Scalia says Satan is 'a real person'

I like the idea, to name god is not God.
late night here for philosophy. I can't get started on this thought, if you wanna give me an's all good, no need if you don't feel like it i'll try to contemplate it for awhile.
Its not about Jew or Christian myths or beliefs....

Hey, rationalize it anyway you your tricycle god for all I care....
Re-writing the accepted definitions of 'god' and 'atheist' don't change reality.

The supernatural lost it's hold on you ?'re you're an atheist.....don't be ashamed to say it. You sound like a fool
trying to have it both ways....the truth will set you free.
Keep believing in superman if you like numb nuts
Its not about Jew or Christian myths or beliefs....

Hey, rationalize it anyway you your tricycle god for all I care....
Re-writing the accepted definitions of 'god' and 'atheist' don't change reality.

The supernatural lost it's hold on you ?'re you're an atheist.....don't be ashamed to say it. You sound like a fool
trying to have it both ways....the truth will set you free.

so you are admitting your god is supernatural? i.e. doesn't exist?

(of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature
Keep believing in superman if you like numb nuts

.:rofl2:...Note to Rana..... to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition without ever having actually refuted the original position....:rofl2:

Then, what can you expect from a ged moron.

Are you learning ?
so you are admitting your god is supernatural? i.e. doesn't exist?

My God.....?.....I admit I'm an agnostic, and have admitted it many times.....but if you don't know the meaning of 'god' or 'atheist' you probably have to look 'agnostic'
up too......just admit what you are in common everyday English....that pretty simple isn't it....if you don't believe in the supernatural, you're an atheist....just
say it instead of make stupid rationalizations to avoid it.....words have meanings.
Its not about Jew or Christian myths or beliefs....

Hey, rationalize it anyway you your tricycle god for all I care....
Re-writing the accepted definitions of 'god' and 'atheist' don't change reality.

The supernatural lost it's hold on you ?'re you're an atheist.....don't be ashamed to say it. You sound like a fool
trying to have it both ways....the truth will set you free.

I am truly sorry higher thought escapes you.
I am truly sorry higher thought escapes you.

Higher thought ?....thats funny coming from someone that can't even admit to themselves what their beliefs define them as in simple everyday English....let alone
contemplate metaphysical ideas....
Physics isn't a divine being or Supreme Being.....and no one I know worships physics in the normal sense....
there is the concept of self enlightenment, we are our own god -we can perfect ourselves out of the cyclic suffering of rebirth

there are many aspect of karma, the basic is causation:
Every effect arises from a cause. Under certain conditions, a cause will come to an effect. This is a universal principle, on which Buddhist morality is based.
The Buddha said, "According to the seed that is sown,
So is the fruit you reap
The door of good will gather good result
The door of evil reaps evil result.
If you plant a good seed well,
Then you will enjoyed the good fruits
1. Ignorance is the condition for karmic activity;
2. Karmic activity is the condition for consciousness;
3. Consciousness is the condition for the name and form;
4. Name and form is the condition for the six sense organs;
5. Six sense organs are the condition for contact;
6. Contact is the condition for feeling;
7. Feeling is the condition for emotional love/craving;
8. Emotional love/craving is the condition for grasping;
9. Grasping is the condition for existing;
10. Existing is the condition for birth;
11. Birth is the condition for old age and death;
12. Old age and death is the condition for ignorance; back to (1) and the cycle continues...

one of the very best descriptions I've glanced upon, the Law of Dependent Origination - I think this is the cyclic nature of unperfected self...

"annata" = no self, the ability to see the the world ,and the self as a seamless entity, not focusing on the self gives a better understanding of the universe..

Oy. a lot for a western mind to "grasp"
Higher thought ?....thats funny coming from someone that can't even admit to themselves what their beliefs define them as in simple everyday English....let alone
contemplate metaphysical ideas....
Physics isn't a divine being or Supreme Being.....and no one I know worships physics in the normal sense....
Did you learn physics in the navy mopping decks. Obviously you had no chance at college.
Sorry, not buying the devil. There is evil, but it is physical, like you and I. The supernatural lost it's hold on me eighteen years ago and I have never looked back, never regretted it.
you don't have to buy him.....he comes free....sort of a death benefit......