Rural wisdom

Yeah, the national party system really only started emerging in the 80's. Before then, there were often coalitions in different party that had a lot more in common with each other than they did with other coalitions within the same parties. Blacks did start turning to Democrats. I think this was primarily because of FDR. They were locked out of politics in the south anyway, and when they began to participate again in Mississippi, they actually chose to start a different branch of the Democratic party than join the Republicans. In Mississippi, I think the Republicans took advantage of this by primarily pursuing the interests of white voters, while the Democratic party attempted to moderate itself and, in the process, lost most of its voters to the Republicans, who's formerly somewhat progressive section was utterly devoured by the Dixiecrats fleeing to it. In the last election, 90% of white people in my state voted for McCain, and 99% of black people voted for Obama. I don't think this trend is as pronounced among white youth, though (Obama won the state among the youth demographic, something that wouldn't be possible without a large number of white voters).

The Republican party of Lincoln was really a different way different beast than the modern one. The Democrats were the states-rights party, and the Republicans were a federalist one (believe it or not, conservatives used to be highly federalist, something that repeated itself in the politics of many north and south American countries - the conservatives wanted a stronger national government, and the liberals wanted stronger state governments). The Republican's support of strong federal policy meshed well with black voters, who wanted strong federal power to balance their minority position in southern states. It also allowed them to integrate better into the more progressive segments of the party. When, under FDR, the Democrats began to use the federal governments power primarily help the poor and elderly, rather than to protect business and promote commerce, the conservatives turned against the federal government. They found that their views now meshed better with the states rights Democrats. The blacks, on the other hand, being largely poor, benefited largely from FDR's federalism, and became a solid Democratic constituency.

That's a very interesting analysis.
No, idiot. People did that. White people. White racist Americans. The scum of the earth. And jokes about it put you squarely in their camp.

No idiot, white racist Democrats.

As for SM's comment. It's his lame attempt to try and distance southern conservatives with their racist past. Pretty fucking stupid aint it?
No 15ppMoot, I'm tying Southern Democrats to their racist past. :)
No idiot, white racist Democrats.

No 15ppMoot, I'm tying Southern Democrats to their racist past. :)

No, fool! They are people. Their party politics are no longer significant. Scum washes up at shores without knowing the politics of the people who live there. Why the hell can't you accept ANYTHING without making it party political? You must be real scared. Frightened shitless.
Big shot? Nah. A little frightened man who knows his voice counts for nothing. (just like everyone else). Really pisses you off, doesn't it?
No, fool! They are people. Their party politics are no longer significant. Scum washes up at shores without knowing the politics of the people who live there. Why the hell can't you accept ANYTHING without making it party political? You must be real scared. Frightened shitless.
Big shot? Nah. A little frightened man who knows his voice counts for nothing. (just like everyone else). Really pisses you off, doesn't it?

LOL at the irony here. You can't face the fact that your beloved Democrat Party has relied on race politics since its inception. First they were slavers, then segregationists and terrorists, and now they keep the black man down with affirmative action forever, welfare, public housing and shitty government jobs.
LOL at the irony here. You can't face the fact that your beloved Democrat Party has relied on race politics since its inception. First they were slavers, then segregationists and terrorists, and now they keep the black man down with affirmative action forever, welfare, public housing and shitty government jobs.

The most desperate argument there's ever been. Yes, we give them money because we hate them and want to destroy them. I know if I hated you, SM, I'd go up to you and give you a huge wad of cash. That would show you.
The most desperate argument there's ever been. Yes, we give them money because we hate them and want to destroy them. I know if I hated you, SM, I'd go up to you and give you a huge wad of cash. That would show you.
It's not their money; it's the taxpayer's money. And its a paltry sum on an individual basis, but enough for many to justify not working.
LOL at the irony here. You can't face the fact that your beloved Democrat Party has relied on race politics since its inception. First they were slavers, then segregationists and terrorists, and now they keep the black man down with affirmative action forever, welfare, public housing and shitty government jobs.

How is it MY Democratic party? It exists in America and of the two of us only YOU are American.
Oh, the huge wad of cash I was going to give you wasn't mine all along either.
You're obviously conceding the point.

The fact is that the Democrat Party's new strategy of handing out scraps to the peasants in return for votes while promoting a promiscuous lifestyle where traditional families are unimportant has been wildly successful for them, and has created more poverty and despair among blacks than their previous policies of forced labor and segregation.
You're obviously conceding the point.

You were avoiding the point. I don't care about your belief that taxation is theft. That's not the point of this thread, quit throwing out red herrings.

The fact is that the Democrat Party's new strategy of handing out scraps to the peasants in return for votes while promoting a promiscuous lifestyle has been wildly successful for them, and has created more poverty and despair among blacks than their previous policies.

If blacks didn't benefit from the policies, why do they keep voting for them?
You were avoiding the point. I don't care about your belief that taxation is theft. That's not the point of this thread, quit throwing out red herrings.

If blacks didn't benefit from the policies, why do they keep voting for them?

Look who's trying to avoid the point yet again. I never mentioned that taxation is theft.

In prior generations poor blacks walked long distances for work, worked long hours, and had few if any luxuries. But they got and stayed married and brought up their kids, virtually guaranteeing that the next generation would be more successful that the last. Now poor blacks take public transit to work, work fewer hours, the government pays for child care, and they have cell phones and flat screens. Life is much easier for them because of the Democrat Party's policies. But they are still poor, most of the kids grow up without fathers, hence have very little chance that the next generation will be better off.

Its just human nature to see the present and past and neglect the future. And, since the Democrat Party promises you a future full of more handouts, you support them.
Yet you still love the Democrat Party, because they, like you, hate America.

I do not hate America, I hate stupid people. I do not love the Democratic party, why should I have any feelings for a foreign political party that might be described as 'love'.