Russian propaganda on JPP

The FBI reported on it dude

It’s on the record

They worked to make Bernie the Democratic choice

Denying it is meaningless

He admitted it himself

I didn’t say he worked with the Russians

But his whole campaign was infiltrated dude


you're a fucking idiot.
The FBI reported on it dude

It’s on the record

They worked to make Bernie the Democratic choice

Denying it is meaningless

He admitted it himself

I didn’t say he worked with the Russians

But his whole campaign was infiltrated dude


HOW did they "work" to do that? And are you sure that's what the FBI said?
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Indictment: Russians also tried to help Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein presidential campaigns


Special counsel Robert Mueller’s office said on Friday that a federal grand jury has indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities accused of interfering with U.S. elections and political processes.
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders
WASHINGTON – It turns out Donald Trump wasn’t the only candidate the Russians allegedly tried to help during the 2016 presidential campaign.

A 37-page indictment resulting from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation shows that Russian nationals and businesses also worked to boost the campaigns of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Green party nominee Jill Stein in an effort to damage Democrat Hillary Clinton.

The Russians “engaged in operations primarily intended to communicate derogatory information about Hillary Clinton, to denigrate other candidates such as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and to support Bernie Sanders and then-candidate Donald Trump,” according to the indictment, which was issued Friday.

More: McMaster: Russian meddling in U.S. elections is beyond dispute

More: Takeaways from Robert Mueller's indictment of Russian nationals who meddled in presidential election

Thirteen Russians were indicted Friday for using social media to meddle in the 2016 presidential election. NBC 7’s Mackenzie Maynard spoke with a former Facebook organizer for the Sanders campaign who said the indictments confirmed “What we already knew.”

A San Diego man who organized Bernie Sander’s local Facebook group during the 2016 presidential election told NBC 7 he noticed traces of Russia’s hidden social media trolling campaign years ago.

After Sanders was beat out by Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, he noticed something was a little off.

“Hundreds and hundreds of people were joining Bernie Sanders pages on Facebook for a campaign that was over. It made no sense.” John Mattes told NBC 7.

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Bernie Sanders says his 2016 team saw effects of Russian anti-Clinton campaign

JASON NOBLE | THE DES MOINES REGISTER | 4:01 pm CST February 20, 2018

While campaigning for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders said he and Clinton believe that minimum wage should be raised to a “living wage,” on Wed. Oct. 5, 2016, in Des Moines.
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment detailing the Russian social media campaign to aid Donald Trump, undermine Hillary Clinton and sow distrust in American politics describes behavior that aides to Bernie Sanders witnessed firsthand in the waning weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign, the senator said Tuesday.
Indictment: Russians also tried to help Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein presidential campaigns

Here is what the FBI actually said:

It is not clear what form that Russian assistance has taken. U.S. prosecutors found a Russian effort in 2016 to use social media to boost Sanders’s campaign against Hillary Clinton, part of a broader effort to hurt Clinton, sow dissension in the American electorate and ultimately help elect Donald Drumpf.

And here's how Bernie responded:

“I don’t care, frankly, who [Russian President Vladimir] Putin wants to be president,” Sanders said in a statement. “My message to Putin is clear: Stay out of American elections, and as president I will make sure that you do.

So Bernie didn't collude with Russia and in fact told Russia to fuck off and stay out of our elections.
A 37-page indictment resulting from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation shows that Russian nationals and businesses also worked to boost the campaigns of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Green party nominee Jill Stein in an effort to damage Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Unlike Jill Stein, Bernie completely rejected that support.

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Bernie Sanders says his 2016 team saw effects of Russian anti-Clinton campaign

JASON NOBLE | THE DES MOINES REGISTER | 4:01 pm CST February 20, 2018

While campaigning for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders said he and Clinton believe that minimum wage should be raised to a “living wage,” on Wed. Oct. 5, 2016, in Des Moines.
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment detailing the Russian social media campaign to aid Donald Trump, undermine Hillary Clinton and sow distrust in American politics describes behavior that aides to Bernie Sanders witnessed firsthand in the waning weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign, the senator said Tuesday.

So all you're saying here is that Bernie was a victim of Russian attacks on our election...he didn't collude with Russia and categorically rejected it.
Here is what the FBI actually said:

It is not clear what form that Russian assistance has taken. U.S. prosecutors found a Russian effort in 2016 to use social media to boost Sanders’s campaign against Hillary Clinton, part of a broader effort to hurt Clinton, sow dissension in the American electorate and ultimately help elect Donald Drumpf.

And here's how Bernie responded:

“I don’t care, frankly, who [Russian President Vladimir] Putin wants to be president,” Sanders said in a statement. “My message to Putin is clear: Stay out of American elections, and as president I will make sure that you do.

So Bernie didn't collude with Russia and in fact told Russia to fuck off and stay out of our elections.

The Mueller Report mentioned that a few pieces of propaganda went toward advocating for Sanders. But they were barely measurable in relation to advocacy for Trump and attacks on Hillary Clinton. A shame the conservative Democrats keep lying about this.
He did not tell his people the lies were lies

He let them believe those lies because it helped him

He is not a good man
The Mueller Report mentioned that a few pieces of propaganda went toward advocating for Sanders. But they were barely measurable in relation to advocacy for Trump and attacks on Hillary Clinton. A shame the conservative Democrats keep lying about this.

Also, Bernie didn't solicit Russia's support.

But you know who did? Trump. You know who else did? Clinton.
The Mueller Report mentioned that a few pieces of propaganda went toward advocating for Sanders. But they were barely measurable in relation to advocacy for Trump and attacks on Hillary Clinton. A shame the conservative Democrats keep lying about this.


That is not what the FBI said
Also, Bernie didn't solicit Russia's support.

I didn’t say he did

He just accepted the help

Did nothing to stop it

Didn’t report it to authorities

And just let his people believe the lies he knew were lies