The only book I still have of his--I tossed the rest when I moved about 2 years ago-- is
I'll give you one example from it (I annotated it to make it easy to demolish his arguments). I kept this one because he did endnote it. Here's an online copy if you want to check things:
Includes bibliographical references (p. 150-159)
On page 94 and 95 he talks about Blacks and welfare stating...
Two thirds of whites in one survey said the disadvantages suffered by blacks are due to their dependence on welfare, which, again, is an odd claim, seeing as how five out of six blacks don't receive any.
This is his not understanding statistics and lack of mathematical background. Also, his claim is wrong.
A new data tool allows users to explore thousands of social safety statistics 2013-2019 and demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of recipients.
50.1% of all persons getting SNAP (aka Food Stamps), TANF, and section 8 rental subsidies are black. That's the official government numbers.
His source is second hand and heavily biased.
Research profile and professional activities of Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
Bonilla-Silva is a radical Leftist professor at Duke University. That's why his claim here is for shit.