santa is watching

I guess it is a holiday spirit kind of thing. Christmas is for giving, even if it is traffic tickets :)
municipalities, county, state, federal, etc. Their main jobs seem to be to get and spend others money. And not necessarially in a manner that benefits the persons they took the money from.
Well, if you get pulled over, it is unlikely that they have retuned the radar with each stop, you'll likely get off if you fight it.... Whenever they are pulling over "hundreds" as the story says it usually is done without the proper checks on the radar with the tuning fork...
I see this as a way to get the poeple to slow down and drive safer. no place is as bad as a country town. Our main street has a posted speed limit of 35. It is rare for someone to drive less than 45 - 50 down it, including me in my younger days. Now that I have a 3 year old I am more concious of slowing down. Some people will get caught but several people will read this article (or see it on the news) and slow down, IMO, without being fined.

But then there is such a huge lack of respect for authority anymore I could be wrong.
Yepper the working class pay for everyone....
Of course it does pay in jobs and contracts for cronies.
Fatherland security and DEA are a couple of examples.....
Well, if you get pulled over, it is unlikely that they have retuned the radar with each stop, you'll likely get off if you fight it.... Whenever they are pulling over "hundreds" as the story says it usually is done without the proper checks on the radar with the tuning fork...

haha! you won't get off if the don't recal the unit before every use! they go by the manufacturers spec and cal at when the next cop takes the unit to use. they may do a cehk at the end of shift, too, but there is never a requirement to recal the unit for every 'shot'!
i don't get you people; you want to play, but get pissed whe you have to pay up. grow up and accept the consequences for your own actions.

but then again, i guess i shouldn't expect that from liberals........
Do the crime, do the time.
If you don't like a law, work thru the system to get it changed.

I wonder how long till rob gets DUI and has to ride the bus to work with the riffraf ?
i had my brother had about 5 pages worth from the DMV; judge charged him $500 for a speeding ticket cuz of his receord over the years...and that was over 20 years ago!