At one time I considered myself a Mutualist Anarchist. That is someone who could make their own rules and live their life freely so long as they didn't impede or ruin things for others. That was unrealistic. Now I see things as being a case of limiting government to the maximum extent possible so long as everyone gets a level playing field. That is, government and society doesn't owe you a living. If you are too stupid to plan ahead, that's your fucking problem, not mine.
I have spent a lifetime being the nail that sticks up and gets pounded down, the one that won't 'Go along to get along,' the outlier, the one that doesn't fit the statistical sample, the anomaly, whatever-you-want to call it, watching as those who did all the things I wouldn't got screwed in the end and mostly, if not entirely, by government 1000%, to know that government isn't the answer.
I'm a fucking millionaire now. That's a fact.
You have to have a daily balance of over $250,000 to be in that.
I got where I am
despite and fighting against the system and the assholes who run it. I'm the sort that liars... err, lawyers... run from. Yea, even federal prosecutors and the like. Been there, done that.
I am the guy that's three deviations + outside the norm on the bell curve.
That isn't imagining anything. That's reality. That's who I am. I am the last fucking guy on the planet you want to piss in my Cheerios.
Sure, I'm also the sort that's an under-achiever and laid back where if you leave me alone to get things done--even insanely complex, nobody can do it sorts of things--I'll get them done. I've been doing that for half-a-century plus. I still do too. That's who I am.