Sarah Palin: An "unholy amalgam"?


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Sarah Palin: An "unholy amalgam"?

Tue Jun 30, 5:23 pm ET
The latest issue of Vanity Fair isn't even on newsstands yet and it's already making headlines for a not-so-politely titled article, "It Came from Wasilla," about Gov. Sarah Palin.

William Kristol at the Weekly Standard is calling it a "hit piece," taking writer Todd Purdum to task for his "dubious claims." A blogger at the Atlantic writes that the article "paints a gruesome picture" of the governor. Politico's Jonathan Martin mulls the "political fallout from the very tough piece."

Early in the almost 10,000-word article, Purdum describes Palin's life as an "unholy amalgam of 'Desperate Housewives' and 'Northern Exposure.' Purdum has plenty of juicy quotes, but not a single source was willing to go on record. A sampling:

— "One longtime McCain friend and frequent companion on the trail was heard to refer to Palin as 'Little Shop of Horrors.'"

— "Some top aides worried about her mental state: was it possible that she was experiencing postpartum depression?"

— "Several told me, independently of one another, that they had consulted the definition of 'narcissistic personality disorder' in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders — 'a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy' — and thought it fit her perfectly.
A self made woman with five kids and a successful blue collar husband who rides snow machines faster than anyone else, and she's easy on the eyes: Liberal nightmare. :)
I'm not religious but I'd pray that ditz wins the nomination.
Please, she barely got out of community college in general studies and she's going to beat obama. Bring it on
I'm not religious but I'd pray that ditz wins the nomination.
Please, she barely got out of community college in general studies and she's going to beat obama. Bring it on

She will carry the Religious Right and social conservatives but thats about it. I don't think she will win the nomination.

A fiscal conservative who understands that legislating morality is wrong would win.
She will carry the Religious Right and social conservatives but thats about it. I don't think she will win the nomination.

A fiscal conservative who understands that legislating morality is wrong would win.
Just like post Carter the American people will be looking for a fiscal and moral leader. :)
Just like post Carter the American people will be looking for a fiscal and moral leader. :)

And Reagan payed lip service to the social conservatives. The funny thing is that despite his ignoring what you wanted and doing nothing about any of the issues that concerned the social conservatives you still consider him to be your hero.

Reagan lied to the religious right to get their votes. And they still love him.

I think that is funny as hell.

I would love to have a social conservative like Reagan. He said just what the "moral majority" nuts wanted to hear. He let them think they won. And then he didn't do a damn thing they wanted done. But he was a fiscal conservative and he did something about that.
And Reagan payed lip service to the social conservatives. The funny thing is that despite his ignoring what you wanted and doing nothing about any of the issues that concerned the social conservatives you still consider him to be your hero.

Reagan lied to the religious right to get their votes. And they still love him.

I think that is funny as hell.

I would love to have a social conservative like Reagan. He said just what the "moral majority" nuts wanted to hear. He let them think they won. And then he didn't do a damn thing they wanted done. But he was a fiscal conservative and he did something about that.
Looks like you were the one who was fooled. *shrug*
That is a far cry from being a social conservative. He was trying to fight against communism. *shakes head*
Social conservatives care deeply about the religious freedom that Poles can now express, and the fact that this was done through the cooperation of the US government and the Catholic Church. *shrug*
Social conservatives care deeply about the religious freedom that Poles can now express, and the fact that this was done through the cooperation of the US government and the Catholic Church. *shrug*

And the only reason Reagan did this was so they could have religious freedoms?

Here is what Reagan said in a press conference in 1981 after Poland declared martial law in response to a Solidarity uprising.

"All the information that we have confirms that the imposition of martial law in Poland has led to the arrest and confinement, in prisons and detention camps, of thousands of Polish trade union leaders and intellectuals. Factories are being seized by security forces and workers beaten.
These acts make plain there’s been a sharp reversal of the movement toward a freer society that has been underway in Poland for the past year and a half. Coercion and violation of human rights on a massive scale have taken the place of negotiation and compromise. All of this is in gross violation of the Helsinki Pact, to which Poland is a signatory.
It would be naive to think this could happen without the full knowledge and the support of the Soviet Union. We’re not naive. We view the current situation in Poland in the gravest of terms, particularly the increasing use of force against an unarmed population and violations of the basic civil rights of the Polish people."

The bold face is mine to show Reagan was working to help intellectuals and trade union leaders. Neither of which are concerns of social conservatives.

This quote also shows that Reagan was blaming the Soviet Union.
gawd, an article that has 9000 words in it just to say they hate Sarah Palin..that's a liberal for you. ...

and this one paragraph takes the cake...
— "Several told me, independently of one another, that they had consulted the definition of 'narcissistic personality disorder' in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders — 'a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy' — and thought it fit her perfectly.

I'm sure everybody goes to the DSMMD to point out what a narcissist is..
Sarah must be laughing her ass off and saying, see all you suckers in 2012..

and who reads the Vanity Fairy's rag anyway...

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Who reads Vanity Fair? Lots more will read this issue I think. Even Rush and BillO will read it :D
Damo always says it's silly that lefties identify Palin as one of the leaders of the GOP, but it's never long before some conservative on the board starts talking about her enthusiastically for 2012.