rummy steps down


There are so many defense department questions it is not even funny, from Abu Ghraib to Afghanistan and letting bin Laden escape into Pakistan to the torture and death of people in both countries to the extraordinary renditions, to the torture of numerous prisoners; to the torture; did I mention the torture...

Yeah, they had to get Rumsfeld off stage pronto..

Torture as in the Abu fiasco...dogs barking...panties on the head et al...and this is eqivalent to beheadings by the enemy...ya gotta be kidding...did you ever serve in combat?...I think not!
Torture as in the Abu fiasco...dogs barking...panties on the head et al...and this is eqivalent to beheadings by the enemy...ya gotta be kidding...did you ever serve in combat?...I think not!

question for you...why did bush appoint the Texas A&M president?? why wouldn't you appoint a general to be the Sod??
Beats me...

question for you...why did bush appoint the Texas A&M president?? why wouldn't you appoint a general to be the Sod??

I was just a Buck Sgt...then a 2nd Lt...during the VN era...I would if I could appoint a really good General...but hey I don't have the power and neither do you...:rolleyes:
Torture as in the Abu fiasco...dogs barking...panties on the head et al...and this is eqivalent to beheadings by the enemy...ya gotta be kidding...did you ever serve in combat?...I think not!

What a pile of Bullshit--Didn't you see the pictures of the dead torture victims from Abu Ghraib, I guess not. Are you Rumsfeld???? What the hell does combat have to do with it??? I served in combat in Vietnam. In another war based on lies instituted for no damn reason. Why is that imporant???

Seems to me that people who actually served in combat would want and insist on the strict interpretation of the Geneva Conventions to make sure that the moral high ground was maintained by the America forces. Rather than engaging in so many torturous and questionable aspects of torture and near torture in order to make innocent people more cowed and angry and more than likely to help the insurgents the next time they are asked, or to look the other way or cheer when the next Americans are attacked or killed or mutilated. I don't think you were ever in combat, you would have a better idea about how important it is to win the hearts and minds of the indigenous population if you were. In addition you would understand why a big force roughing people up and shaming them is worthless long term in bringing the insurgency to heel and in pacifying the nation of Iraq. No you haven't been in combat.
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Well gee...

thats my point WTF does the president of a college know about fighting wars and the military?

Beats me, but mnainstream media sure supports the University professors who are brain-washing our youth of their so-called knowledge...try the Military Acadamies...lotsa professors there who served in combat!
OMG...bite me...

What a pile of Bullshit--Didn't you see the pictures of the dead torture victims from Abu Ghraib, I guess not. Are you Rumsfeld???? What the hell does combat have to do with it??? I served in combat in Vietnam. In another war based on lies instituted for no damn reason. Why is that imporant???

Seems to me that people who actually served in combat would want and insist on the strict interpretation of the Geneva Conventions to make sure that the moral high ground was maintained by the America forces. Rather than engaging in somany torturous and questionable aspects of torture and near torture in order to make innocent people more cowed and angry and more than likely to help the insurgents the next time they are asked, or to look the other way or cheer when the next Americans are attacked or killed or mutilated. I don't think you were ever in combat, you would have a better idea about how important it is to win the hearts and minds of the indigenous population if you were, In addition you would understand why a big force roughing people up and shaming them is worthless long term in bringing the insurgency to heel and in pacifying the nation of Iraq. No you haven't been in combat.

I served in combat...did you... oh enlightened one...if not just go back to WWII history..the German ('Werewolfs) who tried to continue the war..with terrorist tactics...they were hanged on site(or shot) when caught...ended the WWII war on terrorism..think before ya speak!
By military college professors I guess he means the ones that Rumsfeld effectively ignored; the same ones he is ignoring by recommending and supporting more torture against the indigneous populations of Iraq, Afghanistan and others waylaid and confined under and for purposes of torture.

Maybe a little history of Mr. Gates will help resolve some of the confusion about his appointment.

"Bush says Rumsfeld Stepping Down, Recommends Robert Gates, former head of the CIA, for Sec. of Defense. "Gates was close to many figures who played significant roles in the Iran/contra affair and was in a position to have known of their activities." It's the same old song, just a different name"

For More Relevant Information
Oh yeah...

What a pile of Bullshit--Didn't you see the pictures of the dead torture victims from Abu Ghraib, I guess not. Are you Rumsfeld???? What the hell does combat have to do with it??? I served in combat in Vietnam. In another war based on lies instituted for no damn reason. Why is that imporant???

Seems to me that people who actually served in combat would want and insist on the strict interpretation of the Geneva Conventions to make sure that the moral high ground was maintained by the America forces. Rather than engaging in so many torturous and questionable aspects of torture and near torture in order to make innocent people more cowed and angry and more than likely to help the insurgents the next time they are asked, or to look the other way or cheer when the next Americans are attacked or killed or mutilated. I don't think you were ever in combat, you would have a better idea about how important it is to win the hearts and minds of the indigenous population if you were. In addition you would understand why a big force roughing people up and shaming them is worthless long term in bringing the insurgency to heel and in pacifying the nation of Iraq. No you haven't been in combat.

Side note...A-Valley VN era 1965-1966 7th Cav rocked...idiot...c'mon back with more of your BS!

By military college professors I guess he means the ones that Rumsfeld effectively ignored; the same ones he is ignoring by recommending and supporting more torture against the indigneous populations of Iraq, Afghanistan and others waylaid and confined under and for purposes of torture.

Maybe a little history of Mr. Gates will help resolve some of the confusion about his appointment.

"Bush says Rumsfeld Stepping Down, Recommends Robert Gates, former head of the CIA, for Sec. of Defense. "Gates was close to many figures who played significant roles in the Iran/contra affair and was in a position to have known of their activities." It's the same old song, just a different name"

For More Relevant Information

Dont'cha just love it when those who wear 'White' gloves try to convince 'Dirty Gloves' of their error...'Custer' may have lost 1880(7th Cav) era but not the reborne(7th Air Cav)..getta clue master of BS!
I served in combat...did you... oh enlightened one...if not just go back to WWII history..the German ('Werewolfs) who tried to continue the war..with terrorist tactics...they were hanged on site(or shot) when caught...ended the WWII war on terrorism..think before ya speak!

I don't have to go back to WWII; I know what we did in Vietnam and I know it didn't work; current and past professors in military colleges have written extensively about how to handle indigenous insurgencies; too bad you haven't consulted any of those works or even realized that the people we are currently fighting in Iraq are not "terrorists" but an indigenous population using the same tactics that the colonists used against the British in the 1770s. Wake up fool, I'm not buying your bullshit jive for a minute. You're nothing but a Bush supporting puppet who can't think a thought that hasn't been approved by der Fuhrer!

I don't have to go back to WWII; I know what we did in Vietnam and I know it didn't work; current and past professors in military colleges have written extensively about how to handle indigenous insurgencies; too bad you haven't consulted any of those works or even realized that the people we are currently fighting in Iraq are not "terrorists" but an indigenous population using the same tactics that the colonists used against the British in the 1770s. Wake up fool, I'm not buying your bullshit jive for a minute. You're nothing but a Bush supporting puppet who can't think a thought that hasn't been approved by der Fuhrer!

Right...and ya support Jane(Hanoi) Fonda and Lt....(BS) Kerry...did ya know that Lt.Kerry shot a 17 year old VC in the back while filming for future political gain..Kerry et included... are full of s***! And for your info I am a registered ' Independent American'(IA) party member! I think for myself based on experience....Not BS!
Y'all make this vet laugh!...back to PS101 with ya!
Right...and ya support Jane(Hanoi) Fonda and Lt....(BS) Kerry...did ya know that Lt.Kerry shot a 17 year old VC in the back while filming for future political gain..Kerry et included... are full of s***! And for your info I am a registered ' Independent American'(IA) party member! I think for myself based on experience....Not BS!
Y'all make this vet laugh!...back to PS101 with ya!
In my lexicon, IA stands for "Ignore Asshole." :D

Yeah, yeah: we've heard it all before. "Hanoi Jane blah blah blah John Kerry blah yadda yadda natter COMMIES gromish!!!!!11!!!!"

Go back to the VA and get some better drugs, loser. Ain't nobody buyin' those wolf cookies here.
"And for your info I am a registered ' Independent American'(IA) party member! "

What a bunch of crackpots!

American Independent Party - Platform:

We, Independent Americans of the United States, out of great love for God, our families, our country and Constitution, do proclaim:

1. [Christian Heritage] We believe that Jesus Christ is the God of this land; that we are fundamentally a Christian nation; and that only by faith in and obedience to God shall we be preserved as a great nation.


We claim that our Christian heritage, the traditional family, patriotism, and our unalienable rights are under attack; that our educational, economic and social institutions, and use of natural resources, have been perverted by those who would destroy our way of life; and that our Constitution, republican form of government, national security, and national sovereignty are hanging by a thread......
"And for your info I am a registered ' Independent American'(IA) party member! "

What a bunch of crackpots!

American Independent Party - Platform:

We, Independent Americans of the United States, out of great love for God, our families, our country and Constitution, do proclaim:

1. [Christian Heritage] We believe that Jesus Christ is the God of this land; that we are fundamentally a Christian nation; and that only by faith in and obedience to God shall we be preserved as a great nation.


We claim that our Christian heritage, the traditional family, patriotism, and our unalienable rights are under attack; that our educational, economic and social institutions, and use of natural resources, have been perverted by those who would destroy our way of life; and that our Constitution, republican form of government, national security, and national sovereignty are hanging by a thread......

You are seriously whacked out dude, if this is your party.
"And for your info I am a registered ' Independent American'(IA) party member! "

What a bunch of crackpots!

American Independent Party - Platform:

We, Independent Americans of the United States, out of great love for God, our families, our country and Constitution, do proclaim:

1. [Christian Heritage] We believe that Jesus Christ is the God of this land; that we are fundamentally a Christian nation; and that only by faith in and obedience to God shall we be preserved as a great nation.


We claim that our Christian heritage, the traditional family, patriotism, and our unalienable rights are under attack; that our educational, economic and social institutions, and use of natural resources, have been perverted by those who would destroy our way of life; and that our Constitution, republican form of government, national security, and national sovereignty are hanging by a thread......

And for someone who claims they just went in the voting booth yesterday, and voted a straight "American Independent Party" ticket, you need to wake up from that dream. You don't even know much about your own party. The AIP rarely ever runs candidates anymore, beyond a few local elections in california. And mostly they just endorse the Constitutional Party candidate.

I'm smelling bullshit.

The AIP last fielded its own national Presidential candidate in 1980, when they nominated white supremacist ex-Congressman John Rarick (D-LA) -- who carried only 41,000 votes nationwide. The AIP still fields local candidates in a few states -- mainly California -- but is now merely a state affiliate party of the national Constitution Party. For the past several presidential elections, the AIP simply co-nominated the Constitution Party's Presidential nominee.
So not only has Braindead never been in combat, he didn't even vote yesterday. I think we should introduce him to Dixie; looks like a marriage made in Heaven...

not that there is anything wrong with that!!!!!!