Sasha and Malia Obama Wore $20K Dresses to the Canada State Dinner

Did she watch him bleed out like teddy watched his knocked up girlfriend drown in his car ?

You have evidence that Ted watched his "knocked up girlfriend drown in his car"? Post it.

I'll understand if you can't.

Laura's victim didn't "bleed out", BTW.


17-year-old Laura Welch ran a stop sign, causing the death of the sole occupant of the vehicle hers had struck. The future First Lady had been driving her Chevrolet sedan to a local drive-in theater on a clear night shortly after 8 p.m. on November 6, 1963 when she entered an intersection without heeding the stop sign and there collided with the Corvair sedan driven by 17-year-old Michael Douglas.

How fast Miss Welch might have been driving is open to question. That part of the police report is illegible, although two biographies of the First Lady refer to her as having been going 50 mph at the time of the collision. The speed limit on that portion of road was 55 mph. According to the police report neither driver had been drinking, but no tests were performed. No charges were filed as a result of the accident.

News accounts from 1963 reported the young man as having been thrown from his car and dying of a broken neck; he was pronounced dead on arrival at Midland Memorial Hospital. According to various biographies of Mrs. Bush, the boy's father had been traveling in a car immediately behind his son's and witnessed the whole thing.

The accident is difficult to understand in that it took place on a clear night on dry pavement at a crossroads described as "the middle of nowhere," where the view was unobstructed and the stop sign that faced Laura Welch was clearly visible. (The intersection was a two-way, not a four-way, stop.)

Laura Bush attributed the accident to a combination of a dangerous intersection, the darkness of night, a less than safe car (on the victim's part), and her own non-optimal eyesight.

With no stop sign facing him, the doomed young man would have had no reason to slow his vehicle even if he had seen another car approaching the intersection. He therefore would have been traveling at least 50 mph. Laura Welch ran the stop sign facing her, so there is reason to assume she too was going approximately 50 mph, the speed she would have been doing if she'd had the right of way.

So 17-year-old Laura Welch did cause the death of a friend by running a stop sign.
BUT - BUT - BUT; didn't she go home and wait until the alcohol wore off, the next morning, and then report it?? :palm:

Wow you know something about this story that we don't? I was just curious about how old she was.
I never heard that she had been drinking, or that she waited at home to report it in the morning . That's an awful indictment of Mrs Bush. If what you say about her is true, she should have done prison time for vehicular homicide. Right?
Can you link us to any further info about this horrible, alcohol related crime you say she committed?
I thought it was just an accident caused by driving negligence!
If true, I am surprised that Bush would have married a murderer.
Wow you know something about this story that we don't? I was just curious about how old she was.
I never heard that she had been drinking, or that she waited at home to report it in the morning . That's an awful indictment of Mrs Bush. If what you say about her is true, she should have done prison time for vehicular homicide. Right?
Can you link us to any further info about this horrible, alcohol related crime you say she committed?
I thought it was just an accident caused by driving negligence!
If true, I am surprised that Bush would have married a murderer.

Obviously you failed, probably due to your myopic view, the question marks at the end of my post.

It does seem though, that you have information no one else has; because when was she charged, arrested, tried, and convicted??
Obviously you failed, probably due to your myopic view, the question marks at the end of my post.

It does seem though, that you have information no one else has; because when was she charged, arrested, tried, and convicted??

Questions generally are followed by question marks Ma'am. Are they not? It did not change the meaning of what you asked.
Your questions indicted her and implied her guilt, nothing I said did.

Now could you please provide the links to your indications that she was drinking, and late reporting to cover it up, the night she killed her ex boyfriend with her car?
Or are your accusatory questions unfounded and without a credible source?
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Questions generally are followed by question marks Ma'am. Are they not? It did not change the meaning of what you asked.
Your questions indicted her and implied her guilt, nothing I said did.

Now could you please provide the links to your indications that she was drinking, and late reporting to cover it up, the night she killed her ex boyfriend with her car?
Or are your accusatory questions unfounded and without a credible source?

If you can open your eyes and actually comprehend, you will see the question marks at the end of my QUESTION.

BUT - BUT - BUT; didn't she go home and wait until the alcohol wore off, the next morning, and then report it?? :palm:

You're incorrect again; because I implied nothing and was only asking. :D

So now questions are accusatory and unfounded!! :palm:
If you can open your eyes and actually comprehend, you will see the question marks at the end of my QUESTION.

You're incorrect again; because I implied nothing and was only asking. :D

So now questions are accusatory and unfounded!! :palm:

A question can't imply anything? Hmmmmm.
Aren't you a racist sympathizer??
A question can't imply anything? Hmmmmm.
Aren't you a racist sympathizer??

You're the one that said my question was "accusatory and unfounded" and I explained to you, that it was a question.
Of course you failed to see the connection, between it and Kennedy's behavior; but it's been obvious, for some time, that you'll bend over to defend a liberal / any liberal.

I see you're still ineffectually trying to continue too flog your dead one trick pony. :palm:
You're the one that said my question was "accusatory and unfounded" and I explained to you, that it was a question.
Of course you failed to see the connection, between it and Kennedy's behavior; but it's been obvious, for some time, that you'll bend over to defend a liberal / any liberal.

I see you're still ineffectually trying to continue too flog your dead one trick pony. :palm:

It was a question and a darn accusatory question too. Lawyers ask accusatory questions all the time to put ideas into jurors heads, don't they, Ma'am.
I never attempted to defend Kennedy. I wasn't there you see. The real surprise is that you attempted to accuse Mrs Bush of horrible crimes and you weren't there in Midland that night either.

How about RacerX the OP of this thread? Is he a one trick, dead horse racist, in your one trick racist opinion or is he jus' a good ole' boy?