Us support of Israel weakened after this....the assumption is that it is because of campus protests and the election....but maybe not. Israel was told to not escalate with Iran because the children of Washington decided that our military is not prepared to deal with Iran right now....if the Zionist Bastards defied this command there would be consequences.
Joe Biden is worried about losing votes in Michigan. His "advisors" tell him that he will win New York regardless of what he does, so fuck the Jews. But the Muslim vote in Dearborn could easily be lost, so cater to the Terrorists.
Support for Israel is astoundingly high among the American people;

The insane, Antisemitic democrats do not represent the views of decent Americans.

Majority in U.S. Say Israel Has Valid Reasons for Fighting; Fewer Say the Same About Hamas
57% of Americans express some sympathy with both Israelis and Palestinians, including 26% who say their sympathies lie equally with both groups.