Saudi Press: U.S. Blew Up World Trade Center To Create ‘War On Terror’

896. Still the F.I.S.A. Court (5/5/2015)

In "893. New secret deal(4/13/2015)" and "895. New plot is similar to the 2001 one (4/24/2015)", I said the old tactic repeated. The Feds have a new plot with the help of Chinese secret police. My wife had been arranged a Chinese trip from 4/14 to 4/25. After her return from China, C.Y.- an alleged Chinese double agent has visited my house three times in latest week.(see C.Y. at #668,669 and 724)

C.Y.'s son works in an American company. A sub-division of that company in China has organized the Chinese staff to have a meeting in America recently. C.Y. asks my wife to arrange a US tour for those Chinese staff.

I think it's part of this new plot. The purpose is to link us to a Chinese spy group and cover us under a F.I.S.A. warrant. (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act)
897. Computer trap (5/5/2015)

On 4/26, one day after my wife's return, the screen of my computer blacked out.

When my wife saw my conputer was out of order, she said, "Don't touch my computer". She has a notebook computer but she rarely use it. She plays iPad.

The notebook was given by her boss, said for business material storage. I never touch it before. My wife was a toll of the Feds. I am afraid the computer is full of virus or illegal material-in another word, it might be a planting.

On 5/3, she suddenly changed her attitude to allow me to use the notebook. For one week I couldn't go internet. So I used it right away.

I used to post with window Word Process. It doesn't work in that notebook. A frame instracts: "

Activation Wizard

Your beta software has expired.
Use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel to remove the beta software from your computer."

My wife said beta software might be downloaded by her boss or someone else.

The wizard suggested to go through a list of programs. I was scared. If the Feds hid a malicious worm program and I could touch it off by just a click, then the computer could become a virus source. It thus gives the Feds the excuse of search and arrest they have sought for such a long time.

I think it's a trap that the Feds set up. They sabotaged my computer with some back door system, just like what they did in MH370 (with hidden auto pilot system) and drove me to another computer they prepared.
899. April plot (3/29/2016)

A secret deal between the Feds (FBI and DEA) and Chinese secret police in 2001.

4/1/2001 EP-3 collided with a Chinese military jet and landed in Hainan Island, China.
D.O.D. created EP-3 spy plane event for the D.O.J..

4/11 The crew of EP-3 was released. Skolnick wrote article, " Red Chinese get big bucks in Secret hostage deals " D.O.J. got the drug smuggling case from Chinese secret police.

5/11 original planed execution date of Timothy McVeigh. It was used to distract the case of killing of Kat H.Sung. Anyhow, I didn't mail the drive license renewal letter. So the Feds delayed the execution of McVeigh.

6/11 McVeigh executed. My drive license expired on 5/25. Knowing I wouldn't renew my drive license, the Feds had to finish their plot. The planned drug case didn't break off. Former FBI director Louis Freeh resigned to take the responsibility.

7/13 China got the host of 2008 Summer Olympic. Payment to China for the secret deal.

9/11 WTC collapsed. A payback from D.O.J. to Pentagon. (for starting war in Mid-east) Atta's drive license was used as evidence.

9/17 China got the membership of WTO. Payment to China for the secret deal.

A new secret deal between the Feds and Chinese secret police in 2016. China will play the role to kill my family members when they are arranged for trips there.

Strange Bedfellows: China’s Security Chief, FBI’s Comey Meet in Beijing
MARCH 14, 2016

China’s Minister of Public Security met this morning (March 14) in Beijing with James Comey, director of the FBI. The two intend, according to Xinhau, the Chinese news service, to “enhance mutual trust and respect each others'core interests to promote building a new model of major-country relationship.?

At that meeting, the two nations?leaders “agreed to have more pragmatic cooperation in cyber security and anti-terrorism,"Xinhau said today.

My wife will have a trip to China from 4/3/2016 to 4/17.

Something big will happen in April to distract the murder case - either a natural disaster, epidemic, terror attack, or all of them if I would be murdered in their plot.
900. Murder in jail (4/2/2016)

How would they murder Kat Sung? Find an excuse to arrest him then killing him in the jail. They performed this action 6 months ago.

3 Santa Clara County jail deputies charged in mentally ill inmate's death

Veronica Rocha 9/8/2015

Three Santa Clara County sheriff’s jail deputies were charged Tuesday in the slaying of a mentally ill inmate.

"Michael Tyree was not protected by those correctional officers who were supposed to protect him," Santa Clara County Dist. Atty. Jeff Rosen said. "Instead, they killed him and we have now charged them with murder."

I live in San Jose. If I were arrested, Santa Clara county jail will be the place to detain me. The sheriffs obviously were hinted that the target the feds wanted to kill was a psycho. Michael Tyree, unfortunately was a mentally ill inmate, was mistakened as the target and became the victim.

I used to be tarnished as insane by the cyberspace team agents. The following quote of a reply from fourpart Currently may well indicate my foresight and their elimination skill.

FourPart Currently 05-04-2015
Senior Member

The murder target is Kat Hak Sung who is a witness of the crime committed by the Feds. It's incredible but it's true. It will expand your view sight when you read all the story.
Hainan Island incident

Are we really to believe that the lunatic ravings from another forum, most likely posted by the same lunatic that linked to it in the first place really has any trace of evidence of such things.
900. Murder in jail (4/2/2016)

How would they murder Kat Sung? Find an excuse to arrest him then killing him in the jail. They performed this action 6 months ago.

3 Santa Clara County jail deputies charged in mentally ill inmate's death

Veronica Rocha 9/8/2015

Three Santa Clara County sheriff’s jail deputies were charged Tuesday in the slaying of a mentally ill inmate.

"Michael Tyree was not protected by those correctional officers who were supposed to protect him," Santa Clara County Dist. Atty. Jeff Rosen said. "Instead, they killed him and we have now charged them with murder."

I live in San Jose. If I were arrested, Santa Clara county jail will be the place to detain me. The sheriffs obviously were hinted that the target the feds wanted to kill was a psycho. Michael Tyree, unfortunately was a mentally ill inmate, was mistakened as the target and became the victim.

I used to be tarnished as insane by the cyberspace team agents. The following quote of a reply from fourpart Currently may well indicate my foresight and their elimination skill.

FourPart Currently 05-04-2015
Senior Member

The murder target is Kat Hak Sung who is a witness of the crime committed by the Feds. It's incredible but it's true. It will expand your view sight when you read all the story.
Hainan Island incident

Are we really to believe that the lunatic ravings from another forum, most likely posted by the same lunatic that linked to it in the first place really has any trace of evidence of such things.
903. Room vacated for years (5/15/2016)

Feng L. Sung is my young sister. She lives in San Francisco. The ground floor of her house was reformed to a two bed room in law for rent. The tenant is Mr. Jin.

Mr. Jin's grandmother had worked as a maid with my family for decades. She had no children. She adopted a son. That's Mr. Jin's father - a school teacher. My father abominated him, said that he was a government informant. My grandfather was a celebrate who went abroad when the Communist Party took over the China. It was natural that the government set an eye on our family.

As I know, Mr. Jin was a tax collector when he was in China. Several years ago, he rented a bedroom from my sister. The odd thing is that he doesn't allow my sister to rent off the other vacant room. This behave becomes a talking issue in our friends circle. Why he wants to keep an empty room there? It's strange that my sister tolerates his bully action. For me, this is very clear. Mr. Jin, likes his father, works as snitch for Chinese government. When the Feds have a deal with Chinese secret police, China sends many agents here to monitor my family. e.g.: G-man and C.Lady worked as colleagues with my wife, C.Y. and W.S. bought the house in my neighborhood.(see #635,643,644, 584) Mr.Jin, moved into my sister's house. The vacant room is obviously a trap, to link the new tenant to a F.I.S.A. warrant.

Last week, I learned the emptied room for years now is rented off. The new tenant is my daughter. She doesn't want to take too much commute to San Francisco. A new plot starts in the end of May and June.
905. June plot (5/25/2016)

Ben Gu is my brother in law. His wife is my youngest sister. Ben Gu is a successful business man. He now owns several houses in San Francisco. He also is a target of the Feds. (see# 64. My Brother in law was targeted.)

Ben Gu has an eld brother lives in Shanghai. Ben often helps him in finance. Now his niece live in his house in San Francisco. Strange enough, Ben's niece has a theory that Ben's wealth should belong to her father's. Her reason is, three decades ago, when her great Aunt sponsored one to the States, it ought to be her father not Ben because her father was the old brother, should have the privilege.

My relative told me this story. "Ben earns his wealth with his hard working. It's absurd to have such an opinion". She said resentfully.

I have different view. It's a typical evil tactic of the intelligence. They used to provoke family conflict with jealousy.

What alarms me is Ben's niece will go home next month. I allege Ben's niece and Mr. Jin both work for the intelligence and are planted in my sisters house. A framed case may break out in June. Likely a drug case from China. Ben Gu imported merchandise from China. It's easy to plant something in shipment.

To plant in garbage can is also a tactic the Feds used to use. (see # 689. Plant in garbage can and 6/10/2011 case (10/17/2011)). Coincidence is there is a notice from city of San Jose:
"Free Neighborhood Cleanup Event
Garbage collect day: Saturday, June 4, 2016"

June, is obviously a month of plot.
906. Effort to link me to F.I.S.A. (6/1/2016)

On 5/30, my wife told me Mr. yao and his family will come to U.S. on 6/3 (Friday) and visit me right on the same day. Mr. Yao was my classmate of Junior middle school. We know each other for more than 50 years.

The last time I saw him was 21 years ago when I was in China. The sudden visit is not a coincidence. It is arranged by the Feds and Chinese secret police. It's obvious. I just talked about they have planted two informants into my sisters' houses. Now they directly send one to me to link me to the Chinese intelligence. It's easy to recruit ordinary people to be an informant.

So many events squeeze together in this month. It's for one purpose - the Federal Reserve is eager to raise the prime rate. The world is watching every movement of the Fed Reserve. But it has to obey the order of the Feds.(FBI and DEA) The Feds hold a large quantity of the houses in Bay Area - not only for the convenience of framing a case (they put their informants in targets' neighborhood, in banks, stores, and working place the targets go, but also a method of making money. Normally, it works. But this case lasts too long, more than 20 years. Too many real estates are held. A tiny rate upwards will cause a big cost, let alone there may be a risk to break up a balloon.

That's why so many efforts to frame a case in this month.

907.The Feds control the internet (6/7/2016)

On 6/5, Sunday, I joined two two groups in Facebook. One is "9/11 Truth Movement - All Theories Welcomed", the other one is "911 questions". I posted a news "Saudi Press: U.S. Blew Up World Trade Center To Create ‘War On Terror?
". Then I started to post my theory "The origin of 911 attack" in "9/11 Truth Movement". Soon I received a note from the group host.

Norma Rae 11:58am Jun 5
Please delete all your posts not related to 9/11 or I will remove you from the group. Thank you in advance.

I leave it alone because my theory is 9/11 related. Then I found my postings started disappeared from the page. I went to the other group"911 questions", found a message was waiting for me:

Ray Kraaijenhagen
Jike Sung .. 9/11 related posts only. keep that in mind while you are in this group. it seems you just joined and posted other .. non related articles. they will be deleted.

To my astonishment was that I even hadn't started to post "The origin of 911 attack". How did Kraaijenhagen know what I was going to do next and threatened to "they will be deleted."?

I reviewed that site, found many unrelated messages (such like passed away Boxing star Muhammad Ali...)

The odd story indicts that: 1. I am under the surveillance by the Feds cyberspace team all the time. The response is instant. All happens in minutes.

2. Those groups are set up by the Feds, are traps to net those who don't believe the lies of government.

3. My analysis (The origin of 911 attack) is very correct. They are afraid of it.

Judge it by yourself if my "The origin of 911 attack" is 9/11 related.
I can testify truly that the trade center bombings on 9-11-01 brought loss of liberty and the onset of lawlessness. the damned of earth have been owning the real people ever since. it appears that the election of the new administration of us gov. constitutional law and order has somewhat derailed the march straight forward to hell. I have no doubt that if the new administration of constitutional law and order does not use the full power and ability of the us gov. agencies to restore lawfulness , with the support of the real people of the land; approx. 70% of all residents; the election of 2016 and the attempts to restore constitutional order are nothing more than a time of testimony against the damned unto their destruction. islam is the enemy of the entire earth. those which call themselves muslims must denounce the false prophet mohamed [damned forever] if they are to be even considered as suitable for life among the living. islam must be eradicated from the face of the earth. we have no choice. if this is not done ,then damned is the usa. when the barricades disappear from around the NG armories and the TSA is no longer necessary, constitutional law and order will have been restored; anything less will mean that the slow suicidal death of a nation continues. it will mean the people have submitted to "allah" Lucifer and political correctness and great delusion rule. it is winding down to the final apocalypse. it is good for those in Christ. it is OK. no worries.
Now that I'm finished laughing my ass off, I can type...

"Not seen in Mainstream media report." lol!

Its certainly understandable why....

Insanity is usually nothing to laugh about, but I had to make an exception in this fuckin' nitwits case....

Poor katsung....get help, yesterday.....drink some anti-freeze. Its for your own good.
925. US avoided a D-DAY (10/11/2016)

My wife and my daughter had a trip to North Europe from 9/23 to 10/2. I think it was arranged by the feds(FBI and DEA). To my experience, it used to be arranged with murder plot. (Both on me and my relatives) Also if the murder plot had been successful, there would be big events taking place to distract public's attention from a small killing case in California. On 6/11/2001, they used the execution of McVeigh as distraction.

So when on 9/25 there was a warning of D-day (9/30) - two days before my wife's returning, I naturally thought of that could be the distraction of the plot. I wrote about it in #923 on 9/25.

Friday, September 30th, 2016:

On Friday, September 30th...
a new kind of "world money" goes live.

The D-DAY big financial collapse didn't happen because the Feds failed to murder me at that time. I still would say my perspective is very correct.

Two news prove it.

Financial Hell might break loose tomorrow. Congress OVER-RIDES Obama Veto of Saudi Arabia Lawsuit Bill! Saudis may retaliate by pulling Billions out of Markets and Billions more out of Banks.

Post by Newsroom - Sep 28, 2016

Saudi Arabia made clear that if this Bill was passed, it would withdraw what they claimed would be seven-hundred and fifty BILLION dollars of assets that the Kingdom has in the United States, so as to protect those assets from being seized under the lawsuit provisions.

U.S. Congress passes funding bill; averts government shutdown

Reuters September 28, 2016

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved and sent to President Barack Obama legislation preventing government shutdowns at the end of this week by temporarily funding federal agencies through Dec. 9.

Watch the date of these two news. If the Congress had't passed the funding bill and Saudi dumped US treasury. Then the D-DAY would have become true.
932. Intensify the persecution (11/9/2016)

My wife has been arranged a new trip to China and Philippines between 11/13 and 11/21. The Feds(FBI and DEA) have just finished the big operation "Trump for President". They hurry for a new "Elimination Kat Sung" plot. In plot, China always plays a big role. Of course, China will get a big payment -

Steps taken to 'speed up' corrupt fugitives' return

China Daily, October 26, 2016

Chinese and US judicial authorities have been speeding up negotiations on returning five most-wanted corrupt Chinese officials, who are still on the run in the United States, to face trial at home.

933. Big drug case in China, Philippines and USA (11/12/2016)

16 years ago, Bush was escorted to the president seat by the Feds. The big event was 9/11 attack. The secret deal was between Chinese secret police and the Feds.(FBI and DEA) In deal, China was to smuggle drugs to US to frame a case on Kat Sung. The payment was to hosting 2008 Olypic Game and the membership of WTO.

This month, they escorted Trump to the president seat. A new secret deal has been made. It still is to create a drug case, but the victims will be much more. My relatives and other people who know my story will be killed in this created case.

My wife is arranged a trip to China and Philippines from 11/13 to 11/21. The Feds used to frame a case when victims are in travel. The drug case will take place in these two countries and in US too.

The case will be operated under the name of Interpol. For this purpose, a Chinese police officer has been selected president of Interpol.

New Chinese Interpol chief sparks rights concerns

AFP Yulius Martoni November 10, 2016

Nusa Dua (Indonesia) (AFP) - A Chinese security official was elected president of Interpol Thursday for the first time, sparking criticism from activists who say Beijing uses the agency to track down dissidents abroad.

US intelligence infiltrates all kinds of organizations. 16 years ago, they satisfied Chinese demand by the approval of the commission of Olympic Game and the WTO. This time, for the same purpose, they sent a Chinese police officer to the seat of Interpol president.
934. Trump, Bush and the return of Tony Blair(11/23/2016)

The president election of 2016 is similar to the 2000 one. Both were rigged to escort the puppets of the Feds to take the president seat. I say so because both happened under the term of Democrat's regime and the economy are pretty well too. In 2000, Bill Clinton left with a rare budget surplus for next president. Barak Obama has having a nice employment rate - 5%. There is hardly a reason to change the ruling party. Yet the Feds have other purpose and they control the election, So we saw the controversial events. To create unreasonable victory of the campaign, they had to make it a tied one. Bush won the election on the controversial Florida votes which depended on the decision of Supreme Court. Trump won a controversial election which caused countrywide protests, the Feds later have to say Hillary Clinton won popular votes to comfort people. They manipulate the voting number at their convenience.

They did so because they had big plan plotted already. The two election also got everything ready for the puppet president to carry out their mission. That is the full control of the Senate and the House. The plan would pass easily in legislative - both controlled by Republican Party. Now we know for Bush's job it was war in Mid-East and 9/11 attack. What will it be for Donald Trump? Here is a news when Trump is interviewing the candidate of his cabinet.

Eurosceptics welcome Tony Blair's political comeback and Brexit intervention

Laura Hughes 21 NOVEMBER 2016

Tony Blair’s plan to make a comeback to political life by spearheading an anti-Brexit group was last night welcomed by Eurosceptics who said it would increase public support for leaving the EU.

Tony Blair is notorious for his role in Iraq war. Does this mean there will be another war- on Syria, or on Iran? Or another style of war- to split Euro zone?

When they say it's those "low educated white people" who lost their jobs voted Trump to his president seat, do you feel the conflict of that this is the time of full employment (5% unemployment rate)?

Stand high to see these two president elections (2000, 2016) with the return of Tony Blair, you may see how the Feds manipulate the election to chose politicians to control this world.

935. Trump confirms secret deal (11/29/2016)

Another similarity of the two president election (2000 and 2016), is both are for a murder plot of the Feds(FBI and DEA). The murder target is Kat sung.

In 2001 Bush's term, the big events were: 4/11 The crew of EP-3 spy plane released by China - to justify a payment to China. 6/11 the execution of Timothy McVeigh - a distract action. 9/11 attack - part of interest exchange between DOD and DOJ. 7/13 China awarded to host 2008 Olympic Game; 9/17 China awarded the membership of WTO - payment to China. see:
However, the Feds failed to eliminate Kat Sung.

In 2016 election, to assure the killing plot to go through, they let a representative of their own - Donald Trump to take over the president power. So we saw an unusual election that an unqualified crook defeated a professional politician.

The Feds(FBI and DEA) obviously have made new secret deal with Chinese secret police. They let the heads of two countries to confirm their deal in a call.

In phone call, China's Xi tells Trump cooperation is only choice
By Michael Martina and Steve Holland
Reuters 11/14/2016

One day later,China got its first payment as assurance.

China's most-wanted corruption suspect surrenders after 13 years abroad

Reuters November 16, 2016

By Sue-Lin Wong
BEIJING (Reuters) - China's most-wanted corruption suspect returned to China from the United States on Wednesday after turning herself in, a major victory for the ruling Communist Party's overseas hunt for fugitive officials.

The president elected approves the secret deal. (payment too) The lackeys now are preparing for the detail work.

November 16, 2016

U.S. and Chinese diplomats and law enforcement representatives plan to meet in Beijing next week to discuss fighting transnational crime through the China-U.S. Joint Liaison Group on Law Enforcement Cooperation.
936. Diplomat squabble to cover up secret deal (12/7/2016)

China hopes Trump call with Taiwan leader won't damage ties

Gillian Wong and Johnson Lai,
Associated Press December 2, 2016

It is highly unusual, probably unprecedented, for a U.S. president or president-elect to speak directly with a leader of Taiwan, a self-governing island the U.S. broke diplomatic ties with in 1979.

It is a cover up action to shelter the secret deal underneath. There was a similar tactic acted in 2001. They created a diplomatic dispute - EP3 spy plane collided with a Chinese military jet. So be this time. People would hardly believe the two have collaborated to frame a big murder case while having a bicker squabble outwardly.

Trump hasn't sitting on president chair. Yet he has confirmed the secret deal with Chinese leader and done the cover up job already. How hurry the Feds is to eliminate Kat Sung.

937. Car accident killing plot (12/9/2016)

As persecution stepping up, I allege my wife will be the first victim in next plot. The Feds have arranged her two trips already. (one in October and another one in Novermber) This time is in US.

My wife came home late last night without her car. She said her colleague drove her for a dinner and then sent her back. She left her car in office site. I think it's a trick arranged by the Feds. A sabotage has done on her car for an accident. She used to be volunteer driver to pick up friends and relatives for family gathering on week ends. Tomorrow is week end. An accident would eliminate a whole car of people the Feds want to silence.

938. Car accidents and planting (12/14/2016)

12/11, Sunday, my daughter came to my house and slept overnight. My wife said my daughter had a car accident and had her car for repair. In last message I wrote I worried a car accident might have been arranged on my wife, so the Feds did it on my daughter. It's an open intimidation to show that they could do it anytime on anybody to kill people by accident or plant something in their car.

Early last month (November), before my wife's trip to China and Philippines, I found a notebook computer in sitting room. My wife said it was a computer left over by a customer. It has been more than two years. Nobody came to claim it so they thought it was abandoned. I thought of an attempt of computer plant (see "657. Internet control and computer plant (12/16/2010)")so leave that notebook alone. My wife said she would bring it to her brother(she'd meet her brother in that trip) to see if they could use it. I warned her it might be a plant and those used it might get into trouble. She was in rage and still brought it to her brother.

Two weeks ago, my wife told me that my nephew would move to a new bought huuse. There was a pretty new washer abandoned by former landlord. My nephew wouldn't take it so she'd take it home. Ours doesn't work well. I firmly refused. I had experience that Feds installed killing instrument in refrigrator. There was no exception this time. Only I think the planting thing is not killing instrument but something illegal like drugs that would lead to an arrest.

Two continueous trips, abandoned computer, abandoned washer, car accidents, the Feds work busily these days. Most works seem to be frame case by planting.

711. Appliance trick (3/17/2012)

About 15 years ago, my wife told me a computer company on upstair of her tourist agency was shut down. The computer company had a garage sale on its asset. She bought a refrigerator. Since the "Operation Fire Dragon" just ended, (see 32. "Operation Fire Dragon") and Feds used to monitor the target as close as possible, I thought it was a surveillance team covered up in the name of "computer company". I kept a wary eye on that refrigerator from the Feds and refuse to use it. We had two refrigerators already in the kitchen. I put it in the garage.

Sometime later (a year or so), my wife told me B (my brother in law) wanted to buy that old refrigerator. Why B wanted a refrigerator he didn't need? I thought it was a method Feds taking back a high tech weapon through one of their informant. Before the refrigerator was sent to S.F. I took a test to see if it worked. I connected it to the power. It started with a low humming. I put a tray of water in the ice cabinet. Thirty minutes later I came back and found it stopped work. (no humming was heard) The water was cooler but not iced. It proved what I had worried: the refrigerator emitted EM wave, (in low sensitivity but would hurt health after sometime exposure in radiation). The surveillance team detected it with instrument. It was remote controlled so they switched off the power.

The refrigerator was moved to S.F.. B put it in the porch - he didn't need it. That night someone broke off the low compartment of the refrigerator and took off something inside it. Several days later I went to visit my parants there and saw it with a black openning in the bottom.

A few weeks ago, my wife complained the refrigerator was not cool enough. I thought, same trick came again? It was.

In later February, my wife discarded some appliance such like oven, warming pot. She bought a new oven in bargain price. Lady R.G. (I think R.G. is a guider works for the Feds) told her a site where Cosco have its flawed merchandise sold in low price. Several days later she bought a slow cooker.

In the morning of 3/5, my wife put the chicken in that cooker and switched it on then left home the whole day. My daughter left home the whole day too. I work on computer until I felt sick in the evening. I thought the problem came from that slow cooker and pulled off its plug. Later I told my wife that cooker may be an instrument that emits EM wave. I wouldn't let same thing happen again.
939. Forum censorship and coming framed case (12/21/2016)

The main reason I am persecuted so much by the Feds is the
messages I posted in internet. They are too true to let people know. In recent weeks, three web sites I posted for years were closed. I think that's because they accumulate too much of my stories and it's time to finish this case. (Donald Trump is escorted to grab the power to eliminate me and people who know my story) I believe Julian Assange and Wikileaks are false flag of the Feds to wipe out free spoken webs include those which I posted at. So Julian Assange still hides in Ecuadore Embassy because Kat Sung's case not finished.


The Forum/Board is Ending (Announcement)


NOTICE: This forum will be closed on December 18 - more information here. For those that want to continue with us on a new forum we are moving here:


This forum will stop updating!(7-12-2016)
Author: Administrator
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As Donald Trump is becoming US president, the Feds clean their way to eliminate. The framed case might take place in coming holiday season. The Feds used to arrange arrest when my family members gather together to celeberate the festival. Watch what kinds of big events they would use to distract the framed case.

You may find part of my thread in following sites. Though I don't think they would survive in coming action.

940. The FBI interfere US president election (12/29/2016)

The FBI played an active role to interfere the US 2016 president election. It hit Democrate's nominee Hillary Clinton by email gate to help its candidate Donald Trump. The evident scene was in July 5 during Chilcot report. "FBI Director Comey potentially gave Clinton’s political rivals some ammunition, conceding there was "evidence of mishandling” classified information and that an FBI employee who did the same “would face consequences for this.”
The FBI didn't indict Clinton because they have no evidence that Clinton intended to do wrong with her email setup."( In fact, this is common for others. Powell had done samething. Why they beat the drum this time on Clinton? Because this time the FBI need a candidate of their own to handle a criminal case. So they determined to help Trump to win the election. This was also the time the Feds made a secret deal with Russian to hack Clinton's computer.

So then Trump started to call for Russian's help. Why not China? Because he knew they had a deal with Russia already.

Donald J. Trump said on Wednesday that he hoped Russian intelligence services had successfully hacked Hillary Clinton’s email, and encouraged them to publish whatever they may have stolen, essentially urging a foreign adversary to conduct cyberespionage against a former secretary of state.

—JULY 27, 2016

What Russian had hacked? Maybe there was something important. Because in President Debate, Trump intimidated his rival hillary that he'd have special prosecutor and "you'd be in jail".

On 10/28, the FBI director Comey reopened Clintion email investigation, then dramatically dropped the investigation on 11/6. A powerful department of the nation so openly, actively interfere in president election is unprecedented.
941. Payment to Russia for hacking in US election (1/4/2017)

Of course, Russia won't do it for free. There must be a secret deal between the intelligence of the two countries. We outsiders can only see it from some facts.

The secret deal: Hacked email were handed to Wikileaks to issue to hit Hillary Clinton.

The payment of secret deal:

1. Aleppo falls (or "liberated" from Russia side) on 12/15. Resistance and civil withdraw from East Aleppo by bus. Five years fight ends. A big victory for Russia and its allies.

2. Economic interest.

Japan pledges 300 bil. yen economic package at Abe-Putin summit

December 17, 2016

The total value of Japan's contribution in investment and loans, including through agreements between private sector firms, is around 300 billion yen ($2.54 billion), Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Kotaro Nogami said after the leaders' summit.

Putin dismissed the notion that he was only interested in getting economic benefits from Japan.

"If anyone thinks we’re interested only in developing economic links and a peace deal is of secondary importance, that’s not the case," he told the same news conference. That's all for the controversial islands. He went Japan just for those business deals.

You may say that's something between Russia and Japan. The Truth is Japan is the pocket slave of the US. If you still remember Trump claims credit for $50 billion investment by Japanese firm and 7 billion from a Taiwan firm. They were puppet nations that have to pay their defense share that Trump demands. Include that payment to Russia for the US sake.

942. How the FBI helps Donald Trump (1/11/2017)

Trump is the candidate of the FBI. He from the beginning knew the secret deal of email hacking between the FBI and Russian secret police.

Though Trump said hacking had ‘no effect on the outcome of the election’. He can not explain why he
Called on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails.


“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference

The unusual friendship manifested in his tweet that Putin has been praised for many times as being smart and being admired and respected.

The fact that Russian were paid with war interest and economic interest after Trump being elected US president. (see #941)

The fact that Putin remains inaction after President Obama retaliating Russia's hacking with new sanction and diplomats' expelling. (Putin says he is waiting for Trump's administration.)

All these proved there was a secret deal that Russian hacked US in election to the order of Trump and his master.

Trump also was helped by the FBI in following fields.

1. S.S.G. rally. It's a nation wide informants net. A resource controlled by the Feds. (see #901)

2. Cyber space team, especially in face book. Combine with the fake news created by the disinformation office, they waged a wave in internet community to support Trump and tarnish Clinton.

3. Media. See #924. "Harvard Study Confirms The Media Tore Down Clinton, Built Up Trump And Sanders
by Carter Maness".