Walmart has gone down hill and become useless
Still better than Dollar General and cheaper.
Walmart has gone down hill and become useless
It will almost certainly be a depression, but even more importantly as the globe turns against us for spreading death and destruction in Ukraine (and for our now long record of spreading death and destruction) the Empire is having great success in destroying the dollar (with a lot of help from our ignorant and reckless leaders). When they succeed American is a desperately poor nation for as far as the eye can see.
Republicans used to tout the same bullshit. Mostly all of the working-class jobs were sent overseas 20 or 30 years ago. Try finding a living wage job and let me know how that works out for you. Corporatism is killing this country, yet you blame people who live in food deserts who have to ride the bus home with their groceries.Tough. Get a decent fucking job. Why are you self proclaimed conservatives suddenly whining about free enterprise?
Well, for those on social security, they can still afford this--at least until the radical Leftists in Joke's administration outlaw meat in favor of vegetarianism and eating bugs...
Did you ever consider the outright greed of American companies, who have raised the prices of their products far more than the rate of inflation? All in the name of profits.
The presidents policies and executive orders to influence the econ0my. You refuse to admit how Biden is lying about it
No, I do not understand why the President is responsible for the private economy.
there is no private economy since FDR. the federal government has taken that power to regulate commerce and extended it to all aspects of the economy, making the economy very much a government program. ..................communist........................................................
Once again we see how Biden and democrats lie about the economy and inflation. People have to buy food at Dollar General because they feel it is cheaper and their money does not go as far as it used to
Did you consider the rising cost of fuel for the transportation of goods and services? And the increased cost of hiring capable people? How about the cost increases of health benefits?
Yes they were considered. I can normally buy a 2 liter bottle of Coke for 99 cents. This week the grocery store was selling it for $3.49. Pure greed on the part of the manufacturer.
Did you consider the rising cost of fuel for the transportation of goods and services? And the increased cost of hiring capable people? How about the cost increases of health benefits?