Sage Relationship Advice


Well-known member
My buddy wrote this for me this morning. Gentlemen, these are words to heed.

Cawacko – Listen to me very carefully, because this is important, and I’m only going to tell you once.

The first time you are spending the night with a woman that could be the next Mrs. Cawacko, wake up at 6am, grab your golf clubs, and leave. You don’t have to play golf. You can go sleep in your car if you want. But she has to think golf is a regular, important thing in your life. That way, when you get married, she can’t say anything about it – because she knew it going in; and more importantly, she won’t think you are doing it to spite her or avoid her. She’ll just know that it is a part of who you are. You’ll actually get extra credit for having your own life.

Repeat this process every Saturday and Sunday for the next few months. Then spend a morning home with her, and tell her you ‘feel like staying in to spend extra time with her’. This will pay dividends not only for that day, but for the rest of your life. Because every time you do stay home in the future, you’ll get bonus points. As compared to the way most guys live, which is to spend lots of time with their new loves early on, and then get criticized later when the try to bring golf back into their lives. Every time they play, they get points deducted, and they don’t get any credit for staying home. See the difference? Points for you - Good. Points taken away – Bad.

You can repeat this process for other things, too. Just remember, YOU NEED TO SET AN EARLY PRECEDENT! The early stages of a relationship (the ‘honeymoon phase’) are your only opportunity to set a precedent of missing things she cares about, like her mother’s birthday dinner (“fantasy football draft tonight, honey, sorry”) , or a visit to an art gallery (“have to work late tonight, darling, maybe next week”), or breakfast with another couple (“early morning fishing trip today, sweetie, sorry”). Sometimes, you even have to miss something you want to go to (“playoff tickets from work? Darn, I just don’t think I can let my basketball team down”) – so as not to draw suspicion.

Again, If you don’t set a precedent early that you have your own life, YOU ARE SCREWED FOREVER.

These are wise words my friend. Write them down if you have to.
Gee, this only adds to the biggest JPP mystery we have going on...why is it that Cawacko ends up going home alone every time he's out?
Yes he is, I agree. So could it be that there is an underlying personality disorder which manifests itself with these stupid proclamations of how to handle your womun?

Must be.

I'd like to be a fly on the wall when he's putting on the cawacko charm.
Screw you hippie!!! 9 days until the season (and dominance) starts!

9 days until you realize that your team still plays in the pathetic puss ten?

Not hard to dominate a conference when the rest of the teams are equitable to St. Marys school for the blind cheerleaders.
Good one, thorn. Way to participate. You're real social now. That's how winners are. And coffee achievers too!

RU fvcking kidding me?

You're the 2nd biggest tool on this site! No one gives two $hits about your political views.
Et tu, ladyt? After you just agreed with me that labs have great personalities and are playful? That meant something to me.