Sad time for America... Repugs pull it together!

The Democrats, time and time again, are for banning late term abortion IF the exception is made for when the life and serious health are in jeopardy!

The Republicans however are for banning it outright and proved that they would rather keep late term abortion legal for an extra 7 years in an effort to pass a law without that exception!
Once again, in one case they get close to being in my camp. That doesn't mean I am "with the Democrats".

Agreed, in the case of the law passed a couple years ago conserning the banning of late term abortions, you were with the Democrats!
The Democrats, time and time again, are for banning late term abortion IF the exception is made for when the life and serious health are in jeopardy!

The Republicans however are for banning it outright and proved that they would rather keep late term abortion legal for an extra 7 years in an effort to pass a law without that exception!
The Democrats, time and again, are for keeping early term abortion around. I'd rather just ban it than simply kill for convenience. The Rs are closer to my position on this issue if I have to pretend the only two choices are "do" or "do not".
The Democrats, time and again, are for keeping early term abortion around. I'd rather just ban it than simply kill for convenience. The Rs are closer to my position on this issue if I have to pretend the only two choices are "do" or "do not".

YOU ARE WRONG, that is how the Republicans have tried to portray the Democrats... but you are wrong, the Democrats almost ALL supported the ban on late term abortions if the exceptions were allowed in!

That was the game the Republicans played with this issue. At the cost of 7 years of legal late term abortions. They painted the Democrats as for late term abotions when all the Democrats did was stand up for the exceptions you agree with!
ooops, sorry I thought you said Democrats are for keeping "late" term abortion around...

I see now you said, early term.

I agree you are with the social conservatives when it comes to early term abortions... but you are CLEARLY with the Democrats when it comes to Late term abortions.
YOU ARE WRONG, that is how the Republicans have tried to portray the Democrats... but you are wrong, the Democrats almost ALL supported the ban on late term abortions if the exceptions were allowed in!

That was the game the Republicans played with this issue. At the cost of 7 years of legal late term abortions. They painted the Democrats as for late term abotions when all the Democrats did was stand up for the exceptions you agree with!
You are once again talking "late term" when I spoke of early term. Of ALL abortion.

You are pretending there are no other type than these late terms. I am explaining why the Rs are closer to my position than the Ds on Abortion.

While the Ds are, in the case of late term abortion, closer to my POV, the Rs are in all other abortions.

All I have to do is convince the Rs that "For the life of the mother" is a good thing to add. I'd have to change the "choice" stance entirely on the Ds side and that is a far higher hill to climb.

So, that one little position where they are closer to my POV doesn't make them closer to my position on abortion in entirety....

This whole thing began because I was supposed to be more "disgusted" with the Rs over abortion entirely because of this one position. I am explaining, and have explained how they are equally distant from my beginning position, and how, if I must pretend "do" and "do not" are the only options ("for the life of the mother" is a "do" option) the Rs are closer to my position than the Ds are in every case but one.
I am with you... see above, I made a mistake.

But you dont agree that its discusting to keep late term abortion legal for an extra 7 years just to score political points and keep the law from having a reasonable exception?
I am with you... see above, I made a mistake.

But you dont agree that its discusting to keep late term abortion legal for an extra 7 years just to score political points and keep the law from having a reasonable exception?
Yes. But it doesn't mean that I think they are "more disgusting" than the other side. That was my point.
Well I think you are not seeing stright if you dont see that the other side was playing stright on this issue and the Repugs were playing politics with it!
Virtually all moderates and libertarians on this board and on FP want to see the government return to two-party gridlock. From Immie, to Klatuu to Rstringfiield, to AdamW.

I find myself at a loss why damo is cheering for a republican victory and affirmation of their failed policies. ;)

Actually, you are wrong about me wanting to see the government return to two-party gridlock, although that would be better than what we have today. Really what I want is every member of the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch in the unemployment line and a whole new crew of real human beings who care for their country and its citizens rather than themselves in office.

Too bad that is just a pipe dream.
