San Fransisco, Austin, Canada, or Europe


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since you complain all the time how expensive things when grind bought his chair for $500....frisco is out for you, sorry, but it is expensive to live there

austin...because if you're going to be an engineer...good jobs, it is still in the south by your family and it costs a whole lot less to live there

canada is nice, my wife is from there, but its frickin cold

europe...haaha, i would love to see you move there
Don't listen to SF Watermark. He's just jealous cause here in Ohio we can play football on grass. Unlike michigan we don't have to worry about the cheerleaders grazing during the middle of the game.
That's because all your cheerleaders are men dressed in drag.

And WM, I suggest either Austin or Ireland.
Watermark, what I suggest is go live for a year in Europe or South America or Southeast Asia and don't worry about the cash cause, as everyone knows, God looks after fools and students and hell, you're both! :)
Why does every educated or enlightened person always want to leave Mississippi?

Howdy, y'all!