The reason I opened with 'blah blah blah' is because of your use of substanceless buzzwords to say completely nonintelligent things.
Hey. That's why I used blah blah blah too! Small world.
Example? You say that corporations are 'selling people out'. In what way?
They are often incented with raises and perks to transfer jobs away from fellow citizens to cheaper slave labor. This both degrades the standard of living for americans, and ultimately the entire economy becomes smaller from money being siphoned out, if more money is going out than going in. This is the fundamental reason our economy is failing now. Massive credit used to hide the fact that consumers have no more money. Now that bubble popped. And we see the stupidy of our economic system laid bare to the core. But of course the con men are only worried about confidence in the scam, like always. It sounds bad because it is bad.
Free trade is the idea that businesses can compete on a global level and hire non American workers. THAT is what is being done. But you call it 'selling people out' to make it seem worse.
Free trade has it's place inside a framework of other moral and practical considerations. Recently those sorts of moderating influences have been absent.
Want me to take it further?
let's go all the way to third.
You then claim that free trade stunts the development of developing nations (to which China would greatly disagree) with no basis whatsoever.
It depend on if you think being forced into a nike factory by your fascist overlords is a bright future. Or if you think having the world bank force you to float all your resources on the international market so they can be bought away from you, or so your people can no longer afford food.
You also compare it to 'fascism' and 'corporatism'. This shows that you have no idea what either word means, or else you are knowingly using the words to describe things that they do not actually properly describe. I'm guessing that its the latter.
They're close enough, and both describe out modern society.
Wikipedia describes fascism as an 'authoritarian nationalist'. Free trade is in no way authoritarian nationalism. However, your point of view is VERY nationalist and the government controlling of business is authoritarian in nature, so I would say that you are being the fascist one.
Corporatism is just another buzzword and not worth my time to analyze.
Fascism is when state and corporate entites form together in an oppressive collective.
They use the rhetoric of "internationalization", "globalization" as concepts to use to weaken governments ability to protect citizens from corporate abuse. That's why they're internationalist fascists.
You then claim that 'corporate structures are totalitarian' which shows an acute misunderstanding of the idea of free enterprise, much less the idea of an authoritative state.
Corporation are hierarchical and totalitarian. They are not democracy. Theyre at best, an oligarchy.
And lo!, right after you call private institutions totalitarian you have the nerve to suggest that an overseeing powerful entity is needed to reign them in. Keep them in line. You call it a national security issue even!
Oh the nerve. Yes. I believe the state should be more powerful than government.
Additionally, from a security perspective, it is foolish to have your national supply lines for all resources spread out all over the globe, even in hands of potential enemies.
And then you claim that corporations "must be reigned in by a more powerful entity which uses other considerations".
Protectionism? Nationalism? Powerful governing institutions? Who's really the one calling for authoritarianism here?
Im calling for rational government operated for the benefit of a majority of citizens, not just corporate assholes and their fascist buddies.
You suck at thinking.