They do. It is you who do not.
Nope, they don't have credibility.
{For 2022, PolitiFact scored its third-highest PoF Bias number since it started in 2007. Of note, these figures include all of PolitiFact's state franchises. Tracking PolitiFact National by itself, as we once did, shows a sharp lean to the left during the 2010-2015 period. State franchises provided the balance shown during that time. The more recent spikes in bias likely stem from a combination of new, more left-leaning franchises and fact checker zeal over President Trump.
The cumulative PoF Bias number stands at a relatively modest 1.33 even with recent left-leaning spikes. So. over its history PolitiFact is 33 percent more likely to give a claim PolitiFact deems false a "Pants on Fire" rating for a Republican compared to a Democrat. That figure for PolitiFact National from 2007 through 2019 was 56 percent.
That variation, by the way, supports the hypothesis that different PolitiFact fact checkers display differing trends in their fact-checking. If, for example, PolitiFact National leans more left than state franchises then increased control over those franchises by National should show increased left-leaning bias.
Now some would argue that Politifraud is no more biased and subservient to the DNC than DailyKOS, DemocraticUnderground, or the Washington Post, which is true enough. The problem is that Politifraud portrays itself as the unbiased arbiter of truth. Which is laughably absurd - they are leftist propaganda, no different than CNN or MSNBCCP.