Sarah Palin: An "unholy amalgam"?

Social conservatives care deeply about the religious freedom that Poles can now express, and the fact that this was done through the cooperation of the US government and the Catholic Church. *shrug*
All conservatives care about religious freedom, not all of them believe that religious freedom should be expressed though sanctified laws that protect marriage from gays.
A self made woman with five kids and a successful blue collar husband who rides snow machines faster than anyone else, and she's easy on the eyes: Liberal nightmare. :)

The facts are this; Sarah Palin has the power to keep liberals in a tizzy.

Note that the hit piece could source no one...just the mythical invisible army of "an unnamed source". This is liberal journalism at its worst and honestly I believe it's becoming the norm. It seemed more like a description of Obama then Sarah Palin.
Damo always says it's silly that lefties identify Palin as one of the leaders of the GOP, but it's never long before some conservative on the board starts talking about her enthusiastically for 2012.

Palin was my Governor until I left Alaska, and is still thought of very highly I do know about her more than you ugly lefties do down here in the lower 48...
they wouldn't still be writing ugly articles week after week about her if they weren't afraid of her running against "the Obama" and having a chance to beat him...
but watching all this is entertaining and just helping her out, so have at it I say.
The facts are this; Sarah Palin has the power to keep liberals in a tizzy.

Note that the hit piece could source no one...just the mythical invisible army of "an unnamed source". This is liberal journalism at its worst and honestly I believe it's becoming the norm. It seemed more like a description of Obama then Sarah Palin.

Everyone sees it as the boogyman that they fear.
All conservatives care about religious freedom, not all of them believe that religious freedom should be expressed though sanctified laws that protect marriage from gays.

One of the ways I see to divide the true conservatives who want religious freedoms from the social conservatives who want their own religious freedoms is to examine the way they treat other religions.

George W. Bush spoke out several times against the decision to have military chaplains trained in Wicca and to recognize it as a religion.
I'd like to see ANY of them do a parody of "the Obama"...but we could be waiting a long time for that, his administration would probably threaten to have them taken off the the air if they do...
All law is grounded in morality.

But not all morality is grounded in law nor should it be.

If you believe it is immoral to have sex before marriage thats great. But to make laws enforcing that is stupid.

The same goes for same sex marriages.
One of the ways I see to divide the true conservatives who want religious freedoms from the social conservatives who want their own religious freedoms is to examine the way they treat other religions.

George W. Bush spoke out several times against the decision to have military chaplains trained in Wicca and to recognize it as a religion.

Show me the "several quotes".
But not all morality is grounded in law nor should it be.

If you believe it is immoral to have sex before marriage thats great. But to make laws enforcing that is stupid.

The same goes for same sex marriages.

There is no law against pre marital sex. There are laws protecting marriage against those who want to demean its sancity. If gays wish to cohabitate make personal vows and share their wealth and goods ...go for it. But marriage is a sacramant of the Church and believers have a right to fight to protect it.
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Show me the "several quotes".

""I don't think that witchcraft is a religion. I wish the military would rethink this decision."
-- George W. Bush to ABCNEWS, June, 1999"

The web site Web, White and Blue conducted a "rolling cyber-debate" from 2000-OCT-1 to NOV-7. It receives questions from the public, and submit one per day to the presidential candidates: Patrick J. Buchanan (Reform Party), George Bush (Republican), Al Gore, (Democrat), John Hagelin (Natural Law Party), and Howard Philips (Constitution Party). 1 Ralph Nader of the Green Party declined to participate in the survey. One question, from "Amber" of San Diego CA was submitted on 2000-OCT-15 via Yahoo. She asked:
"With religious diversity increasing, what are your thoughts on the protection of religious freedom and the separation of church and state? Should religions like Wicca be banned from recognition by the military, as some legislators suggest?"

George Bush's Response:
Religious Freedom And Tolerance Is A Protected Right

"I am committed to the First Amendment principles of religious freedom, tolerance, and diversity. Whether Mormon, Methodist, Jewish, or Muslim, Americans should be able to participate in their constitutional free exercise of religion. I do not think witchcraft is a religion, and I do not think it is in any way appropriate for the U.S. military to promote it."
There is no law against pre marital sex. There are laws protecting marriage against those who want to demean it's sancity. If gays wish to cohabitate make personal vows and share their wealth and goods ...go for it. But marriage is a sacramant of the Church and believers have a right to fight to protect it.

The fact that there is no law against premarital sex is certainly not due to the social conservatives and their desire to let us make our own choices.

Marriage as a sacrament of the church is just fine. But people are married every day in courthouses all over this country. Their marriage has no religious meaning at all. And yet no one claims this destroys the sanctity of marriage.

It is not the sacrament that people want to change. It is the recognition of the marriage by the government. As long as straight couples enjoy that recognition with now religious involvement then gays should be allowed the same.

Besides I don't think the gays will do as much to destroy the sacrament of marriage as straights have already done.
He was governor of Texas and once made a statement that Wicca wasn't a religion and he hoped that the military would reconsider their decision to include the symbol on dog tags.

Later as President he was the first to allow it to be included on the gravestones of fallen Wiccan soldiers, and even apologized to the widow of a soldier who had to sue to get the Pentacle added to the list of approved symbols.
He was governor of Texas and once made a statement that Wicca wasn't a religion and he hoped that the military would reconsider their decision to include the symbol on dog tags.

Later as President he was the first to allow it to be included on the gravestones of fallen Wiccan soldiers, and even apologized to the widow of a soldier who had to sue to get the Pentacle added to the list of approved symbols.

Maybe someone finally explained things to him?
There is no law against pre marital sex. There are laws protecting marriage against those who want to demean it's sancity. If gays wish to cohabitate make personal vows and share their wealth and goods ...go for it. But marriage is a sacramant of the Church and believers have a right to fight to protect it.

Depends on how you look at that. Statutory rape for underage and child abuse laws say different.
The fact that there is no law against premarital sex is certainly not due to the social conservatives and their desire to let us make our own choices.

Marriage as a sacrament of the church is just fine. But people are married every day in courthouses all over this country. Their marriage has no religious meaning at all. And yet no one claims this destroys the sanctity of marriage.

It is not the sacrament that people want to change. It is the recognition of the marriage by the government. As long as straight couples enjoy that recognition with now religious involvement then gays should be allowed the same.

Besides I don't think the gays will do as much to destroy the sacrament of marriage as straights have already done.

Because a man and woman uniting in matrimony is the intended purpose of the sacrament their beliefe or unbelief is not in question.

As to men abusing what God meant for good? That's a straw man argument as man corrupts everything as a fallen creature.
""I don't think that witchcraft is a religion. I wish the military would rethink this decision."
-- George W. Bush to ABCNEWS, June, 1999"

The web site Web, White and Blue conducted a "rolling cyber-debate" from 2000-OCT-1 to NOV-7. It receives questions from the public, and submit one per day to the presidential candidates: Patrick J. Buchanan (Reform Party), George Bush (Republican), Al Gore, (Democrat), John Hagelin (Natural Law Party), and Howard Philips (Constitution Party). 1 Ralph Nader of the Green Party declined to participate in the survey. One question, from "Amber" of San Diego CA was submitted on 2000-OCT-15 via Yahoo. She asked:
"With religious diversity increasing, what are your thoughts on the protection of religious freedom and the separation of church and state? Should religions like Wicca be banned from recognition by the military, as some legislators suggest?"

George Bush's Response:
Religious Freedom And Tolerance Is A Protected Right

"I am committed to the First Amendment principles of religious freedom, tolerance, and diversity. Whether Mormon, Methodist, Jewish, or Muslim, Americans should be able to participate in their constitutional free exercise of religion. I do not think witchcraft is a religion, and I do not think it is in any way appropriate for the U.S. military to promote it."

Where are the links Solitary?