Sara, Pretty and small

I never bet on anything.

Having the cop story "go" nowhere is far from there being any wrongdoing.

The prosicutors of Chicago Rizo guy said long ago Obama did nothing wrong hasnt stop you from claiming differntly now has it?
I never bet on anything.

Having the cop story "go" nowhere is far from there being any wrongdoing.

The prosicutors of Chicago Rizo guy said long ago Obama did nothing wrong hasnt stop you from claiming differntly now has it?

I don't say much about the Rizo guy because I don't know the story well enough. I do know he is a fellon though, and a realistate friend of Obama. that is all I know. The realistate trqansaction is in question I think--but I don't know the law, or the details of the story. My intuition says he did a shady deal to gain money for his political career, but that is just my intuition based on all of his other relationships.

I know much more about obama terrorist friend Bill Ayres and political allie though--if you would like to talk about that. I do know who "Frank" is in Obama's book, if you would like to talk about that. I know a bit about black liberiation theology if you would like to talk about that (Christianity combined with Marksism is what it is). I need to learn more about the Chicago daily political socialistic machine that Obama used to help kick of his very short political career. Any sharp consertatives here that can shead some light on the daily political machine?

Never betting on anything you say only relieves you from accoutability.
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No its not in question!

The people who investigated and prosicuted Rizo Have stated publically that Obama Did NOTHING wrong, yet you keep infering he has.

He did community work with Ayers because that is who was working in the community.

He did nothing wrong but help people. You dont care about that do you?
No its not in question!

The people who investigated and prosicuted Rizo Have stated publically that Obama Did NOTHING wrong, yet you keep infering he has.

He did community work with Ayers because that is who was working in the community.

He did nothing wrong but help people. You dont care about that do you?

I care about truth--and I ask you to show me who these people are who did this investigation, and what their interests and political philosophies are.

yoiu also need to explain the "comunity work" Obama did with terroirst who was involved with bombing our state capitol, and police departments here, later saying--"we did not bomb enough in America". who is now a engilish professor in one of our charished universities. Tell me what they did as community organizeers--and may be you can have a valid point.

Ayres was a member and leader of the domestic terrorist group called "the weather undergound", who bombed our people on our own soil. Obama stasrted his political career with his help. That is the fact I know to be fact. Now--what type of community was Obama and Ayres working with? Most likely--the communist community. I have the right to make that assumption, because Obama will never express the work he did with Ayres--while the media is going after Palin because she became a grandmother.
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I care about truth--and I ask you to show me who these people are who did this investigation, and what their interests and political philosophies are.

yoiu also need to explain the "comunity work" Obama did with terroirst who was involved with bombing our state capitol, and police departments here, later saying--"we did not bomb enough in America". who is now a engilish professor in one of our charished universities. Tell me what they did as community organizeers--and may be you can have a valid point.

Ayres was a member and leader of the domestic terrorist group called "the weather undergound", who bombed our people on our own soil. Obama stasrted his political career with his help. That is the fact I know to be fact. Now--what type of community was Obama and Ayres working with? Most likely--the communist community. I have the right to make that assumption, because Obama will never express the work he did with Ayres--while the media is going after Palin because she became a grandmother.

Just read the news and when you read it try to understand it all.

Im fucking sick to death of your types pretending the facts are not on the table.
Just read the news and when you read it try to understand it all.

Im fucking sick to death of your types pretending the facts are not on the table.

It is a well know fact that the media new has a liberial/sociaistic--hard hard left bias. Anybody that does not realize that is a fool.

The facts are not oln the table, and never have been in our lifetime.

Really?--you don't think your news is heavily biased with a agenda?

your arguments are strong evidence that you are not being told all the facts. You can never explin things in detail--because yoiu don't have all the facts (which I admitt--is really hard to get in theis country today).
It is a well know fact that the media new has a liberial/sociaistic--hard hard left bias. Anybody that does not realize that is a fool.

The facts are not oln the table, and never have been in our lifetime.

Really?--you don't think your news is heavily biased with a agenda?

So this Liberal news which beat the drums for war and never investigated anything (just like the republican congress for years) that the Bush team did and is owned by his constituancy (Corporations) ia lying whenever anything bad about the right is printed huh?

Its a corporate and it covered for Bush until it started to lose so much business because of the internet exposuer of the bullshit that it had to go back to reporting at least some of the real news.

You sure are a tool.
So this Liberal news which beat the drums for war and never investigated anything (just like the republican congress for years) that the Bush team did and is owned by his constituancy (Corporations) ia lying whenever anything bad about the right is printed huh?

Its a corporate and it covered for Bush until it started to lose so much business because of the internet exposuer of the bullshit that it had to go back to reporting at least some of the real news.

You sure are a tool.

NO---we are probably both a couple of tools when we argue the right against the left. I think the two party system is a big smoke screen today. it keeps us busy with trivial things, or biased information on larger issues--why they make all the important decisions under the rug as best we can. We are just starting to catch them more IMO, but, I think they love eachother when the camera and mics are off.

I think Palin is the only alternative we have--in essence of your nation.
Palin's views are directly opposed to the majority of Americans.

Its Obama who is most likely to bring change.
Great hes a scumbag.

You still have not commented on the part where a Guy lost his job because he refused to act illegally on Palins request and fire the trooper.

So that guy deserved to lose his job because he refused to do something that was illegal?
Care to explain exactly what is illegal about firing a peace officer who habitually abuses his authority? The chief of police was NOT doing his job by allowing that officer to remain a part of the force. So the chief got fired for not doing his job.

The fact that the trooper was Palin's brother-in-law complicates matters, but in no way makes what she did inappropriate. She found a dirty cop, and in the process of asking why he was still a cop found a good-old-boys network in the state police. So she took care of that, too.
Palin's views are directly opposed to the majority of Americans.

Its Obama who is most likely to bring change.

I whole heartedly disagree. First off, the polls are about even, and those are polls that only use a history of active voters. I think you underestimate the population of America that has very little voice, and don't fit in their labels. Those masses are huge--mostly non voters. There are many reason why they don't vote now.
1 they don't feel they can make a difference--a younger attitude of the youth that don't have enough bones to make it to Harvard.

2 The retiring white man and women (and others) that have been disqusted by your social movement for a decade or two, and don't bother voting. I think they will see what McCain and I see. I expect about 50% of them to vote again.

2.5 Also, Immigrants who moved here for individual oppertunity. They know what they see in both candidates, and they chose freedom a long time ago.

3 Me--a first time voter who is just starting to pay attention---and will be a biggie mouth to any non voter I can find, and explain who Palin is. All those people have to do is watch one speach from Palin--and that is a huge part of middle America--which you do not reside and not sure if it exists. :)

I think it is safe to say that this elections voter turn out will be numbers we have not seen for a long long time. The numbers will grow from both sides, but I think Palin will win---consertativism always does in the end, because people realize their life is being stoled by socialism.

I can't spend time fixing all my friggen type-o's

screw it. :)
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Great hes a scumbag.

You still have not commented on the part where a Guy lost his job because he refused to act illegally on Palins request and fire the trooper.

So that guy deserved to lose his job because he refused to do something that was illegal?

She has every right as a resident of Alaska AND as governor to enquire as to why a guy like this is still on the force. ESPECIALLY after the guy threatened Palins family. She has every right to expect something to be done by the man who possesses that power. She ALSO has the right as governor to fire this guy for NO CAUSE. She doesn't even have to have a reason.

But I am sure you will overlook that as well.
Great hes a scumbag.

You still have not commented on the part where a Guy lost his job because he refused to act illegally on Palins request and fire the trooper.

So that guy deserved to lose his job because he refused to do something that was illegal?

Slow down Desh man.

Le5ts look at this for what happened.

There is a chain of command involved. I would be willing to bet that Palin could not fire the corrupted officer, who was also her sisters husband and going through a bad divorce. The sister thing only comes into play if the cop is clean--and he is not. Not even close to clean.

Now, I would be willing to bet, espically in the small area that the capton (who has the power to fire) and the trooper knew eachother well. That is speculation, and not really relevent, but I think it is a high probability---because I can see no other reason why a capton would not fire a severly corruped trooper at the request of the mayor/govenor (what ever she was at the time), and plenty of disipline action in the troopers file. His actions would be a discrace in any police department.

Palin did have the right to fire the capton, for not cleaning up corruption in his squad--and he admitted that Palin did the right thing.

I don't think this issue has any more merit that the Rizo issue on Obamas side--but Palin would not hang around Rizo (or what ever his name is)--she would have taken him down if he was doing any type of illegal action. The capton and his admittion that he was wrong is part of a record that Obama has never tried to achieve. Obama embrases corruption--Plain fights it--often alone--but with people support.
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Alaska's former commissioner of public safety says Gov. Sarah Palin, John McCain's pick to be vice president, personally talked with him on two occasions about a state trooper who was locked in a bitter custody battle with the governor's sister.

In a phone conversation Friday night, Walt Monegan, who was Alaska's top cop until Palin fired him July 11, told the Daily News that the governor also had e-mailed him two or three times about her ex-brother-in-law, Trooper Mike Wooten, though the e-mails didn't mention Wooten by name.

Monegan claims his refusal to fire Wooten was a major reason that Palin dismissed him. Wooten had been suspended for five days previously, based largely on complaints that Palin's family had initiated before Palin was governor.

Alaska's former commissioner of public safety says Gov. Sarah Palin, John McCain's pick to be vice president, personally talked with him on two occasions about a state trooper who was locked in a bitter custody battle with the governor's sister.

In a phone conversation Friday night, Walt Monegan, who was Alaska's top cop until Palin fired him July 11, told the Daily News that the governor also had e-mailed him two or three times about her ex-brother-in-law, Trooper Mike Wooten, though the e-mails didn't mention Wooten by name.

Monegan claims his refusal to fire Wooten was a major reason that Palin dismissed him. Wooten had been suspended for five days previously, based largely on complaints that Palin's family had initiated before Palin was governor.

Desh---you are a confused man. Sorry.

She did her job, and got rid of some corruption.

Nothing in that write shows Palin did anything wrong that I can see. She even gave fair warning before she pulled the trigger.

Now--if she whould have fired the capton because he would not fire the cop just because of a bad divorce--that would be another story. But that was not the case. The cop was dirty as hell--and he was being protected by the capton---who again--admitted his failure, and praised Sara for doing the right thing. It was in the FOX Palin life story yesterday--video of him saying Palin did the right thing--the same FOX that mentioned nothing about Ayres for Obama's life story today.
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The record clearly indicates a serious and concentrated pattern of unacceptable and at times, illegal activity occurring over a lengthy period, which establishes a course of conduct totally at odds with the ethics of our profession.
That was written about Palin's brother-in-law by Col. Julia Grimes (then head of the state troopers) in March of 2006. He was suspended for 10 days, later reduced to 5 because of protests by the union.

He made threats, (proven) tasered his stepson, (proven) illegally killed a moose while on duty (proven), flashed his badge in a bar while drunk to get his way in an argument (proven) and was investigated for abuse of authority multiple other times. And the only action taken against him was a 10 day suspension, which was reduced to 5 days.

And you wonder why Palin, who's reputation is built on stamping out government corruption, wanted the guy gone? The idiot should have been fired in 2006 instead of suspended and fuck the union protests.

And yet you wonder why she fired the dude who would not take appropriate action against an out-of-control cop?
since I have been talking about this today I have been looking into it and the Only proven offense I have found was his admitting to shooting the moose without a permitt (saw nothing about it being while on duty).

Please provide links to the proof you claim?
Desh---you are a confused man. Sorry.

She did her job, and got rid of some corruption.

Nothing in that write shows Palin did anything wrong that I can see. She even gave fair warning before she pulled the trigger.

Now--if she whould have fired the capton because he would not fire the cop just because of a bad divorce--that would be another story. But that was not the case. The cop was dirty as hell--and he was being protected by the capton---who again--admitted his failure, and praised Sara for doing the right thing. It was in the FOX Palin life story yesterday--video of him saying Palin did the right thing--the same FOX that mentioned nothing about Ayres for Obama's life story today.

I am neither confused or a man.