Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Is Jank a new insult term you just invented? Sounds like you.

You're a DeSantiser which means you love the guy who made his bones because of Trump and now wants to out-trump Trump. You are actually probably WORSE than a Trumper.

Are you a Jank?
Proving, once again, you’re a clueless Jank. :)
you made shit up. that's why you changed the name in the quote, as per the rules.

get a life please, and get off my jock.
I suspect all of JPP’s sane people know exactly what the posts mean. If you don’t like it, stop being a racist patsy, Fredo.
It seem like anybody or anything can be president or governor in this country, like Trump and Sarah Huckabee?!!

is part of that problem that she was inaugurated almost five weeks ago and hasn't changed anything yet?.....

Governors have the power of influence and persuasion, but not the power to make unfettered changes nilly-willy. That will require the state's legislative branch.

So she gets a pass on that! She did say she was putting together an initiative plan and would be announcing it soon.

And I am sure, like you, there will be a lot of baited breath out there in waiting.
Governors have the power of influence and persuasion, but not the power to make unfettered changes nilly-willy. That will require the state's legislative branch.

So she gets a pass on that! She did say she was putting together an initiative plan and would be announcing it soon.

And I am sure, like you, there will be a lot of baited breath out there in waiting.

only lib'ruls have"baited" breath.......
This broad is really special.

I think the pachys would have been better off having Bernie Sanders give their response to the SOTU Address.

At least it would be in English, not cracker-ese or whatever the fuck it's called.

Instead, they give us this ridiculous but nonetheless pathetic relic from the orangutan administration.

I can barely believe my eyes. Or ears.
It's better with the sound off. She snarls and shows her teeth when she speaks.
Got any specific things you can quote and make a coherent argument against, or are you just going to make garbled nonsense like your buddy Joke did in front of Congress?
Isn't she a 'wokester'?

That alone is reason enough to point an laugh.

In other news, a fellow wokester Aaron Rodgers is now claiming that the U.S shot down aliens.
She didn't even mention Trump's name during that stupid, corny story.

The woman is a shitkicker hick who doesn't belong on television.

She's a MAGA devolved mutant, and she shouldn't ever be inflicted on actually civilized people.
When she was the trump admin's top liar, she claimed that she gets her truth from God.

Think about that for a second.
When do you plant to start murdering “Nazi demokrats”? Or are you just a pussified, limp-dicked geezer who likes to talk big on the Internets?

When do you plan to sober up?

When was the last day that you went 24 hours without drugs or being drunk?
They do. It is you who do not.


Nope, they don't have credibility.

{For 2022, PolitiFact scored its third-highest PoF Bias number since it started in 2007. Of note, these figures include all of PolitiFact's state franchises. Tracking PolitiFact National by itself, as we once did, shows a sharp lean to the left during the 2010-2015 period. State franchises provided the balance shown during that time. The more recent spikes in bias likely stem from a combination of new, more left-leaning franchises and fact checker zeal over President Trump.

The cumulative PoF Bias number stands at a relatively modest 1.33 even with recent left-leaning spikes. So. over its history PolitiFact is 33 percent more likely to give a claim PolitiFact deems false a "Pants on Fire" rating for a Republican compared to a Democrat. That figure for PolitiFact National from 2007 through 2019 was 56 percent.

That variation, by the way, supports the hypothesis that different PolitiFact fact checkers display differing trends in their fact-checking. If, for example, PolitiFact National leans more left than state franchises then increased control over those franchises by National should show increased left-leaning bias.



Now some would argue that Politifraud is no more biased and subservient to the DNC than DailyKOS, DemocraticUnderground, or the Washington Post, which is true enough. The problem is that Politifraud portrays itself as the unbiased arbiter of truth. Which is laughably absurd - they are leftist propaganda, no different than CNN or MSNBCCP.
When do you plan to sober up?

When was the last day that you went 24 hours without drugs or being drunk?

Today. You?

BTW, people like you often end up on the news as a selfish, crazy fuck who murders Americans and then blows his face off with a gun. Tell me you’ve never thought about murdering Americans.
I notice none of you Nazi fucks can refute even a single point.

Like the feral baboons you are, all you can do is fling shit.

QED. It makes it easier for violent, selfish fucks like you to think of your fellow Americans as feral baboons when you open up on them.