Government is NOT always the answer. In fact, government is RARELY the correct answer. Why, you ask (and have been REPEATEDLY told, but you refuse to hear) are government programs bad? First, because the programs are almost invariably designed to CREATE dependence on the very programs which are SUPPOSED to help people - which means further and PROLONGED poverty, by the very design of the assistance system you laud. What kind of "help" is it when the people are enmeshed in the system which PURPOSELY KEEPS them at a low level of income, and then takes away assistance at a rate greater than they can replace by working to get out of the system?
I agree and have said so many times. The problem is some people are so afraid someone is going to get something for nothing so in order to reach a compromise most programs are perverted from their original intent. That being said it does not mean the programs should be scrapped. It means they need adjusting.
Welfare, for example, pays so little do we expect someone is going to waste money on a bus ticket going for a job interview knowing they have little to no chance of getting the job? Those few dollars required for bus tickets are their dinner money.
While government programs help they do not help enough. That’s the problem. As for getting rid of them we have to remember why we have them. There was a time when there weren’t any programs. Everything was private. Everyone had to take “personal responsibility”. It was like that for thousands of years and people went hungry, suffered and died. That’s why we have government programs.
The solution is not to get rid of them. We have thousands of years of history to see how well “private” and “personal responsibility” worked. It didn’t. That’s why we have government programs. The solution is to adjust them.
And to top it off, use fear mongering of those bad, selfish, mean conservatives who want to take EVERYTHING away from them. I do NOT call it help.
It’s not fear mongering. It is a legitimate fear because some people have read history books and they know what happened. Just check pictures and stories from the 30’s depression. That was “private” and “personal responsibility” in action. Both adults and children without food and shelter. No medical care. No dentists. NOTHING!
While government programs have halted outright starvation they haven’t gone nearly far enough. That’s the problem. With more and more people living in cities there needs to be a comprehensive overhaul of programs. City dwellers can not take “personal responsibility” and hunt and fish to feed their families nor chop down trees to build a shelter.
Remember the conversations regarding the year 2000 and people worried how the patches and add-ons over the years would affect computers? That’s similar to government programs. We’ve had patches and add-ons to deal with problems and we’re left with a maze of rules and regulations. The problem is while the system needs a complete revamping to package all the programs into one comprehensive aid package others want to eliminate certain benefits resulting in nothing getting done.
It was the same thing with medical care. For decades some people tried to have a comprehensive government program which would include everyone while others wanted a more “private” solution. In the end a solution had to be pushed through. As Obama said the time for talk is over.
You have NO fucking idea what it is like to TRULY be poor. You look at people in government tenements eating prepared meals on food stamps while watching color cable TV and you call them poor because they cannot afford a new car, a bigger TV, and a 5 bedroom McMansion. Sorry, but those whom we deem as living below the poverty line in the U.S. are considered borderline wealthy by a large percentage of the Earth. (Not to mention personal experience.)
Then why aren’t people quitting their jobs and going on welfare if it’s such a great life? It’s available to everyone. All you have to do is stay in bed a few mornings until you’re fired and then go to the welfare office. Before you know it you’ll be living the good life.
It is you who have no idea what living on welfare is like. Their $300.00 TV is the only enjoyment they have. They can’t afford to go out for dinner or take a vacation or drop into Star Bucks or go shopping or do any other activity. Maybe we should just lock them in an empty, windowless room?
This is my argument with regard to SS: The liberals are dead set against anything resembling privatization, and tell horror tales (again, the fear mongering of which they correctly, yet still hypocritically accuse republicans) of what would happen if we were to invest SS funds in the stock market.
For God sake, pick up a history book! You want to read real life horror tales? Read about the depression of the 30’s before there were government programs. People were “free”, alright. Free to go hungry. Free to go homeless. Free to suffer without any medical care.
It’s not fear mongering. It actually happened. The good, old days of “private” and “personal responsibility” are well documented. Do try to educate yourself.