Sandy O'Conners Hubby has a New Love

There's this one person I read about who literally remembers everything that's ever happened to her. Her memory is like a movie theater. She can recall any thought she ever had with crystal clarity.

There's also this one guy who doesn't remember anything since 1962. In that year, the herpes virus chewed through his brain like an apple. He'll act perfectly normal while your talking to him, but he literally can't recall anything for more than several seconds unless it happened before 1962.

Memory is a depressing thing.

Herpes? In the brain? How does that happen?
Herpes? In the brain? How does that happen?

In all of human history, LadyT, it's happened once. That's encouraging. I'm not sure how it got in his brain, I've never read a full medical explanation. But I think in the modern world it probably would've been treated better before it got that bad.
You are wrong...

Herpes Encephalitis is not as uncommon as all of that...

It's inflammation, not eating. I've heard of encephalitis before but this is the only time I've ever read of Herpes EATING HOLES IN SOMEONES BRAIN.,2933,290610,00.html

This guy actually had his brain reduced to a thin tissue around his head (not by herpes, by dandy-walker syndrome), almost no brain at all, and has lead a completely normal life. The human brain is weird.
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I think I would be happy or at least content.

Exactly. I can understand Mrs. O'Connor might feel pain or hurt. But bitterness? I think not. If you really love someone, their happiness is something you wish for them.
Exactly. I can understand Mrs. O'Connor might feel pain or hurt. But bitterness? I think not. If you really love someone, their happiness is something you wish for them.

In fact, this can be a true litmus test for love. Love is unconditional if it is real. When someone breaks up and wishes ill will towards the other party, it is not coming from love scorned. Love is pure. Love in its purity cannot be corrupted by hatred, jealousy, or scorn. It can hurt more than a dentist working on tooth #8, but it doesn't beget cruelty.
In fact, this can be a true litmus test for love. Love is unconditional if it is real. When someone breaks up and wishes ill will towards the other party, it is not coming from love scorned. Love is pure. Love in its purity cannot be corrupted by hatred, jealousy, or scorn. It can hurt more than a dentist working on tooth #8, but it doesn't beget cruelty.

I give you props. That's pretty cool that you understand that at your age. :clink:
Sorry, about the last post. I thought watermark wrote that, not beefy.

Hey, I did understand that. One day, maybe, I'll get to the wisdom where I actually write brilliant stuff like that, instead of just agreeing with it and posting irrelevant crap like "You'll come back to me".