The Republicans are in disarray over Trump's nomination because he is cementing their party as anti-Latino and anti-Black. Here's something you white male fools don't get - the glorified "Independent" has always been code for white male. And white males don't swing elections anymore. Demographics have changed and will only continue that way. Trump is on target to not only lose the white house, but to take down a good many house and senate seats with him. AND to cement the Republican party as the white male party. Which means they can't win elections. So that's a serious problem for them.
And Bernie will do the same to the Democratic party if he ever became the nominee and the R's unloaded the mother of all opposition research loads. And there's a lot there. You are probably idiot enough to believe that a man who celebrates bread lines and claims that bread lines are a great sign and countries that have them are better off than America, because it means that everyone eats, and here only the rich eat, could be elected in this country. But the party establishment, also known as professionals who actually know wtf they're talking about, know he cannot be.
If Bernie didn't like the rules he should have run as an Independent. But he didn't because even though he has NEVER been a Democrat he decided it would be a good idea to use the party for organizational purposes, and knew he would raise far more money running as a Dem than he would raise running as the third party crank that he is. He knew the rules. Bernie Sanders IS A FUCKING SUPER DELEGATE. Tad Devine his campaign manager, DEVISED the Super Delegate system.
So stow it.