Sarah Sanders: Lawmakers not 'smart enough' to read Trump's tax returns

Poor faggot, upset that witch hunter Mueller couldn't find of Trump colluded, collusion of which you never had any reason to believe in the first place. Poor faggot, hoping that there's something in the Mueller report that would embarrass Trump. Poor faggot, probably has AIDS, too.

Hey bitch, I'll wait to be presented with evidence before thinking there's a crime. The Mueller report shouldn't have existed in the first place.

Wow, cunt, you have some special access to the report?

You can bet, cunt, that there’s plenty in the report to embarrass Trump. We don’t even need the report, cunt, because we’re already aware of some, even if he wasn’t charged. His kid’s meeting with the Russians and his lie to cover it up.

Then there’s the Stormy coverup.

SDNY is just getting started, cunt. Sit back and relax
Of course, the Dems would hire experts to look for problems in the returns, and failing to find real problems (these returns would have passed IRS audits), they're Dems, they'd misrepresent what's in the return to deceive the public, with the liberal media abetting. Stop pretending to a be a fcking moron who thinks Dems are honorable.

You are a hateful little Trumpy aren't you? Every Dem running has honestly and forthrightly provided their taxes. That is honorable. One, only one person has refused to show his taxes. Can you figure out who that is? The numbers do not lie. If Trump released them, in your beliefs, Trump would be exonerated for tax cheating, money laundering and doing business with Russian bankers. I am sure you agree Trump should let them out and prove what you think the Dems are, is real. What a defeat that would be for the left.
Hello signalmankenneth,


[FONT=&]White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said lawmakers are not "smart enough" to look through President Trump's tax returns.

[FONT=&]She appeared on "Fox News Sunday" as a battle is being waged over access to Trump's financial records.

[FONT=&]"This is a dangerous, dangerous road, and frankly, Chris, I don't think Congress, particularly not this group of congressmen and women, are smart enough to look through the thousands of pages that I would assume that president trumps taxes will be," Sanders said to host Chris Wallace.

[FONT=&]"My guess is most of them don't do their own taxes and I certainly don't trust them to look through the decades of success that the president has and determine anything," she added. "He has filled out hundreds of pages in a financial disclosure form and I think it is a disgusting overreach that they are making when they're not doing this based on policy. And it puts every American who has filled out tax forms in the past -- it puts them all at jeopardy. If they can single one, they can single out everybody."


But President Trump said he likes the undereducated. Is Sarah trying to have her cake and eat it too?
What she should have said is they wouldn't be able to dissect the return and make sense of it. Unless you were hired to compile it, I don't think that's crazy talk. Can you imagine all the different schedule Cs you'd have to deal with? I have one business and it's a pain in the ass (I'm lazy about bookwork... all done at one time for entire year). I bet it would be confusing to liberals that my revenues are double the net income. Expenses: How do they work?
What she should have said is they wouldn't be able to dissect the return and make sense of it. Unless you were hired to compile it, I don't think that's crazy talk. Can you imagine all the different schedule Cs you'd have to deal with? I have one business and it's a pain in the ass (I'm lazy about bookwork... all done at one time for entire year). I bet it would be confusing to liberals that my revenues are double the net income. Expenses: How do they work?

There are politicians who are accountants and tax experts. However, no congressman is proficient in everything. Know what they do? They hire experts to do the work. There are lots of tax experts and CPAs that would do the job. The IRS has his taxes. They have to give it to Ways and Means .Can't wait for that to happen.
considering there isn't much difference between the intellectual capacity of a fart in the wind and a democract's brain, Sarah's statement (be this is accurate of what she stated) was like a breath of fresh air.

Thanks for sharing that, made my day a little more smiley :laugh:
When someone has sold their soul to hell, it appears they do not care about spewing more lies and atrocities from their dirty face. This is because there is no point I suppose at being truthful when they have flushed their soul down the toilet running with the 45 demagogue. Also Sanders left out the part that her tyrant in chief is a bankruptcy expert who ripped off cities, taxpayers and governments in his money pilfering and thieving ways. Additionally, 45's antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies who create deficits and blame others for their fiscal failures. If Sanders is not on meds, she should be.
Poor faggot, upset that witch hunter Mueller couldn't find of Trump colluded, collusion of which you never had any reason to believe in the first place. Poor faggot, hoping that there's something in the Mueller report that would embarrass Trump. Poor faggot, probably has AIDS, too.

Hey bitch, I'll wait to be presented with evidence before thinking there's a crime. The Mueller report shouldn't have existed in the first place.

It was never about collusion until someone told Daffy that collusion is not defined as a crime. Then Trump made it all about collusion. I figured nobody was too stupid enough to not figure that out. You proved me wrong.
There are politicians who are accountants and tax experts. However, no congressman is proficient in everything. Know what they do? They hire experts to do the work. There are lots of tax experts and CPAs that would do the job. The IRS has his taxes. They have to give it to Ways and Means .Can't wait for that to happen.

Because some dem or repubs can't figure it out is about as lame a fuckin excuse I have heard in a long time, wtf does that matter??

Do they not release the budget because some moron in Iowa can't figure it out?? SSSShhiisssSSHHHH!!! sanders, S is a liar, a paid liar as is the lyin fool that pays her to do it..
It was never about collusion until someone told Daffy that collusion is not defined as a crime. Then Trump made it all about collusion. I figured nobody was too stupid enough to not figure that out. You proved me wrong.


White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said lawmakers are not "smart enough" to look through President Trump's tax returns.

She appeared on "Fox News Sunday" as a battle is being waged over access to Trump's financial records.

"This is a dangerous, dangerous road, and frankly, Chris, I don't think Congress, particularly not this group of congressmen and women, are smart enough to look through the thousands of pages that I would assume that president trumps taxes will be," Sanders said to host Chris Wallace.

"My guess is most of them don't do their own taxes and I certainly don't trust them to look through the decades of success that the president has and determine anything," she added. "He has filled out hundreds of pages in a financial disclosure form and I think it is a disgusting overreach that they are making when they're not doing this based on policy. And it puts every American who has filled out tax forms in the past -- it puts them all at jeopardy. If they can single one, they can single out everybody."

Definitely true of AOC and Mad Maxine.