no worries
Verified User
Q NUT Fucktard.
Well, that's typical, when have teabaggers ever been organized?
The insurrectionist were all on the same page, overthrow the election count, they had a noose, a guillotine and zip ties ready for use.
Then it ain't no insurrection then, is it?
A noose, a guillotine and zip ties? LOL!! Yeah, right. You fucking degenerate..
Q NUT Fucktard.
Well, that's typical, when have teabaggers ever been organized?
The insurrectionist were all on the same page, overthrow the election count, they had a noose, a guillotine and zip ties ready for use.
YES, it was an insurrection you fucking moron.
Maybe you should retake that reading comprehension, correspondence course from Trump U.?
I hear Dotard is giving a discount, retard.
Fucking DUH!! You are a hopeless degenerate.
Q NUT moronic, troll.
You must be blind, lying or both, teabagger/Q NUTS see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear but it's just the voices in their head.