"Sad Sack" trump reverts back to his old "blame Obama" routine.

You must be drinking heavily again Hawk. I was so hoping that could finally get that issue under control. That said, as usual you responded to a post that you didnt understand.

Ya, if you think that either I or any of the other Better People are going to take seriously your obvious tripe of a post you are dreaming.

I am however sure that you could manage to be less of a Dick if you put in a little effort.
I'm quite sure that a conceded Conservative hipocrit like yourself thinks that they are "Better people"......) Simply laughable....lol
I do have a newsflash for you though. I could care less what you think. In fact, that amount would have to be measured in negative numbers. In a nutshell, if you dont like my posts, then dont read them. Despite Conservates best efforts, it is still a free country....)
I'm quite sure that a conceded Conservative hipocrit like yourself thinks that they are "Better people"......) Simply laughable....lol
I do have a newsflash for you though. I could care less what you think. In fact, that amount would have to be measured in negative numbers. In a nutshell, if you dont like my posts, then dont read them. Despite Conservates best efforts, it is still a free country....)

I am a SOCIALIST YOU ASSHOLE, a Zen Socialist if we are to be precise..... I have not been a conservative since 1983!

I am a SOCIALIST YOU ASSHOLE, a Zen Socialist if we are to be precise..... I have not been a conservative since 1983!


I could careless what you claim to be this week. Your bullshit bipolar flip flopping rants were hilariously infamous at DP. Now, you can continue with your childish attempts at insults (making yourself look more foolish), or simply move on. That is up to you. Adding another name to the "ignore" list is of little consequence to me......)
You keep bitching about that over and over again. I have asked about 50 or so folks in the last month and nobody else had your issue? A few didnt have insurance and were bitter about having to buy it, but nobody said their health care cost tripled.

Ya .... Medicare , MediCal , and Medicaid take care of that for them ....
Hello Tacomaman,

tRump is claiming (with no evidence as usual) that there was an Obama conspiracy to deny him the presidency. Simply more idiotic rambling by a certifiable nutjob.

Oh, that's right. I remember that. He falsely claimed with no evidence at all that Obama directed there to be wiretapping of DT's phallic NYC tower. He had to drop that argument because he could never produce a shred of evidence to support it.

Oh no! Matt outed himself as a homophobic,repressing his homosexual urges
Hello Tacomaman,

Oh, that's right. I remember that. He falsely claimed with no evidence at all that Obama directed there to be wiretapping of DT's phallic NYC tower. He had to drop that argument because he could never produce a shred of evidence to support it.

Exactly. He simply moves from one conspiracy latent diatribe to the next. His typical propaganda pyramid scheme.
He sounds like a resident trumpanzee who has created another user account to avoid an "ignore" listing. Obviously this user is too ignorant to understand that he/ she can simply be added. Typical trump loving stupidity on full display.

I believe that the liar is you. I'm aware of nothing in Obamacare would have tripled your medical premiums. That said, maybe you should be pissed at the INSURANCE company and not the government.

That said, there were some early problems with Obamacare that Dems tried to fix. However, neither Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnel would bring "fixes" to the floor to be voted on. The Repubs were more interested in making Obamacare a campaign issue than actually helping the country.
Off Topic

What is the topic? "Orange Man Bad"? Tre original! Not!

Okay, this is what I see the topic as:
"Boo Hoo, Barr dropped the charges on Flynn and all the corruption is being exposed, waahhh! All because of Bad Orange Man."

A real American would see corruption being routed out of the FBI and Justice Dept. as a good thing

We know that overall healthcare costs did not triple, because that would have meant going from 15% to 45%. It would have required losing a third of our economy suddenly. It simply did not happen.

We also know that overall healthcare costs have been going up at the slowest rate in a long time.

So either you are untruthful, or you suddenly lost a subsidy for your health coverage. If you lost a subsidy, that is not Obama's fault. That is between you and either your employer, or whoever else was subsidizing it. Even then, it would not be your healthcare cost that tripled, but rather your share of your healthcare cost that tripled.
We know that overall healthcare costs did not triple, because that would have meant going from 15% to 45%. It would have required losing a third of our economy suddenly. It simply did not happen.

We also know that overall healthcare costs have been going up at the slowest rate in a long time.

So either you are untruthful, or you suddenly lost a subsidy for your health coverage. If you lost a subsidy, that is not Obama's fault. That is between you and either your employer, or whoever else was subsidizing it. Even then, it would not be your healthcare cost that tripled, but rather your share of your healthcare cost that tripled.

Non of my Doctors would take Obamacare ... so I had to buy real healthcare insurance
Blue Shield .....