
From a DEA perspective, your posts look like you intend to distribute.

I could call up the DEA tomorrow and tell them I am flying to colorado to purchase an ounce, they aren't going to do anything. It is fully legal for out of staters to purchase weed, and they wont come down on me more than anyone else from colorado. you just can't transport it, and you have to smoke it all in state. sucks.
You know, I can bite on Stringy calling Grind a fake libertarian, because Grind insults him. But calling Billy a big government type is just hilarious. I suppose STY isn't a true libertarian, either?

This just proves all the meth that Stringy smoked prior to reappearing on this site left some damage. Anyone remember those bizarre rants and tantrums he would throw when he first resurfaced?

Be quiet. #CrematorialDay2014
I just booked the flight and got tickets for the Memorial Day weekend show. I am gonna get me an ounce of legal weed, burn 3d's house down, and drive through Oregon, Idaho and Montana after the show. #RealLibertarian
Just make sure that you don't buy an ounce of legal weed, burn down Oregon, Idaho and Montana and drive through 3D's house.
Wish I was there! Except for burning Threedee's house down, unless it is metaphoric, you being the first one to burn a big fattie in his home.

Enjoy yourself, check in, have the time of your life!
Given whom 3D is employed by....I don't think he'd appreciate that either.
No, out of staters can buy, they just can't transport over state lines
He didn't say they couldn't. He was only saying that you can't take it across State lines. Technically speaking it's not a Federal crime taking it across State lines unless you exceed a certain quantity (I believe 1 kg or 1 plant).