RWers running amuck

How many of the early/absentee voters do you think are (R)s? Aren't these voter intimidation tactics just as likely to affect them, too, if it actually works to discourage voting?

Please refer to my previous statement:

"Don't ask me what's going to happen!"

Words come back to haunt me... noooooo :)
It used to be Americans were live and let live, but republicans found a tool, an idea, a tactic given the diverse nature of human nature and today it is their primary weapon used to make diversity and the other into something inhuman. Being 'woke' is now somehow bad, of course what does woke even mean. It should mean consideration but no, it means you are accepting, respectful, and all of sudden acceptance is bad. What a weird nation we are becoming, right wing extremism from the republicans and from the so called religious is a challenge to humanity. History show that. OP covers one aspect.

'Luke Mogelson on the Far-Right, the Militia Movement, and the Threat of Trumpism'

'It’s no secret that right wing extremism has been on the rise over the last few decades in the United States, a militia-based movement that came to forefront of national consciousness on January 6, 2021, as an unruly mob stormed the Capitol Building. We talked to Luke Mogelson, author of The Storm is Here: Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, about what it all means, and where it might be going.'

Thanks. I'll trade you the excellent article for this meme.

It used to be Americans were live and let live, but republicans found a tool, an idea, a tactic given the diverse nature of human nature and today it is their primary weapon used to make diversity and the other into something inhuman. Being 'woke' is now somehow bad, of course what does woke even mean. It should mean consideration but no, it means you are accepting, respectful, and all of sudden acceptance is bad. What a weird nation we are becoming, right wing extremism from the republicans and from the so called religious is a challenge to humanity. History show that. OP covers one aspect.

'Luke Mogelson on the Far-Right, the Militia Movement, and the Threat of Trumpism'

'It’s no secret that right wing extremism has been on the rise over the last few decades in the United States, a militia-based movement that came to forefront of national consciousness on January 6, 2021, as an unruly mob stormed the Capitol Building. We talked to Luke Mogelson, author of The Storm is Here: Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, about what it all means, and where it might be going.'

Again, thanks for this article. Quote:

Lit Hub: There are a number of far-right groups you report on in your new book, The Storm is Here. If there is an organizing principle with these groups, what do you think it is?

Luke Mogelson: A sense of dispossession: the belief that something belonging to them has been usurped or stolen. Since militias mobilizing against public health measures rejected the scientific rationale for lockdowns, what they had lost was not a sacrifice for the public good—it was a theft. After George Floyd was killed, Trump characterized the nationwide demands for racial justice and police accountability as an effort by state enemies to “wipe out our history, defame our heroes, and erase our values.” The subsequent campaign to overturn the results of the 2020 election was called “Stop the Steal.” Inside the Capitol on January 6, many of the rioters attacking law enforcement chanted, “Take it back!”

Exactly what multiple historians and other analysts have stated led to the rise of Hitler in the 1930s. Rampant inflation, poverty, the Great Depression, and the onerous reparations laid upon Germany after WWI are all said to have created that "sense of dispossession" that today's MAGATs enjoy. Like Hitler, #TRE45ON was able to and continues to exploit this among the Deplorables.

In reality, despite the current inflation, we all enjoy the highest standard of living of any human beings throughout our history. But these MAGATs cannot see that. They wish to tear down this free and prosperous nation and rebuild it in the image of 1939 Nazi Germany. Only then will they feel safe from the "woke," Jews, people of color, non-Xtians, and everyone else they perceive as destroying the "real America."
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"I thought..."

That's where you were wrong. You "thought..." :rolleyes:

Wow, that's the best you can do? Your MAGA mouthing has seriously deteriorated in quality, RB. Try not drinking tonight, and tomorrow morning have a good breakfast and go outside if the sun is out.
Wow, that's the best you can do? Your MAGA mouthing has seriously deteriorated in quality, RB. Try not drinking tonight, and tomorrow morning have a good breakfast and go outside if the sun is out.

That's all that needed done. And, I don't drink, dimwit.
That's all that needed done. And, I don't drink, dimwit.

Well, if your lame MAGA musings can't be blamed on intoxication then you must be genuinely stupid.

Post #45, folks. This MAGA moron got caught by his own BS....and it's just burning his butt. Let's have a laugh and watch him try to weasel out.

...and we ain't supposed to get pissed about this.

How long have you lived in Portland? Or don't you support the Constitution, specifically the 10th Amendment?

From the OP Link:
Tracey Hargreaves, who has two children in the Grant Public School system, came to the defense of the student artist.

“I am a conservative, right-wing, gun-loving American,” Hargreaves declared at the meeting. “And I’ve never seen more bigoted people in my life.”

In an interview with, Hargreaves said, “The meeting turned into a hate fest. Usually there are 10 people at these meetings, 50 showed up. It wasn’t even about the mural ... People were talking about how we need to pray the gay away.”

Go Tracey! :thup:
So many issues in the world that need our focus, but the MAGATs focus on stupidity like this instead.

small children parroting the propaganda of large nazi pharmaceutical corporations is perplexing for a normal person.

of course, population reduction nazis like you love it.
Well, if your lame MAGA musings can't be blamed on intoxication then you must be genuinely stupid.

Post #45, folks. This MAGA moron got caught by his own BS....and it's just burning his butt. Let's have a laugh and watch him try to weasel out.

Weasel out of what?
How long have you lived in Portland? Or don't you support the Constitution, specifically the 10th Amendment?

From the OP Link:

Go Tracey! :thup:

I don't live there, coward. And I didn't say it was proper to condemn that drawing.

But you stupid libturds read that into my post. I don't give a damn about it.

I support the constitution more than you do. You'd never fight for it, you're a wimp.
I don't live there, coward. And I didn't say it was proper to condemn that drawing.

But you stupid libturds read that into my post. I don't give a damn about it.

I support the constitution more than you do. You'd never fight for it, you're a wimp.

Ahh, you're a busybody bully. Awesome.

Nice tough talk, son. I sure you impress all the kids in the neighborhood with what a tough man you are.

The mere fact you claim how much more you'd support the Constitution than me proves you know that's not true. What sane person does that?

Also, it would help sell how much you support the Constitution by respecting it enough to properly capitalize it. :thup:
Ahh, you're a busybody bully. Awesome.

Nice tough talk, son. I sure you impress all the kids in the neighborhood with what a tough man you are.

The mere fact you claim how much more you'd support the Constitution than me proves you know that's not true. What sane person does that?

Also, it would help sell how much you support the Constitution by respecting it enough to properly capitalize it. :thup:

Unfortunately some ppl think that "fighting for" something like the Constitution means pounding out angry words on the keyboard, rather than actually serving in the military or in public service. Funny how the Reichwingers' respect and honor for veterans only extends to those who are Reichwingers like themselves, isn't it?
Ahh, you're a busybody bully. Awesome.

Nice tough talk, son. I sure you impress all the kids in the neighborhood with what a tough man you are.

The mere fact you claim how much more you'd support the Constitution than me proves you know that's not true. What sane person does that?

Also, it would help sell how much you support the Constitution by respecting it enough to properly capitalize it. :thup:

Wow! All you can say to refute what I wrote is that I missed the shift key on my keyboard? Yeah, you're a coward in the first degree.
What does this have to do with school, kids, the OP, the fascist Reichwing? Or are you just feeling angry and thought you'd derail the topic?

It has everything to do with the fascist left destroying our history and being "offended" by a simple structure.
You whine and cry about a few clowns bitching about a silly drawing, yet you never said a thing about the commie leftists destroying our monuments. Hypocrite you are...
Wow! All you can say to refute what I wrote is that I missed the shift key on my keyboard? Yeah, you're a coward in the first degree.
You have an excuse for everything, don'tcha, Arbie?

Be honest with yourself: What do you think of people who constantly challenge others to a fight or threaten to murder them from the safety of their anonymous keyboard?

Are they cowardly or brave? An honest answer would be sincerely appreciated. TIA