Ryan Routh donated exclusively to Democrats since 2019

Indeed. Driven all the way to crazy town. Now, you won't get anything from them other than "we condemn political violence", this is because they refuse to admit that their rhetoric may radicalize some converts because that is inconvenient, limits the message, and they don't think that what happened is "wrong" in any real sense of the word.
Serious projection you do on behalf of the MAGA/Alt-Right/GOP. Deal with reality and stop being a parrot (with apologies to real parrots everywhere).
He also voted for Dump in 2016, was an avid backer of Vivek Ramaswamy and Tulsi Gabbard, and a wanna be "freedom fighter/mercenary" that tried to recruit people to fight in the Ukraine.

In other words, the man is a brick shy of a load. But you go right ahead with your lame ass Fox News talking points. The world expects nothing less. :sneaky::ROFLMAO:
He also voted for Dump in 2016, was an avid backer of Vivek Ramaswamy and Tulsi Gabbard, and a wanna be "freedom fighter/mercenary" that tried to recruit people to fight in the Ukraine.

In other words, the man is a brick shy of a load. But you go right ahead with your lame ass Fox News talking points. The world expects nothing less. :sneaky::ROFLMAO:
Tulsi was a Democrat when she ran.
No shit sherlock! She was a DINO, and proved such with her switching parties and hitching her wagon to the Cheeto Jeezus propaganda parade. A matter of fact, a matter of history.

She tried to save the Democrat party from itself. The Democrat party is going off the far left cliff. Harris is to the left of the socialist Bernie Sanders.
She tried to save the Democrat party from itself. The Democrat party is going off the far left cliff. Harris is to the left of the socialist Bernie Sanders.
I state fact while you think your revisionist tinged mental flatulence is the equivalent. Hint: it's not. Now, go blow your smoke up the rear end of your fellow MAGA mooks...they'll appreciate it.
He hated Trump
He donated to Democrats.
Yes, he was not a stable guy

Depending on where it was made (and probably an older grandfathered), an AK really wouldn't be the weapon of choice for a 300-400 yd. shot.
Spare me all the armchair gun monkey blather about the perfect weapon for the job. He chose what he chose, and it was re-released on the market when the neocon/teabagger GOP voted to let the 1994 AWB sunset. And stop trying to ignore the FACT that he VOTED FOR TRUMP AND SUPPORTED VIVEK RAMASWAMY (excuse the spellings). Deal with it!
Spare me all the armchair gun monkey blather about the perfect weapon for the job. He chose what he chose, and it was re-released on the market when the neocon/teabagger GOP voted to let the 1994 AWB sunset. And stop trying to ignore the FACT that he VOTED FOR TRUMP AND SUPPORTED VIVEK RAMASWAMY (excuse the spellings). Deal with it!
I certainly dont believe that about Butler....the wrong weapon for the job...... chosen by the Regime to power their removal of the second amendment starting in Jan.
So the Ukrainians were so impressed with this guy that they threw him out, and now deny that he had anything to do with anything?

That's interesting.