S.F. school board OKs new gay support program

Fair enough, I don't know enough about SF public schools to be able to intelligently say whether they need more resources to address discrimination and bullying.

You know what I think though? In principle, this would be a better use of money, than the vast waste of money I saw at public high schools in Texas. Dude, some of those schools have multi-million dollar football stadiums. I mean, like 15,000 seat monstrosities. It was unbelievable, those high school stadiums were larger, better, and more high-tech than the piece of crap stadium my campus at University of California had. Not to mention trying to promote and teach creation science is a load of horseshit that is an outright embarrassment to a developed nation.

But hey man, I guess football is kind of a religion in Jesusland. So, no worries, its their money!
Most of the football stadiums pay for themselves in ticket revenue, in Texas football is the only religion, followed by a nod to Jeebus who brought them football.
Most of the football stadiums pay for themselves in ticket revenue, in Texas football is the only religion, followed by a nod to Jeebus who brought them football.

HaHa, nice! I concur, I don't think there's much distinction between jeebus and football there.

I wonder where they got the money to build the stadiums in the first place? You can't charge for tickets for something that hasn't even been built.

I still say there's something out of whack with a state that is first in gigantor high school football stadiums, and like 49th in quality of public education. But, what the hell do I know?
HaHa, nice! I concur, I don't think there's much distinction between jeebus and football there.

I wonder where they got the money to build the stadiums in the first place? You can't charge for tickets for something that hasn't even been built.

I still say there's something out of whack with a state that is first in gigantor high school football stadiums, and like 49th in quality of public education. But, what the hell do I know?

It's not just Texas or public high schools. Most colleges can't really afford athletics programs either, and only a few do not operate at a loss.