Say something good about a poster who has the opposite political view


Let's go Brandon!

Here's a guy who thinks that everything good is purely a function of modern liberalism, and the corollary, of course, is that all evils originate from and are nourished by modern conservatism. Prior to marriage he's had sex with multiple people including men. To sum him up in one phrase: 'all perversions must be good'.

The good thing about Jayrod, or Gayrod, is that I don't think he really hates conservatives, just conservatism. He's like my buddy Ken, who's a great guy to have a beer with because his off-the wall philosophy cracks me up.

Here's a guy who thinks that everything good is purely a function of modern liberalism, and the corollary, of course, is that all evils originate from and are nourished by modern conservatism. Prior to marriage he's had sex with multiple people including men. To sum him up in one phrase: 'all perversions must be good'.

The good thing about Jayrod, or Gayrod, is that I don't think he really hates conservatives, just conservatism. He's like my buddy Ken, who's a great guy to have a beer with because his off-the wall philosophy cracks me up.

That's right Right, I don't hate Conservatives, in fact I really like a lot of them.

I don't agree with you that these things are perversions, however, I believe they are the natural order of things. We are not in a fight against nature, we are in a fight to live in nature. Nature in this sense is simply another word for God. So, done with respect in a way that does not harm anyone, any type of sex is not necessarily a perversion but a celebration of God. Any form of living our lives in a way that creates joy for ourselves and others, and does not harm others, is a celebration of God!
I'd say Mott too. Mott usually has a reason for believing the things he does which is really all you can ask for plus he can talk about off topic stuff without bringing up politics. And he's funny.
twitter twitter , little hands, hates American, loves foriegn lands

you fucks lie and support Russia over America
I'd say Mott too. Mott usually has a reason for believing the things he does which is really all you can ask for plus he can talk about off topic stuff without bringing up politics. And he's funny.

Mott is really one of the few liberals who's threads I read. He has a different take and is always funny.
I'd say Mott too. Mott usually has a reason for believing the things he does which is really all you can ask for plus he can talk about off topic stuff without bringing up politics. And he's funny.

The problem with Mott is that he can never admit when he's wrong, even in the face of scientific fact.
I hate liars

I'm sorry

In cant say something good about liars

By not banning you from this thread I gave you the chance to show that you're more than a lump of decaying flesh and can actually see good in others who disagree with you, but you failed.
Now, for the task at hand.

I like the Conservatives on this board who are willing to hash out the details and not just throw red meat and run. That's Right and Guille and Anatta, Darth, I am sure I am missing some.

I also like Cawakw, because he has a different perspective and is not always party line.

I miss Damocles, when he was here more and willing to hash things out and stick to a conversation. Now days he mostly just throws a bumper sticker slogan and leaves.
Rune and Mott

we don't agree on much at all, and sometimes have cross words, but they are both solid and intelligent with very cogent arguments about the things important to them.
Christie has a good heart and works hard to see people as basically good. We don't agree on much but there is a place for good heartedness.
Rune and Mott

we don't agree on much at all, and sometimes have cross words, but they are both solid and intelligent with very cogent arguments about the things important to them.

I'll agree on Rune too. I like talking to him although I'm not sure he counts as my opposite because we do agree on the big stuff usually, it's the little things we argue about.
Rune and Mott

we don't agree on much at all, and sometimes have cross words, but they are both solid and intelligent with very cogent arguments about the things important to them.

STY, I like you... you are a bit of a one issue guy, but you find ways to relate that issue to the topic at hand. You have a unique view of the Constitution and while I disagree you are almost always able to present an argument in support of your stance, and usually Supreme Court cases that make me see the issue differently.