Rural wisdom


Dude... that's a bit much, even for me. I mean out of principle I still thanked you, but it took a minute.
Fact: Democrats did that. That's why WM is so proud.

The name of the party those people belonged to is largely irrelevant. There have been huge changes in both parties.

But do look at the personalities and the political hopes of those murderers and see who it most resembles in our present day political arena.
That happened in Marion IN, not to far from where I grew up in Ohio (about 50 miles due west). This occurred in the 1930's when Indiana was the great northern bastion of the KKK. Rumor had gone around town that a black man in the local jail had raped a white woman. Agitators around town showed up in mass outside the city jail. Eventually they stormed the jail and took out three vagrant black men. None of whom had anything to do with a rape or even harrassing a white woman, beat the hell out of them and hanged two of them. A bystander saved the life of one of the men by claiming to be the alleged victims Uncle and vouching for his innocence, the third black man was just let go.

As for SM's comment. It's his lame attempt to try and distance southern conservatives with their racist past. Pretty fucking stupid aint it?

Oh yea....Marion had a population of around 25,000 back then (making it one of the larger towns in IN....which aint saying much) and is still about the same size today. Hardly urban but not exactly rural either.
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The name of the party those people belonged to is largely irrelevant. There have been huge changes in both parties.

But do look at the personalities and the political hopes of those murderers and see who it most resembles in our present day political arena.


Really? You see dems as being so against a certain group that they would attack them phhysically? I see our current democrats as much more wussy than that.

Considering the anti-gay, anti-muslim, and anti-whoever-ain't-like-us crowd in the GOP fits that crowd much better.
Really? You see dems as being so against a certain group that they would attack them phhysically? I see our current democrats as much more wussy than that.

Considering the anti-gay, anti-muslim, and anti-whoever-ain't-like-us crowd in the GOP fits that crowd much better.

Would they be anything like the anti Christian crowd or anti TEA Party crowd? In looking at the news coverage on TEA party rally's where the media attempted to impose a violent attribute to them and seeing the violent behavior of the union rally's in WI, where actual violence and destructive behavior was excused by same media, I must wonder at the seeming benevolence you paint here regarding democrats? Let's just listen to the hate and misogyny directed at Palin for instance.

Democrats of the southern stripe WERE the race hating party of old-that's a fact. It is why the new democrat party is so full of white guilt (broad paint stroke I know). No one in either party would condone what was done to black American's as anything other then what it is-hate. Republican's, as a national party, are free of the "white guilt" because they were not the national party who strove to subjugate black American's. Indeed it is democrats, who now not only have this misplaced guilt (they are not responsible for past wrongs of the party), but who demagogue race at every turn-just look at the blatant example of this in the OP.
Would they be anything like the anti Christian crowd or anti TEA Party crowd? In looking at the news coverage on TEA party rally's where the media attempted to impose a violent attribute to them and seeing the violent behavior of the union rally's in WI, where actual violence and destructive behavior was excused by same media, I must wonder at the seeming benevolence you paint here regarding democrats? Let's just listen to the hate and misogyny directed at Palin for instance.

Democrats of the southern stripe WERE the race hating party of old-that's a fact. It is why the new democrat party is so full of white guilt (broad paint stroke I know). No one in either party would condone what was done to black American's as anything other then what it is-hate. Republican's, as a national party, are free of the "white guilt" because they were not the national party who strove to subjugate black American's. Indeed it is democrats, who now not only have this misplaced guilt (they are not responsible for past wrongs of the party), but who demagogue race at every turn-just look at the blatant example of this in the OP.

I did not deny that the people in the picture were probably registered democrats back then. But the current parties are quite different than they were 50 years ago.
Would they be anything like the anti Christian crowd or anti TEA Party crowd? In looking at the news coverage on TEA party rally's where the media attempted to impose a violent attribute to them and seeing the violent behavior of the union rally's in WI, where actual violence and destructive behavior was excused by same media, I must wonder at the seeming benevolence you paint here regarding democrats? Let's just listen to the hate and misogyny directed at Palin for instance.

Democrats of the southern stripe WERE the race hating party of old-that's a fact. It is why the new democrat party is so full of white guilt (broad paint stroke I know). No one in either party would condone what was done to black American's as anything other then what it is-hate. Republican's, as a national party, are free of the "white guilt" because they were not the national party who strove to subjugate black American's. Indeed it is democrats, who now not only have this misplaced guilt (they are not responsible for past wrongs of the party), but who demagogue race at every turn-just look at the blatant example of this in the OP.

The anti-Christian crowd? I have seen some protests, but I have never seen anything violent.
Really? You should do your homework.

Just before this photo was taken the most influential and powerful politician in the State of Indiana was D.C. Stephenson. He was a representative in the Indiana State legislature and was The Grand Dragon of the KKK in Indiana (and 22 other northenr states) and one of the most corrupt politicians in US history. He was also a Republican. During the first quarrter of the 20th century he was "the king maker" in Indiana politics. He once famously declared "I am the law in Indiana." and at that time it was pretty much true. Because of the Republican party affiliation with the KKK in Indiana (and other northern States) during the early part of the 20th century, African Americans voters in Indiana (and much of the north) switched to voting for Democrats a full dozen years before this occurred nationally.
Would they be anything like the anti Christian crowd or anti TEA Party crowd? In looking at the news coverage on TEA party rally's where the media attempted to impose a violent attribute to them and seeing the violent behavior of the union rally's in WI, where actual violence and destructive behavior was excused by same media, I must wonder at the seeming benevolence you paint here regarding democrats? Let's just listen to the hate and misogyny directed at Palin for instance.

Democrats of the southern stripe WERE the race hating party of old-that's a fact. It is why the new democrat party is so full of white guilt (broad paint stroke I know). No one in either party would condone what was done to black American's as anything other then what it is-hate. Republican's, as a national party, are free of the "white guilt" because they were not the national party who strove to subjugate black American's. Indeed it is democrats, who now not only have this misplaced guilt (they are not responsible for past wrongs of the party), but who demagogue race at every turn-just look at the blatant example of this in the OP.

You need to study your history too ID. Not only is that a strawman argument cause, as anyone who studies American history and politics knows, white southern conservative Democrats left the Democratic party for the Republican party in droves during the 50's, 60's and 70's because of civil rights legislation. You're also factually incorrect on your assessment of "White Guilt" cause in the northern industrial states and prior to WWII it was the Republican party that was nationally identified with the KKK and not the Democrats. That is why African Americans in the industrialized north had been voting for Democrats as a block long before it became a national trend due to the Republican party's affiliation with the KKK in the industrial northern States. How do I know this? Because my great grandfather was a life long Republican, lived his entire life in Indiana and to the great, great shame of our family was an active member of the KKK druing much of his adult life. As a child I never new about his KKK affiliation because my grandparents were so ashamed of it (my grandfather was a union Democrat). It wasn't until after my grandparents had passed away that I was told about his fathers affiliation with the KKK. In fact their's a good possibilty that my great grandfather could have been a part of the mob in this photo as he lived in nearby Peru, IN.
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