Sandy Hook.

There are many conspiracy theories about the sandy hook shooting. Many even believe that it was a staged event using actors. Here is a little known fact about this shooting. Assuming it really happened, a skinny teen, with a rifle and no military training, killed 26 people in a very short period of time, and injured not one single person. Yep. You read that correctly. 26 dead, no injuries. Having military training myself, I consider such a feat to be highly unlikely, if not impossible. Look at any other mass shooting, you will see a list of people injured. This leads me to believe that there is something fishy about this shooting. What do you think?

Your meth habit isn't doing you any favors, Cindy-Ted.
Fake news and alt fact statement: "Unless someone has first hand knowledge of such an event, your information is unreliable."

It is a fact that we are being lied to. Any news of events that can be used to restrict our freedom should be suspect. That's just common sense.
Gee. I guess you missed all those liberals, standing on the graves of those children, and crying about how evil guns are.

I see I'll have to be more explicit. What gun control measures were secured as a result of Sandy Hook? If that was why "they" did it, what was the payoff?

Added: Has Trump exposed this "hoax" since he came to power? Don't you think he would if there was anything in it?
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The deaths of the children is evil incarnate, yes.

Those who deny their deaths embraces evil, yes.

Sensible weapons restriction and regulation do not violate the rights of We the People to bear and own arms. We the People, as a whole have that right. Those who violate the law and common sense can love their individual right, yes.
The reason people believe it's a hoax is because it wouldn't be the firust time it's happened. False flag events are real. Unless someone has first hand knowledge of such an event, your information is unreliable. The government and the msm are proven liars. How can anyone believe anything they say? Especially an event like sandy hook, which the gun grabbers are simply ecstatic about.

Don't ya think a small town would notice 26 1st graders weren't gone?
The reason people believe it's a hoax is because it wouldn't be the firust time it's happened. False flag events are real. Unless someone has first hand knowledge of such an event, your information is unreliable. The government and the msm are proven liars. How can anyone believe anything they say? Especially an event like sandy hook, which the gun grabbers are simply ecstatic about.

You're a dumb motherfucker!
You think the people in the town wouldn't notice 26 first graders weren't missing?
Sandy Hook was an extremely well planned and cleverly produced false flag human blood sacrifice. Sorry folks. The beast devours. Las Vegas was the largest sacrifice since 9/11. As gomie would say: shame! shame! shame! Blood has become an expendable asset. It has ceased under Trump. The school in Florida was the last canned crisis/ false flag event of the damned deepstate in a long time. I reckon they are e preoccupied with busywork just before their dismissal/ firing/ execution.
Sandy Hook was an extremely well planned and cleverly produced false flag human blood sacrifice. Sorry folks. The beast devours. Las Vegas was the largest sacrifice since 9/11. As gomie would say: shame! shame! shame! Blood has become an expendable asset. It has ceased under Trump. The school in Florida was the last canned crisis/ false flag event of the damned deepstate in a long time. I reckon they are e preoccupied with busywork just before their dismissal/ firing/ execution.

Okay gomer. You are insane too.
(The crazies are always looking for recognition.)
Sandy Hook was an extremely well planned and cleverly produced false flag human blood sacrifice. Sorry folks. The beast devours. Las Vegas was the largest sacrifice since 9/11. As gomie would say: shame! shame! shame! Blood has become an expendable asset. It has ceased under Trump. The school in Florida was the last canned crisis/ false flag event of the damned deepstate in a long time. I reckon they are e preoccupied with busywork just before their dismissal/ firing/ execution.

This sick motherfucker is allowed to use the restroom alone?