our face.
Normal trade agreements against slave labor, tariffs, rules they cannot break arbitrarily without repercussion (currency devaluation) are all common sense measures which have been rendered as thought crimes by the internationalisti fascistis. Blockading china would be a great start.

I think we should penalize them in trade for the measures they make that force human beings into what amounts to slavery. It is against human rights. Everyone should have basic workplace rights, and those nations that don't give it to their citizens should have enough trade restrictions against them to convicnce them not to.

Otherwise, the whole world is forced into slavery. Because it produces the most.

But at the cost of happiness and our humanity.
If we went by your rules we could trade with noone. China trades with nearly everybody else. Shoot even Canada would be off limits. There would be zero capability to trade with any nation if we made rules based on who they trade with as well as with whom we trade. Isolationalism is not populist, it isn't pragmatic, and it would be cutting off our nose to spite our face.

Then we should make them choose. Im not an isolationist, I believe trade should be conducted within moral parameters, and that the long term impact on all citizens should be considered, not just the short term profitability of corporations. Greatly reforming our trade agreements with china and others is precisely what we should do at this juncture. Things really worth it are often not easy.
I think we should penalize them in trade for the measures they make that force human beings into what amounts to slavery. It is against human rights. Everyone should have basic workplace rights, and those nations that don't give it to their citizens should have enough trade restrictions against them to convicnce them not to.

Otherwise, the whole world is forced into slavery. Because it produces the most.

But at the cost of happiness and our humanity.

Yes. Watermark, you make me cry sometimes.
Then we should make them choose. Im not an isolationist, I believe trade should be conducted within moral parameters, and that the long term impact on all citizens should be considered, not just the short term profitability of corporations. Greatly reforming our trade agreements with china and others is precisely what we should do at this juncture. Things really worth it are often not easy.
Reforming them directly, good. Attempting to force the rest of the planet to follow, bad.
Reforming them directly, good. Attempting to force the rest of the planet to follow, bad.

But let's think about this Damo.

I don't believe in measures that are purely punitive.

But we should raise tariffs to an amount that negates every cent China gets from 16 hours workdays and harrassing its peoples.
Reforming them directly, good. Attempting to force the rest of the planet to follow, bad.

Like I said. Let them choose. Freedom and employment for the citizens, or enslavement to the chinese and the world banking system intent on implementing their own form of world domination. No force here.
Like I said. Let them choose. Freedom and employment for the citizens, or enslavement to the chinese and the world banking system intent on implementing their own form of world domination. No force here.
Saying. "I won't trade with you if you trade with China!" is force. Tarrif them to negate the advantage of slave labor items they use in their manufacture as well. Do not attempt to force them all to follow your morals.
Saying. "I won't trade with you if you trade with China!" is force. Tarrif them to negate the advantage of slave labor items they use in their manufacture as well. Do not attempt to force them all to follow your morals.

It's not force. It's having a policy. They can do what they want. Our markets are a privelige, not a right.
Saying. "I won't trade with you if you trade with China!" is force. Tarrif them to negate the advantage of slave labor items they use in their manufacture as well. Do not attempt to force them all to follow your morals.

Damo, slave labour is simply more efficient. Now, we can do nothing about nations that choose to use slave labour without a hugely expanisve and expensive military strike. Trade restrictions are usually also innefective in restricitng this (see Cuba). But simply not allowing them that advantage in our markets is not a terrible thing, is it? It shows that we won't stand for it. Maybe they'll eventually come around, maybe not. But slave labour will always be more efficient than free labour. If we try to compete equally with slave labour nations, maybe in 100 years people will be arguing that that is the only efficient option?
I have drunk Irish coffee, Asshat. I'm being unusually open-minded right now.


But you're totally right. This whole "we must allow slave labor to put our citizens out of work" insanity is simply insanity, a pack of lies put together by the moneyied to elite to pacify us as they destroy us.
Comparitive advantage is a true concept, Asshat. I recongnize that. But there are some comparitive "advantages" that we shouldn't tolerate.

yes. But sometimes "doing slavery better" is a net loss for mankind, in the final analysis. The idea that efficiency should trump all else is the true malignancy here.
Watermark, damo's in the club, his job is to monitor our opinions and feed back how the propaganda is working. IT AIN'T.
You are an idiot. My job is to point out how stupid it is to restrict our own ability to make change by attempting to force people using the weight of 25% of the world's markets.

Use tarrifs, not force. That is what I said. You are being deliberately disingenuous now.

You are an idiot. My job is to point out how stupid it is to restrict our own ability to make change by attempting to force people using the weight of 25% of the world's markets.

Use tarrifs, not force. That is what I said. You are being deliberately disingenuous now.

ahh....damo is redirecting the conversation...go back to 'playing now' will set ya me!:D