Sasha Obama a Trojan

Michigan has the reputation of academically being an excellent school by any standard.
I was thinking of appearances and image more than anything else.

Dubya Bush got into both Yale and Harvard Business School, and the poor guy couldn't construct a grammatically correct simple declarative sentence.
We KNOW that. We've got plenty of video to prove it.

Considering she likely could have gone any where it is interesting she choose a large public University. Could be to blaze her own path and be in a more diverse environment. Or any other number of reasons I guess.
Considering she likely could have gone any where it is interesting she choose a large public University. Could be to blaze her own path and be in a more diverse environment. Or any other number of reasons I guess.

Yes, it must be something like that.
President Obama's youngest daughter showed you can right mistakes of your youth. No idea why she originally chose to attend 'that school up North' aka Michigan but she saw the light and transferred to USC for her Senior year. Smart woman!

Fight On Sasha!

That beggars a question Wacko. If USC’s football team elevates a walk on player to their starting lineup and he wins the Heisman Trophy but USC doesn’t give him an athletic scholarship…would he be a used Trojan?
You think I'm going to give you a hug?

I was at the game, I know who he is. Still see him in my nightmares running into that corner endzone.

I know how you feel. I feel that way for the Human vacuum sweeper for the Baltimore Oriels that beat my Reds in 70 World Series. I wanted to see someone melt his golden glove and pour it down his throat.
She's really young but ask her what she's going to do at 18 and she'll say 'go to USC'. Oh don't get me wrong, there is zero chance I'll miss watching the game. I'm just talking about the challenge of being able to get away to fly down for the game and spend the night.

Tell them you’re going to L.A. to have a preventative colonoscopy test. No sane straight man would do that in San Francisco.
I know how you feel. I feel that way for the Human vacuum sweeper for the Baltimore Oriels that beat my Reds in 70 World Series. I wanted to see someone melt his golden glove and pour it down his throat.

Yep. There are a couple of investors I work with that are UT alum. They often start off calls by saying “we’d like to patch Vince Young into the call” followed by me telling them to go do an inhumane act to themselves.
Yep. There are a couple of investors I work with that are UT alum. They often start off calls by saying “we’d like to patch Vince Young into the call” followed by me telling them to go do an inhumane act to themselves.
I would have told them “Well at least I went to college in the U.S.”.
Dubya Bush got into both Yale and Harvard Business School, and the poor guy couldn't construct a grammatically correct simple declarative sentence.
We KNOW that. We've got plenty of video to prove it.

That's nothing.

Biden got his law degree from Syracuse University and the sorry sap can't count to three:

Oh, and as for constructing a grammatically correct simple declarative sentence:
