Russel Brand has decided he wants to insert some sanity into politics in his adopted home...
Guess who won't be on any more late night TV now?
He broke ranks by espousing the truth!
It IS Clown World we live in.
Who is that guy? Why is he someone whose opinion has any more credence than anyone else?
Used to be married to Katy Perry. Washed up wanna be comedian.
Russel Brand has decided he wants to insert some sanity into politics in his adopted home...
He is a bit of a conspiracy nut. You can see why the rights love him. He was cringeworthy on Maher a couple of weeks ago.
He is also not Hollywood, he is in England talking about British politics most of the time.
But does he have a degree in law or science or anything? Why is what he has to say something people are listening to?
Wow, another right winger.
you're an idiot
I used to consider Brand just another two bit british actor..........I think I have a new found respect for him
Stupid attracts stupid
But does he have a degree in law or science or anything? Why is what he has to say something people are listening to?
He's just another James Woods or John Voight. Except not as talented. He has no expertise in anything.
it doesn't take a genius, or even someone with a college degree, to see plain facts and truth..........